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Что такое МОДульные скафандры?

Mod UI.png
Исследовательский Отдел

Канал связи :n

Сотрудники Департамента
Руководства для Сотрудников
Зоны для исследовательского департамента
Отдел Снабжения
Медицинский Департамент

Глава отдела
Главный врач

Канал связи :m

Сотрудники Департамента
Руководства для Сотрудников
Зоны для медицинского отдела
Служба Безопасности

Канал связи :s

Сотрудники Департамента
Руководства для Сотрудников
Зоны для службы безопасности

Modular Outerwear Devices, AKA MODsuits, are customizable hardsuits that support a variety of modules to assist the wearer. To manufacture and use one of these, you'll need to visit both Cargo and Robotics to gather up all the parts, put all of the parts together!

Using a MODsuit

To use a MODsuit, place it on your backpack slot, where your satchel/backpack would normally go. You can also place items into the MODsuit as you would place them into a backpack, if it's equipped with a Storage Module. Deploy each part of the suit, and then activate it.

Charging a MODsuit.

If your MODsuit is operating on aMod Core.gif standard core, enter a cyborg charger Borgrecharge.png while wearing the suit to recharge it's cell. Eventually, you can also change it's cell.

If your MODsuit is operating on a Mod Plasma Core.gif plasma core, which is a standard for mining MODsuits, insert Plasma.png plasma sheets into the Mod Control.pngcontrol unit.

Pre-Equipped MODsuits

Item location свернутьDefault Modules
Standard MODsuit
Mod Standard.png
Can be built by robotics N/A
Engineering MODsuit
Mod Engineering.png
Engineering Suit Storage, can be built by robotics
  • Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • Radiation Detection
  • Flashlight
  • Magnetic Stability
  • Emergency Tether
Atmospheric MODsuit
Mod Atmospheric.png
Atmospherics Suit Storage, can be built by robotics
  • Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • Radiation Detection
  • Flashlight
  • T-Ray
Advanced MODsuit
Mod Advanced.png
Chief Enginner's Office, can be bought from Sol Traders
  • Advanced Magnetic Stability
  • Expanded Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • Radiation Detection
  • Flashlight
  • Advanced Ion Jetpack
Loader MODsuit
MOD Loader.png
Can be ordered from cargo
  • Loader Clamp
  • Loader Arms
  • Loader Magner
  • Expanded Storage
  • Flashlight
  • Stamper
Mining MODsuit
Mod Mining.png
Mining Equipment Vendor
  • Ash Armor
  • Sphere Transform
  • Storage
  • Internal GPS
  • Ore Bag
  • Hydraullic Clamp
Medical MODsuit
Mod Medical.png
Medbay Suit Storage, can be built by robotics
  • Storage
  • Flashlight
  • Injector
Rescue MODsuit
Mod Rescue.png
Paramedic's office, Chief Medical Officer's Office, can be bought from Sol Traders
  • Expanded Storage
  • Flashlight
  • Injector
  • Defibrillator
Research MODsuit
Mod Research.png
Research Director's Office, can be bought from Sol Traders
  • Reagent Scanner
  • Expanded Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • Flashlight
  • T-Ray
Security MODsuit
Mod Security.png
Armory, can be built by robotics
  • Storage
  • Flashlight
  • Mirage Grenade
  • Ion Jetpack
Safeguard MODsuit
Mod Safeguard.png
Head of Security's Office, can be bought from Sol Traders
  • Expanded Storage
  • Flashlight
  • Mirage Grenade
  • Advanced Ion Jetpack
  • Holster
Magnate MODsuit
Mod Magnate.png
Captain's Office
  • Expanded Storage
  • Advanced Ion Jetpack
Cosmohonk MODsuit
Mod Cosmohonk.png
Can be built by robotics N/A
Syndicate MODsuit
Mod Syndicate.png
Syndicate Uplink, Nuclear Operative Uplink
  • Armor Booster
  • Syndicate Storage
  • EMP Shield
  • Ion Jetpack for Traitors OR Advanced Ion Jetpack for Nuclear Operatives
  • Flashlight
  • No-Slip
Syndicate Elite MODsuit
Mod Syndicate Elite.png
Syndicate Uplink, Nuclear Operative Uplink
  • Armor Booster
  • Syndicate Storage
  • EMP Shield
  • Status Readout
  • Advanced Ion Jetpack
  • Flashlight
  • No-Slip
Prototype MODsuit
Mod Prototype.png
Space Ruins
  • Prototype Kinesis
  • Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • Radiation Detection
  • Flashlight
  • Emergency Tether
Responsory MODsuit
Mod Responsory.gif
Emergency Response Team
  • Insignia
  • Syndicate Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • EMP Shield
  • Status Readout
  • Flashlight
  • Advanced Magnetic Stability
  • Advanced Ion Jetpack
  • Role-Specific Module:

Apocryphal MODsuit
Mod Deathsquad.png
Death Squad
  • Bluespace Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • EMP Shield
  • Advanced Ion Jetpack
  • Status Readout

Apocryphal Officer MODsuit Only:

  • Power Kick
Corporate MODsuit
Mod Corporate.png
Central Command
  • Bluespace Storage
  • EMP Shield
  • Status Readout
  • Kinesis Plus
Debug and Administrative MODsuits
Mod Debug.png
  • Bluespace Storage
  • Welding Protection
  • Flashlight
  • Radiation Detection
  • Bike Horn
  • Injector

Building a MODsuit

  1. Print out helmet, chestplate, gauntlets, boots, MOD shell, and armor from the Exosuit Fabricator.
  2. Mod Core.gif Order a MOD core from Cargo OR find a broken MOD core in maintenance and repair it with a screwdriver. Keep in mind, Robotics Lab also starts with one.
  3. Mod Shell.png Add core to shell.
  4. Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver core to shell.
  5. Mod Helmet.png Add helmet to assembly.
  6. Mod Chestplate.png Add chestplate to assembly.
  7. Mod Gauntlets.png Add gauntlets to assembly.
  8. Mod Boots.png Add boots to assembly.
  9. Wrench.png Wrench assembly.
  10. Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver assembly.
  11. Mod Standard Plating.png Add external plating to assembly.
  12. Screwdriver tool.png Open modsuit panel with screwdriver.
  13. Powercell.png Insert a power cell.
  14. Screwdriver tool.png Close modsuit panel with screwdriver.

Plating Types

NOTE: The stats can be plugged into this formula to get the percentage of damage blocked. For instance, a score of 200 on melee means 80% of damage blocked for melee.

Item Complexity Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Rad Fire Cell Drain Slowdown Other Traits In-Built Modules свернутьAlternate Skins
Standard MODsuit
Mod Standard.png
Mod Standard Plating.png
15 15 5 5 5 0 25 33 5 0.75 civilian
Mod Civilian.png
Mod Skin Applier.png
Engineering MODsuit
Mod Engineering.png
Mod Engineering Plating.png
15 20 5 5 5 30 150 IMMUNE 5 0.75 shock-proof and heat resistant
Atmospheric MODsuit
Mod Atmospheric.png
Mod Atmospheric Plating.png
12 20 5 5 5 15 15 IMMUNE 10 0.75 extreme heat resistance
Advanced MODsuit
Mod Advanced.png
Mod Advanced Plating.png
12 35 10 10 10 50 IMMUNE IMMUNE 7.5 0.45 Acid and Fire resistant, shock-proof
Loader MODsuit
MOD Loader.png
10 20 5 5 5 10 0 25 5 0
Mining MODsuit
Mod Mining.png
12 30 5 5 5 50 50 50 10 0.5 ash-proof asteroid mining
Mod Asteroid.png
Mod Skin Applier.png
Medical MODsuit
Mod Medical.png
Mod Medical Plating.png
15 10 5 5 5 10 0 75 10 0.45 corpsman
Mod Corpsman.png
Mod Skin Applier.png
Rescue MODsuit
Mod Rescue.png
Mod Rescue Plating.png
15 20 20 5 5 10 50 150 7.5 0.25
Research MODsuit
Mod Research.png
Mod Research Plating.png
20 30 30 5 5 IMMUNE 75 75 5 1
Security MODsuit
Mod Security.png
Mod Security Plating.png
12 25 20 20 5 25 0 150 5 0.45 shock-proof
Safeguard MODsuit
Mod Safeguard.png
Mod Safeguard Plating.png
15 30 25 25 15 40 25 IMMUNE 5 0.25 shock-proof
Magnate MODsuit
Mod Magnate.png
20 50 50 50 15 15 50 IMMUNE 5 0.25 shock-proof
Cosmohonk MODsuit
Mod Cosmohonk.png
Mod Cosmohonk Plating.png
15 5 5 5 5 5 0 75 1.25 1.25
Syndicate MODsuit
Mod Syndicate.png
15 15 in EVA mode
40 in combat mode
20 in EVA mode
50 in combat mode
5 in EVA mode
20 in combat mode
5 in EVA mode
20 in combat mode
35 50 50 5 0.5 in EVA mode
0 in combat mode
Syndicate Elite MODsuit
Mod Syndicate Elite.png
15 50 in EVA mode
75 in combat mode
45 in EVA mode
75 in combat mode
35 in EVA mode
50 in combat mode
10 in EVA mode
25 in combat mode
60 150 IMMUNE 5 0.5 in EVA mode
0 in combat mode
Prototype MODsuit
Mod Prototype.png
20 20 5 10 10 50 50 150 10 0.95
Responsory MODsuit
Mod Responsory.gif
15 40 25 25 20 25 IMMUNE 200 5 0
Apocryphal MODsuit
Mod Deathsquad.png
25 200 200 50 50 IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE 5 0.75
Corporate MODsuit
Mod Corporate.png
15 200 200 50 50 IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE 5 0
Debug MODsuit
Mod Debug.png
50 200 200 50 50 IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE 5 0
Administrative MODsuit
Mod Debug.png
1000 200 200 50 50 IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE 0 0

Modsuit Maintenance

Exchanging the Power Cell

  1. Use Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver on the Mod Control.png MODsuit central controller.
  2. Use Wrench.png Wrench.
  3. Re-insert the Mod Core.gif MODsuit core.
  4. Insert the Powercell.png Power Cell.
  5. Use Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver.

Fixing Wiring

MODsuits wiring can malfunction after MODsuit is damaged by EMPs.
Possible Malfunctions include:

  • Lack of response from the MODsuits functions.
  • The User Interface becoming Dysfunctional until fixed.

In order to fix the wiring:

  1. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  2. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  3. Use a Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
  • Do note the wire order in every single MODsuit is different.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting свернутьWirecutters.png Mending
Shock / Electrify

(Orange Light)

Delivers an electrical shock to the person hacking the MODsuit. Toggles shock mode for up to 30 seconds. Toggles the Orange Light. Will shock anyone hacking the MODsuit until repaired. Returns normal operation.

(Red Light)

Malfunctions the MODsuit, making it sometimes unresponsive to button presses. Malfunctions the MODsuit until the wire is cut and mended. Toggles the Red Light. Malfunctions the MODsuit until the wires mended. Returns the MODsuit to normal functionality.
ID Lock

(Green Light)

Toggles the ID Lock on a MODsuit. Toggles the ID Lock. Toggles the Green Light. None None
Interface Functionality

(Yellow Light)

Toggles the MODsuits User Interface functionality on a MODsuit. Toggles the User Interfaces Functionality. Toggles the Yellow Light. Breaks the User Interfaces Functionality until the wire is mended. Restores the User Interface Functionality.
Dud Wires The remaining two wires in the MODsuit are duds and have no effect. None None None

Upgrading the MODsuit

Module Addition:

  1. Use Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver on the Mod Control.png MODsuit central controller.
  2. Insert modules of your choosing.
  3. Use Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver.

Module Removal:

  1. Use Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver on the Mod Control.png MODsuit central controller.
  2. Use Crowbar.png Crowbar to take the modules out.
  3. Use Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver.


Module power drain is based on MODsuit's power drain.
For example, standard MODsuit drain value is 5. Keeping a visor on drains at a rate of 5•0.3.

Printable Modules

Module Complexity Passive Cell Drain Active Cell Drain On-Use Cell Drain Required Tech Levels свернутьDescription
Storage Module
Mod Storage.png
3 0 0 0 N/A
Extended Storage Module
Mod Extended Storage.png
3 0 0 0 6 Materials
5 Power
6 Engineering
2 EM Spectrum
2 Illegal
Medical Visor Module
Mod Medical Visor.png
1 0 0.3 0 5 Materials
4 Biotech
4 Data Theory
Diagnostic Visor Module
Mod Diagnostic Visor.png
1 0 0.3 0 5 Materials
4 Engineering
4 Biotech
4 Data Theory
Security Visor Module
Mod Security Visor.png
1 0 0.3 0 5 Materials
4 Biotech
4 Data Theory
3 Combat
Meson Visor Module
Mod Meson Visor.png
1 0 0.3 0 4 Materials
4 Biotech
4 Data Theory
Welding Protection Module
Mod Welding Protection.png
1 0 0 0 4 Materials
5 Engineering
4 Biotech
4 Plasma
T-Ray Scanner Module
Mod T-Ray Scanner.png
1 0 0.5 0 2 Materials
2 Engineering
Cloak Module
Mod Cloak.png
4 0 2 10 7 Combat
6 EM Spectrum
3 Illegal
Ion Jetpack Module
Mod Ion Jetpack.png
3 0 0.5 1 7 Materials
7 Engineering

7 EM Spectrum
Magnetic Stabilizator Module
Mod Magnetic Stability.png
2 0 0.5 0 4 Materials
5 Engineering
4 EM Spectrum
Radiation Protection Module
Mod Radiation Protection.png
0 0.1 0 0 4 Materials
4 EM Spectrum
5 Combat
EMP Shield Module
Mod EMP Shield.png
1 0.3 0 0 6 EM Spectrum
7 Combat
3 Illegal
Flashlight Module
Mod Flashlight.png
1 0 0.3 0 2 Engineering
2 EM Spectrum
2 Plasma
Emergency Tether Module
Mod Emergency Tether.png
1 0 0 1 4 Materials
5 Engineering
4 EM Spectrum
Reagent Scanner Module
Mod Reagent Scanner.png
1 0 0.2 0 2 Engineering
2 EM Spectrum
2 Plasma
Internal GPS Module
Mod Internal GPS.png
1 0 0 0.2 2 Materials
2 Bluespace
Thermal Regulator Module
Mod Thermal Regulator.png
1 0 0.3 0 3 Materials
2 EM Spectrum
3 Plasma
Injector Module
Mod Injector.png
1 0 0.3 0 6 Materials
4 Biotech
5 EM Spectrum
Defibrillator Module
Mod Defibrillator.png
2 0 0 200 7 Materials
7 Biotech
6 Power
Bike Horn Module
Mod Bike Horn.png
1 0 0 1 3 Materials
3 Data Theory
Waddle Module
Mod Waddle.png
1 0.2 0 0 3 Materials
3 Data Theory
Crate Clamp Module
Mod Crate Clamp.png
3 0 0 1 3 Materials
3 Data Theory
Drill Module
Mod Drill.png
2 0 0 1 6 Materials
5 Engineering
5 Power
Ore Bag Module
Mod Ore Bag.png
1 0 0 0.2 2 Materials
3 Engineering
2 Power
DNA Lock Module
Mod DNA Lock.png
2 0 0 3 6 Materials
6 Engineering
5 Power
2 Illegal
Holster Module
Mod Holster.png
2 0 0 0 2 Materials
3 Engineering
2 Power
Active Sonar Module
Mod Active Sonar.png
2 0 0 4 6 Materials
5 Engineering
5 Power
Pathfinder Module
Mod Pathfinder.png
2 0 0 200 6 Materials
5 Engineering
5 Power
Plasma Stabilizer Module
Mod Plasma Stabilizer.png
1 0.3 0 0 2 Materials
3 Engineering
2 Power
Status Readout Module
Mod Status Readout.png
1 0 0 0.1 5 Materials
6 Biotech
5 Power
2 Illegal

Anomaly-Powered Modules

Module Complexity Passive Cell Drain Active Cell Drain On-Use Cell Drain Required Tech Levels свернутьDescription
Teleporter Module
Mod Teleporter.png
3 0 0 5 5 Engineering
6 Plasma
7 Bluespace
5 Combat
Requires bluespace anomaly core to function.
Kinesis Module
Mod Kinesis.png
3 0 0 3 5 Engineering
6 Plasma
7 Bluespace
5 Combat
Requires gravitational anomaly core to function.

Illegal Modules

Module свернутьRequired Tech Levels
Syndicate Storage Module
Mod Syndicate Storage.png
7 Materials
7 Power
7 Engineering
4 Illegal
Plate Compression Module
Mod Plate Compression.png
6 Materials
6 Engineering
5 Power
2 Illegal

Maintenance Modules

Modules, that can be found in Maintenance.

Module Complexity Passive Cell Drain Active Cell Drain On-Use Cell Drain свернутьDescription
Springlock Module
Mod Springlock.png
3 0 0 0
Balloon Blower Module
Mod Balloon Blower.png
1 0 0 0.5
Stamper Module
Mod Stamper.png
1 0 0.3 0

Syndicate Modules

Module Complexity Passive Cell Drain Active Cell Drain On-Use Cell Drain свернутьDescription
Armor Booster Module
Mod Armor Booster.png

Uplink Modules

Modules that can be obtained through Syndicate Uplink.

Module Complexity Passive Cell Drain Active Cell Drain On-Use Cell Drain Telecrystal Cost свернутьDescription
Thermal Visor Module
Mod Thermal Visor.png
1 0 0.3 0 15 TC Lets you see living beings through walls. Also provides night vision.
Night Visor Module
Mod Night Visor.png
1 0 0.3 0 5 TC Lets you see clearer in the dark.
Plate Compression Module
Mod Plate Compression.png
2 0 0 0 10 TC A module that lets the suit compress into a smaller size. Not compatible with storage modules, you will have to take that module out first.
Anti-Slip Module
Mod Anti Slip.png
1 0.1 0 0 5 TC A module preventing the user from slipping on water. Already installed in the uplink modsuits.
Heavily Modified Springlock Module
Mod DNA Lock.png
0 0 0 5 TC A module that spans the entire size of the MOD unit, sitting under the outer shell. This mechanical exoskeleton pushes out of the way when the user enters and it helps in booting up, but was taken out of modern suits because of the springlock's tendency to "snap" back into place when exposed to humidity. You know what it's like to have an entire exoskeleton enter you?

This version of the module has been modified to allow for near instant activation of the MODsuit. Useful for quickly getting your MODsuit on/off, or for taking care of a target via a tragic accident. It is hidden as a DNA lock module. It will block retraction for 10 seconds by default to allow you to follow up with smoke, but you can multitool the module to disable that.

Hidden Holster Module
Mod Emergency Tether.png
1 0 0 0 5 TC A holster module disguised to look like a tether module. Gun not included.

Other Modules

Modules obtainable via other means, as well as ones you cannot obtain.

Module Complexity Passive Cell Drain Active Cell Drain On-Use Cell Drain Location свернутьDescription
Prototype Kinesis Module
Mod Kinesis.png
0 0 0 5 Can be found on the Prototype MODsuit.
Kinesis Module Plus
Mod Kinesis.png
0 0 0 3 Pre-Equipped on Prototype MODsuit.
Insignia Module
Mod Insignia.gif
0 0 0 0 Pre-Equipped on Responsory MODsuit.
Power Kick Module
Mod Power Kick.png
0 0 0 0 Pre-Equipped on commander and inquisitory Responsory MODsuits. Pre-Equipped on Apocryphal MODsuit. Inside of Metroid Bundle. Can be bought from Sol Traders.
Advanced Cloaking Module
Mod Advanced Cloaking.png
Camera Module
Mod Camera.gif
1 0 0 0 Pre-Equipped on Responsory MODsuit.
Advanced Magnetic Stability Module
Mod Magnetic Stability.png
0 0 0.5 0 Pre-Equipped on Advanced, Responsory, Apocryphal, Corporate and Administrative MODsuits.
MOD Magnet Module
Mod Magnet.png
0 Pre-Equipped on Loader MODsuit.