
Версия от 20:24, 12 сентября 2020; imported>Honker (Частичный перевод)
Исследовательский Отдел

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Сотрудники Департамента
Руководства для Сотрудников
Зоны для исследовательского департамента

Обычно работа Роботехника's (Или, иногда Biomechanical Engineer или Mechatronic Engineer) состоит в создании киборгов и их обслуживания. Кроме того роботехники должны создавать полезных ботов, по типу Медбота и Бипски. Кроме того, именно они должны следить или обслуживать протезированные конечности. Не забывайте отнести несколько таких конечностей в медбей. Кроме того, неплохой идеей будет создание Механических Экзокостюмов(Или, как их обычно называют: Мехов), обычно используемые шахтерами, но иногда могут потребоватся для обеспечения огневой поддержки или лечения персонала.

Ваше место работы

Роботехника это твой дом, в котором ты и появляешься. Внутри вы можете найти несколькоФабрикаторов, которые могут создавать части мехов, киборгов или некоторые другие предметы, пара зарядников для киборгов, два зарядника для мехов, несколько стопок стекла и метала, батарейки, провода, а так же стол, на котором стоят несколько мультитулов, ящики с инструментами, несколько флешеров, лом, датчик движения, ещё одна батайка и зарядник для батареек.

Что бы просмотреть СОПы для этой профессии нажмите по этой ссылке.

Создание машин убийц для чайников

Ты можешь делать одни из самых сильных штук на станции. Вот примерный план на начало раунда:

Во первых, и самое главное - выйди из своего офиса и иди к хранилищу инструментов, который находится около инженерии. Хранилище инструментов полно полезных для вас вещей, так что вот вам вещи которые желательно взять:

  • Обе батарейки
  • Плата автолата
  • Мультитул
  • Один моток кабеля
  • Обе флешки
  • Изоляционные перчатки

Хорошая идея будет зайти в Запасное Хранилище Инструментов(которое у мостика) и взять оттуда стекло и метал. Во время этого путешествия(ага) ты можешь встретить врага всех людей с доступом куда-либо: Цивилов, так что будь на чеку и если что - флешь их и убегай.

Возвращайтесь в ваш рабочий офис, и перво наперво - замените батареи присутствующим на смене киборгам на более хорошую(изначально у них стоит самая худшая батарейка лишь на 5 тысяч)

После этого идите в РнД и запросите у них запчасти для Автолатаможете осмотреть его, что бы узнать что нужно). После того как вы его сделаете напечатайте индустриальную сварку(Industrial) и на этом вы можете забыть о нем

Now, it's time to start building robots. The first thing you are going to want to build is a cyborg, perhaps two. Fill the Exosuit Fabricators with metal and get them working. Outside of your office, by now you may have 1-2 assistants who want you to borg'em. Oblige, this is what you are here to do after all. Take out their brains after you order Mech parts from the cargo department, which you can do with the Requests Console conveniently placed behind the Circuit Fabricator. Once they have been borged, it's time to make your first mech.

Assemble your Ripley while you are waiting for the boards, and hopefully by the time they arrive the whole station hasn't gone to shit.

Preparedness is next to Godliness

Build another cyborg. Try to keep at least 1 cyborg body on standby for the inevitable train of corpses that will be coming through your door. Now you can build the fun mechs, assuming Science has been doing their part. If not, keep busy by stealing a bucket from Hydroponics, or making tons of medical droids.

Synchronize up your R&D console to process any new semi-useful designs researched by your useless colleagues, set your Exosuit Fabricator to auto-sync, and get building. Feed the Circuit Fabricator the acid sitting on it. Make sure that mining has brought you the metals you need. You will have a love-hate relationship with the science division. On the one hand they will be inventing fun toys for you, on the other they are taking all that wonderful silver from you that could be going to making a Durand. Once you do get enough ores though, it's smooth sailing. Remember your Mechs are going to be the only thing that can fight some of the powerful things that end up attacking the station, so everyone is counting on you.

Transplanting Brains

Cyborgs wont work until the roboticist transplants a brains into them. In order to do so you need some basic knowledge of Surgery. There are two ways to extract brains from a person or victim. You can either amputate the head and then crack open the skull with the bone setter or if you want to do it properly (and not get questions like "why are there so many corpses with missing heads" from the coroner). You have to make an incision at the head area (organ manipulation), then follow the guides on the surgery monitor until you get to the part of manipulating organs. Pick up your hemostat and scoop up the brain from the now empty skull and you have yourself a brain for cyborgification. You don't need to bother yourself with mending the incision as it would only be a waste of your time.

When disposing of the corpse it is also a good idea to take out your pen from your PDA and write on the body bag that the person was in fact borged and not murdered in some gruesome fashion.

Job Tasks

Additionally, there are certain tasks that will reward the player with credits for completing them.

No extra work is required, the fulfillment of these tasks will immediately reward the player with the stated credit amounts.

Robotics Tasks
Название Описание Оплата Дополнительно
Make a cyborg Make a Cyborg or Android. $100 per unit
Make a Ripley Make a Ripley. $600 per unit

Other Tips

  • People will come to you with requests for artificial limbs if they lose theirs in an accident or on purpose. Borg arms and legs serve as your main prosthetics to transplant onto people and it can be a good idea to make some spare borg parts for missing limbs in advance.
  • You might need to repair damaged artificial limbs on people. Cables heal burn damage and you use a welder to heal brute damage. Just make sure that you're targeting their artificial limbs and not their natural limbs.
  • You do start out with and can make artificial brains. These brains are useful for when a person's head can't be transplanted to a cyborg and this can occur because of many different reasons. You need to activate these and then wait until they "catch" a soul. It can be a good idea to have at least one on hand so you can fill the station with unfeeling, relatively loyal, cybernetic creatures.
  • Keep your metal organized, and understand how much each machine will take. (You will always need more metal.)
  • Glass and flashes are important for your robotics work, as are various devices, security equipment and rare minerals. Don't waste them.
  • Have a plan before you start building anything huge, like a mech suit. (Without the circuitry, they are useless.)
  • Make sure to perform maintenance and power cell upgrades on cyborgs that come in; NanoTrasen usually doesn't load them with anything but the minimum required power cells.
  • Tech Storage is your friend. It has two flashes, two power cells, and insulated gloves. Raiding tech storage can net you an extra cyborg exosuit before having to beg cargo for a robotics assembly. For bonus points, beg the CE/RD/AI to let you into secure tech storage to get a Robotics/Exosuit Control Circuitboard to control what you make, in case it decides to kill everyone.
  • Ensure you have proper eye protection when you weld, or you'll become blind quickly.
  • Roboticists are usually quite busy during their shifts since there's almost always someone who wants to be borged, need new limbs, wants a mech suit or just wants an item from your laboratory. Cyborgs will also periodically roam into your laboratory asking for upgrades. If both of the roboticists work together efficiently it's a good chance that they wont be overwhelmed so make sure that you form a good working relationship with your colleague. It's usually best to split your tasks up with one person being responsible for borgification of the crew and another being responsible for creating mech suits.
  • If you're being overwhelmed by people asking for things at your desk, you can in fact slow this process down a little by requesting that they fill in and stamp the proper paperwork before you begin your procedure. You're supposed to do this anyway but not everyone likes a pencil-pusher and when they come back with the filled in paperwork you pretty much have to drop everything you're doing and take care of their request. Many people who stop by your desk wont know how to create paperwork themselves so it's best that you make some yourself if you want to push paperwork on people.
  • For the love of Darth Vader, unless you want people to get pissed off and break into your lab, (leading to a scuffle along with death, serious injury, and/or more death) listen for when someone calls you to your desk!


  • Make cyborg bodies and install MMI's in them.
  • Try to 'borg antagonists instead of the death penalty. They still fail, but are no longer a danger.
  • Cut AI control when the AI is rogue.
  • Make useful bots and leave them around the station.
  • Make a Ripley before combat mechs, mining usually likes this (and hopefully will like you).
  • Put beacons in all mechs lest they get stolen.
  • Make a Cyborg and Exosuit Control Console.
  • Try to make your own boards by getting acid from chemistry and getting R&D to sync the servers.
  • Remember to periodically sync your own R&D console to get the most out of their research data
  • Recognise that the QM might be more inclined to get you some metal/robot assemblies if you don't eat up all of their points with Ripley boards.
  • Put an MMI in a borg without making sure it isn't braindead (the MMI's can speak, you know).
  • Blow all the borgs because one was emagged.
  • Immediately blow all borgs in malf- instead, tell the RD to remove his console's screen, then lock the borgs and take off your console screen so the AI can't access it.
  • Try to make a mech you don't have materials for, nothing is more useless than a pile of Durand limbs while you beg for metal and silver.
  • Go on mech rampages 'because you can'.
  • Be an asshat.
  • Build a mech for anyone who just comes by and asks for one.

Being an Evil Genius

Traitoring as a Roboticist is fun and easy, especially since you spawn with flashes, and an expectation of building very dangerous machines. Your high station access, and access to tech storage will allow you to get pretty much everywhere, also you have gloves from the get go. And, of course, emagging any of your basic creations serves to cause havoc and chaos. Emagging the cyborgs can make them do what you want. Some people will ignore, tell others, or attack you.

A great way to grab your own personal cyborg, to meet your own doom, or to gain a new brain to add to your backpack, is to grab a flash and put it in your pocket or hand. Go ahead and grab some of those cable coils and tie yourself up some cable restraints. When you and somebody else are alone, go ahead and flash the living hell out of them and tie that guy up. Just don't let him scream through the radio immediately afterwards - a screwdriver to the eye is best used for this. (Or you can just take off his headset. That works too.) Or you could just put some rockets on A mech.

Игровые роли космической станции 220
Командование станции КапитанГлава персоналаГлава службы безопасностиГлавный инженерДиректор исследованийГлавный врачКвартирмейстер
Представители Центрального Командования Представитель NanoTrasenОфицер «Синий щит»
Юридический департамент Агент внутренних делМагистрат
Служба Безопасности СмотрительОфицер службы безопасностиДетективКадет
Инженерный отдел Атмосферный техникИнженерСтажёр
Медицинский отдел ВрачПарамедикХимикГенетикВирусологПсихологПатологоанатомИнтерн
Отдел исследований УчёныйРобототехникСтудент
Снабжение ГрузчикШахтёрИсследователь
Сервис УборщикПоварБарменБотаникПарикмахерКлоунМимСвященникБиблиотекарь
Разное МышкаГражданскийПеплоходецПризракГолем
Синтетики ИИКиборгДрон техобслуживанияПерсональный ИИ
Антагонисты АбдукторБлобВампирГенокрадДемон резниЗомбиИсследователь синдикатаКонструктКонтрактникКсеноморфКульт кровиМагМорфПауки УжасаПредательРевенантРеволюционерТеневой демонХранительЭлектродемонЯдерный оперативник
Специальные Офицер центрального командованияОтряд быстрого реагированияОтряд СмертиТорговцы ТСФСупергерои и суперзлодеиГорецСпециальные ивентовые роли