Хранитель: различия между версиями

imported>BOT Purple
(Новая страница: «{{JobPageHeader |colour = 222222 |hcolour = red |stafftype = ANTAGONIST |img = ParasiteOrange.png |jobtitle = Guardian Spirit |access = Same access as your summon...»)
imported>Mister Helper
Строка 15: Строка 15:
Guardians is an overarching term used to describe entities which attach themselves to a host and assist that host while drawing energy from them. The most commonly encountered form of guardian is the holoparasite, a creature designed by the [[Syndicate]] to assist their field operatives during missions. Guardians spirits are able to link themselves to nearly every known species, however they cannot attach themselves to a [[Changeling]] or a [[Vampire]]. Because guardians are reliant on the energy of their host to exist, most cannot travel more than a couple meters away from their host at any time.
Guardians is an overarching term used to describe entities which attach themselves to a host and assist that host while drawing energy from them. The most commonly encountered form of guardian is the holoparasite, a creature designed by the [[Syndicate]] to assist their field operatives during missions. Guardians spirits are able to link themselves to nearly every known species, however they cannot attach themselves to a [[Changeling]] or a [[Vampire]]. Because guardians are reliant on the energy of their host to exist, most cannot travel more than a couple meters away from their host at any time.

== Guardians and YOU! ==
==Стражи и ты!==
Guardians will always be attached to a living person, and normally that person is also up to some traitorous activities. When a guardian is attacked, the damage it receives is transferred to its host. This means that if you spot someone standing off in a corner suspiciously taking damage while a nearby guardian is in combat, you have likely found the guardian's host. When a host is killed, the guardian drawing life force from him/her also dies.
Хранители всегда будут привязаны к живому человеку, и обычно этот человек также занимается какой-то предательской деятельностью. Когда страж подвергается нападению, получаемый им урон передается его хозяину. Это означает, что если вы заметили кого-то, стоящего в углу и подозрительно принимающего урон, в то время как ближайший страж находится в бою, вы, вероятно, нашли хозяина стража. Когда носитель убит, страж, черпающий из него жизненную силу, также умирает.

== Abilities ==

All guardian creatures have access to a similar set of abilities, with each different sub-type of guardian having some ability unique to them as well.
Все существа-хранители имеют доступ к одинаковому набору способностей, причем каждый отдельный подтип хранителей также обладает какой-то уникальной для них способностью.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Action
! Description
!Communicate <br> [[File:ActionCommunicate.png]]
!Общение <br> [[File:ActionCommunicate.png]]
|Telepathically communicate with a host. All hosts also have this ability.
|Общение с хозяином с помощью телепатии. Хозяин так же может общаться с хранителем.
!Manifest <br> [[File:ActionManifest.png]]
!Материализация<br> [[File:ActionManifest.png]]
|The guardian enters into a physical form, allowing it to attack and interact with its surroundings.
|Страж входит в физическую форму, позволяя ему атаковать и взаимодействовать со своим окружением.
!Recall <br> [[File:ActionRecall.png]]
!Исчезнуть <br> [[File:ActionRecall.png]]
|The guardian immediately returns to its host. A host can also force their guardian to return to them.
|Страж немедленно возвращается к своему хозяину. Хозяин может также заставить своего опекуна вернуться к ним.
!Toggle Mode <br> [[File:ActionToggle.png]]
!Режимы <br> [[File:ActionToggle.png]]
|For guardian types who have a secondary form, swaps the abilities available to it.
|Для типов стражей, которые имеют вторичную способность, меняет местами доступные ей способности.
!Toggle Light <br> [[File:ActionLight.png]]
!Свет<br> [[File:ActionLight.png]]
|Generates a small amount of light originating from the guardian's core.
|Генерирует небольшое количество света, исходящего из ядра хранителя.

==Guardian Types==
==Типы хранителей==

Guardians can be divided into 9 subtypes and can be summoned in one of three ways.
Стражи могут быть разделены на 9 подтипов и могут быть вызваны одним из трех способов.
*Magical decks of tarot cards can be used summon a spirit from beyond the veil to aid you. These decks are most commonly found in the possession of members of the wizard federation.
*Holoparasite injectors created by the Syndicate and purchased with a traitor uplink can be used to manifest a nanomachine based creature.
*A Swarm of parasitic insects can take up residence within an individual forming a nest within them. Unhatched eggs of these insects are sometimes found around asteroids.

*Магические колоды карт Таро могут быть использованы для вызова духа хранителя, чтобы помочь вам. Эти колоды чаще всего находятся во владении членов федерации волшебников.
*Голопаразитные инжекторы, созданные синдикатом и купленные с помощью линии связи предателя, могут быть использованы для материализации существа на основе наномашин.
*Рой паразитических насекомых может поселиться внутри особи, образуя в ней гнездо. Невылупившиеся яйца этих насекомых иногда находят вокруг астероидов.

{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;|Description
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Описание
|colspan=2|As a '''Standard''' type, you have no special abilities, but have a high damage resistance and a powerful attack capable of smashing through walls.
| colspan="2" |Как стандартный тип, вы не обладаете особыми способностями,но обладаете высокой устойчивостью к урону и мощной атакой, способной пробивать стены.
;Battlecry:Choose what you shout as you punch
;Боевой клич :Выбирай крик, когда бьешь кулаком
! colspan="3" |Indicator (дальше лень переводить)
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Assistant, faceless and generic, but never to be underestimated.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Assistant, faceless and generic, but never to be underestimated.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Standard combat modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Standard combat modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm stirs to life, ready to tear apart your enemies.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm stirs to life, ready to tear apart your enemies.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As an '''Assassin''' type, you do medium damage and have no damage resistance, but can enter stealth, massively increasing the damage of your next attack and causing it to ignore armor. Stealth is broken when you attack or take damage.
| colspan="2" |As an '''Assassin''' type, you do medium damage and have no damage resistance, but can enter stealth, massively increasing the damage of your next attack and causing it to ignore armor. Stealth is broken when you attack or take damage.
;Stealth:Enter stealth mode to do increase damage
;Stealth:Enter stealth mode to do increase damage
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Space Ninja, a lethal, invisible assassin.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Space Ninja, a lethal, invisible assassin.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Assassin modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Assassin modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of sneaking and stealthy attacks.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of sneaking and stealthy attacks.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As a '''Chaos''' type, you have only light damage resistance, but will ignite any enemy you bump into. In addition, your melee attacks will randomly teleport enemies.
| colspan="2" |As a '''Chaos''' type, you have only light damage resistance, but will ignite any enemy you bump into. In addition, your melee attacks will randomly teleport enemies.
;Dispersion:Teleport victims away from your master
;Dispersion:Teleport victims away from your master
;Deception:Turn your victims against their allies
;Deception:Turn your victims against their allies
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Wizard, bringer of endless chaos!
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Wizard, bringer of endless chaos!
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Crowd control modules activated. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Crowd control modules activated. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to sow havoc at random.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to sow havoc at random.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As a '''Charger''' type you do medium damage, have medium damage resistance, move very fast, and can charge at a location, damaging any target hit and forcing them to drop any items they are holding.
| colspan="2" |As a '''Charger''' type you do medium damage, have medium damage resistance, move very fast, and can charge at a location, damaging any target hit and forcing them to drop any items they are holding.
;Disarm:A chance of disarm your target while attacking
;Disarm:A chance of disarm your target while attacking
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Hunter, an alien master of rapid assault.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Hunter, an alien master of rapid assault.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Charge modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Charge modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to deal damage.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to deal damage.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As an '''Explosive''' type, you have only moderate close combat abilities, but are capable of converting any adjacent item into a disguised bomb via alt click.
| colspan="2" |As an '''Explosive''' type, you have only moderate close combat abilities, but are capable of converting any adjacent item into a disguised bomb via alt click.
;IED:Place bombs on objects to disguise them and denote
;IED:Place bombs on objects to disguise them and denote
;Boobytrap:Place bombs that triggers once someone or something steps on it
;Boobytrap:Place bombs that triggers once someone or something steps on it
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Scientist, master of explosive death.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Scientist, master of explosive death.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Explosive modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Explosive modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of stealthily booby trapping items.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of stealthily booby trapping items.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;"|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As a '''Lightning''' type, you will apply lightning chains to targets on attack and have a lightning chain to your summoner. Lightning chains will shock anyone near them.
| colspan="2" |As a '''Lightning''' type, you will apply lightning chains to targets on attack and have a lightning chain to your summoner. Lightning chains will shock anyone near them.
;Lightning Chain:Shock anyone that is near your summoner
;Lightning Chain:Shock anyone that is near your summoner
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Tesla, a shocking, lethal source of power.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Tesla, a shocking, lethal source of power.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Lightning modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Lightning modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to electrify your enemies.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to electrify your enemies.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;"|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As a '''Protector''' type you cause your summoner to leash to you instead of you leashing to them and have two modes: Combat Mode, where you do and take medium damage, and Protection Mode, where you do and take almost no damage, but move slightly slower.
| colspan="2" |As a '''Protector''' type you cause your summoner to leash to you instead of you leashing to them and have two modes: Combat Mode, where you do and take medium damage, and Protection Mode, where you do and take almost no damage, but move slightly slower.
;Shield:Mitigates some of the damage that your summoner takes, while the guardian takes none if attacked
;Shield:Mitigates some of the damage that your summoner takes, while the guardian takes none if attacked
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Guardian, a stalwart protector that never leaves the side of its charge.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Guardian, a stalwart protector that never leaves the side of its charge.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Protector modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Protector modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to defend you.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to defend you.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;"|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As a '''Ranged''' type, you have only light damage resistance, but are capable of spraying shards of crystal at incredibly high speed. You can also deploy surveillance snares to monitor enemy movement. Finally, you can switch to scout mode, in which you can't attack, but can move without limit.
| colspan="2" |As a '''Ranged''' type, you have only light damage resistance, but are capable of spraying shards of crystal at incredibly high speed. You can also deploy surveillance snares to monitor enemy movement. Finally, you can switch to scout mode, in which you can't attack, but can move without limit.
;Scout:Go partially invisible and lifts restrictions of the distance you can travel away from  your summoner
;Scout:Go partially invisible and lifts restrictions of the distance you can travel away from  your summoner
;Snare:Place invisible traps that will alert you and your summoner
;Snare:Place invisible traps that will alert you and your summoner
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the Sentinel, an alien master of ranged combat.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the Sentinel, an alien master of ranged combat.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Ranged combat modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Ranged combat modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of spraying shards of crystal.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of spraying shards of crystal.


{|class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:80%;"
|-style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color:#BB8FCE;"
|colspan=2 style="width:70%;"|Description
| colspan="2" style="width:70%;" |Description
|colspan=2|As a '''Support''' type, you may toggle your basic attacks to a healing mode. In addition, Alt-Clicking on an adjacent mob will warp them to your bluespace beacon after a short delay.
| colspan="2" |As a '''Support''' type, you may toggle your basic attacks to a healing mode. In addition, Alt-Clicking on an adjacent mob will warp them to your bluespace beacon after a short delay.
;Heal:Restore health to your target
;Heal:Restore health to your target
;Warp Beacon:Place a beacon on the ground to teleport back to that location
;Warp Beacon:Place a beacon on the ground to teleport back to that location
! colspan="3" |Indicator
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;"|Guardian Spirit
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#85C1E9;" |Guardian Spirit
|colspan=2|..And draw the CMO, a potent force of life...and death.
| colspan="2" |..And draw the CMO, a potent force of life...and death.
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#F1948A;" |Holoparasite
|colspan=2|Boot sequence complete. Medical modules active. Bluespace modules activated. Holoparasite swarm online.
| colspan="2" |Boot sequence complete. Medical modules active. Bluespace modules activated. Holoparasite swarm online.
!style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;"|Scarab Swarm
! style="width:10%;text-align:left;background-color:#82E0AA;" |Scarab Swarm
|colspan=2|Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of mending wounds and travelling via bluespace.
| colspan="2" |Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of mending wounds and travelling via bluespace.

Версия от 12:08, 5 сентября 2020


Глава: Your host
Сложность: Hard
Руководства: N/A
Обязанности: Protect your summoner and follow their commands

Guardians is an overarching term used to describe entities which attach themselves to a host and assist that host while drawing energy from them. The most commonly encountered form of guardian is the holoparasite, a creature designed by the Syndicate to assist their field operatives during missions. Guardians spirits are able to link themselves to nearly every known species, however they cannot attach themselves to a Changeling or a Vampire. Because guardians are reliant on the energy of their host to exist, most cannot travel more than a couple meters away from their host at any time.

Стражи и ты!

Хранители всегда будут привязаны к живому человеку, и обычно этот человек также занимается какой-то предательской деятельностью. Когда страж подвергается нападению, получаемый им урон передается его хозяину. Это означает, что если вы заметили кого-то, стоящего в углу и подозрительно принимающего урон, в то время как ближайший страж находится в бою, вы, вероятно, нашли хозяина стража. Когда носитель убит, страж, черпающий из него жизненную силу, также умирает.


Все существа-хранители имеют доступ к одинаковому набору способностей, причем каждый отдельный подтип хранителей также обладает какой-то уникальной для них способностью.

Действие Описание
Общение с хозяином с помощью телепатии. Хозяин так же может общаться с хранителем.
Страж входит в физическую форму, позволяя ему атаковать и взаимодействовать со своим окружением.
Страж немедленно возвращается к своему хозяину. Хозяин может также заставить своего опекуна вернуться к ним.
Для типов стражей, которые имеют вторичную способность, меняет местами доступные ей способности.
Генерирует небольшое количество света, исходящего из ядра хранителя.

Типы хранителей

Стражи могут быть разделены на 9 подтипов и могут быть вызваны одним из трех способов.

  • Магические колоды карт Таро могут быть использованы для вызова духа хранителя, чтобы помочь вам. Эти колоды чаще всего находятся во владении членов федерации волшебников.
  • Голопаразитные инжекторы, созданные синдикатом и купленные с помощью линии связи предателя, могут быть использованы для материализации существа на основе наномашин.
  • Рой паразитических насекомых может поселиться внутри особи, образуя в ней гнездо. Невылупившиеся яйца этих насекомых иногда находят вокруг астероидов.


Описание Способности
Как стандартный тип, вы не обладаете особыми способностями,но обладаете высокой устойчивостью к урону и мощной атакой, способной пробивать стены.
Боевой клич
Выбирай крик, когда бьешь кулаком
Indicator (дальше лень переводить)
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Assistant, faceless and generic, but never to be underestimated.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Standard combat modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm stirs to life, ready to tear apart your enemies.


Description Abilities
As an Assassin type, you do medium damage and have no damage resistance, but can enter stealth, massively increasing the damage of your next attack and causing it to ignore armor. Stealth is broken when you attack or take damage.
Enter stealth mode to do increase damage
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Space Ninja, a lethal, invisible assassin.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Assassin modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of sneaking and stealthy attacks.


Description Abilities
As a Chaos type, you have only light damage resistance, but will ignite any enemy you bump into. In addition, your melee attacks will randomly teleport enemies.
Teleport victims away from your master
Turn your victims against their allies
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Wizard, bringer of endless chaos!
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Crowd control modules activated. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to sow havoc at random.


Description Abilities
As a Charger type you do medium damage, have medium damage resistance, move very fast, and can charge at a location, damaging any target hit and forcing them to drop any items they are holding.
A chance of disarm your target while attacking
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Hunter, an alien master of rapid assault.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Charge modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to deal damage.


Description Abilities
As an Explosive type, you have only moderate close combat abilities, but are capable of converting any adjacent item into a disguised bomb via alt click.
Place bombs on objects to disguise them and denote
Place bombs that triggers once someone or something steps on it
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Scientist, master of explosive death.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Explosive modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of stealthily booby trapping items.


Description Abilities
As a Lightning type, you will apply lightning chains to targets on attack and have a lightning chain to your summoner. Lightning chains will shock anyone near them.
Lightning Chain
Shock anyone that is near your summoner
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Tesla, a shocking, lethal source of power.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Lightning modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to electrify your enemies.


Description Abilities
As a Protector type you cause your summoner to leash to you instead of you leashing to them and have two modes: Combat Mode, where you do and take medium damage, and Protection Mode, where you do and take almost no damage, but move slightly slower.
Mitigates some of the damage that your summoner takes, while the guardian takes none if attacked
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Guardian, a stalwart protector that never leaves the side of its charge.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Protector modules loaded. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, ready to defend you.


Description Abilities
As a Ranged type, you have only light damage resistance, but are capable of spraying shards of crystal at incredibly high speed. You can also deploy surveillance snares to monitor enemy movement. Finally, you can switch to scout mode, in which you can't attack, but can move without limit.
Go partially invisible and lifts restrictions of the distance you can travel away from your summoner
Place invisible traps that will alert you and your summoner
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the Sentinel, an alien master of ranged combat.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Ranged combat modules active. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of spraying shards of crystal.


Description Abilities
As a Support type, you may toggle your basic attacks to a healing mode. In addition, Alt-Clicking on an adjacent mob will warp them to your bluespace beacon after a short delay.
Restore health to your target
Warp Beacon
Place a beacon on the ground to teleport back to that location
Guardian Spirit ..And draw the CMO, a potent force of life...and death.
Holoparasite Boot sequence complete. Medical modules active. Bluespace modules activated. Holoparasite swarm online.
Scarab Swarm Your scarab swarm finishes mutating and stirs to life, capable of mending wounds and travelling via bluespace.
Игровые роли космической станции 220
Командование станции КапитанГлава персоналаГлава службы безопасностиГлавный инженерДиректор исследованийГлавный врачКвартирмейстер
Представители Центрального Командования Представитель NanoTrasenОфицер «Синий щит»
Юридический департамент Агент внутренних делМагистрат
Служба Безопасности СмотрительОфицер службы безопасностиДетективКадет
Инженерный отдел Атмосферный техникИнженерСтажёр
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Отдел исследований УчёныйРобототехникСтудент
Снабжение ГрузчикШахтёрИсследователь
Сервис УборщикПоварБарменБотаникПарикмахерКлоунМимСвященникБиблиотекарь
Разное МышкаГражданскийПеплоходецПризракГолем
Синтетики ИИКиборгДрон техобслуживанияПерсональный ИИ
Антагонисты АбдукторБлобВампирГенокрадДемон резниЗомбиИсследователь синдикатаКонструктКонтрактникКсеноморфКульт кровиМагМорфПауки УжасаПредательРевенантРеволюционерТеневой демонХранительЭлектродемонЯдерный оперативник
Специальные Офицер центрального командованияОтряд быстрого реагированияОтряд СмертиТорговцы ТСФСупергерои и суперзлодеиГорецСпециальные ивентовые роли