Киборг: различия между версиями

(Новая страница: «{{JobPageHeader |colour = 5589C5 |hcolour = white |stafftype = SYNTHETIC |img = Cyborg.png |jobtitle = Cyborg |access = Everywhere |diffic...»)
Строка 8: Строка 8:
|difficulty = Hard
|difficulty = Hard
|superior = Your laws and the [[AI]]
|superior = Your laws and the [[AI]]
|duties = Follow your laws, and do what the [[AI]] says.
|duties = Следуйте директивам и делайте то, что прикажет [[ИИ]]
|guides = Depends on your [[#Modules|module]].
|guides = Depends on your [[#Modules|module]].
{{JobSynthetic}}Как Киборг (Также называемый Андроид или Робот), вы здесь чтобы служить экипажу и [[ИИ]]. Вы являетесь "руками" ИИ, и обязаны делать всё, что он прикажет (в пределах разумного).

As a '''Cyborg''' (Also known as an '''Android''' or simply, '''Robot'''), you are there '''to serve the crew''', much like the AI. You are an extension of the AI and are required to do anything it asks (within reason).
В начале смены на станции присутствует всего 1 Андроид. Робототехник может построить ещё, используя позитронный мозг или MMI.

A single borg shipped to the station at the beginning of the round. Any more need to be built by the [[Roboticist]] with either a positronic brain or a MMI.
Все Киборги считаются собственностью станции. Киборги разумны, но не испытывают тот спектр чувств, что ощущают органические существа.

All cyborgs are considered to be station property. Though sentient, cyborgs lack full sapience and are incapable of experiencing the full range of emotions that organics can.
==Общее представление о андроидах==
Киборгов часто недооценивают. Вы можете спасти десятки людей, но затем получить разряд Е-мага или просто взорваться из-за недоразумения. Быть киборгом тяжёлая работа, но она приносит свои плоды.

===Начало смены===
Cyborgs in general are very undervalued and abused. You could save dozens of people and then get emagged a moment later, or you might get blown up because of a misunderstanding. This is why being a cyborg is a rough job, but it has its rewards.
Изначально, на станции имеется 1 киборг. Он находится на спутнике ИИ. Вы начинаете не с лучшей батареей, поэтому её следует по-возможности заменить на более продвинутую. Вы можете использовать телепорт на спутнике, чтобы сразу попасть в [[Research Division|РнД]].

===Starting as Cyborg===
===Вы были роботизированы===
The station is supplied with one cyborg initially, shipped straight to the AI satellite antechamber. These cyborgs do not have the best battery, so it is suggested that they upgrade their battery with a higher capacity cell as soon as possible. You can use the AI MiniSAT Teleporter to head straight to the Sci-Chem Test Chamber, to cut down on the trip.
Добро пожаловать в царство киборгов! Ваше сознание перенесли в механическую оболочку. Должно быть это немного дезориентирует, но вы привыкните.

===Being Upgraded===
Ваши директивы зависят от того, к какому ИИ вы подключены. Если ИИ нет - вы получите стандартные директивы корпорации.  
Welcome to the land of being a cyborg! Being revived in this fashion is often highly disorienting, and can lead to considerable confusion and difficulty adapting to one's new body.

You were once human, and had your brain tossed in a suit of metal. Your law programming will depend on which AI you are slaved to, otherwise you will take on a Default lawset. Also note that if an [[Traitor|assassin]] was after you in life, you are considered dead as a cyborg (so they technically succeeded).
===Возвращение к плоти===
Вы можете вернуться в органическое тело. Если вас разберут, вытащат MMI и достанут ваш мозг из него (проведя ID-картой по MMI), то ваш мозг можно поместить в тело какого-нибудь гуманоида.

===Returning to the Flesh===
Не слишком надейтесь на это, ведь киборги - собственность станции. ИИ может отказать вам, а робототехники проигнорировать/отклонить вашу просьбу вернуться в тело.  
It is possible to return cyborgs to a organic form. If you deconstruct a cyborg, its MMI comes out, and you can extract the brain from that by swiping a robotics ID on it. Cut out a humanoid body's brain, place that body on an operating table, and shove the new brain in. Clone, and huzzah, you have a new person. Don't rely on this, the AI can deny you this option without reason, and the Roboticists can simply ignore/deny the request without reason.

==Synthetic Communication==
==Робот говорит Бип-буп. ==
Cyborgs are different in that they have a '''binary channel''', which works with ''':b'''. They can use this private channel to talk to other cyborgs, androids, and the AI.
У Киборгов есть свой канал двоичного кода, который работает на :b. С помощью него вы можете общаться с другими андроидами, киборгами и ИИ. В зависимости от модуля, киборги имеют доступ к специфическим каналам (Например, инженерный), и могут говорить по нему с помощью :h (Или, для инженерного, :e).

Depending on their module, cyborgs may be able to access a department-specific radio (such as engineering) and can talk on it normally using :h (e.g. :e for Engineering).
Помятая обшивка киборга легко чинится с помощью сварочного инструмента. Тепловые повреждения (от пожара или лазера) могут быть устранены с помощью отвёртки,чтобы открыть панель электропроводки, а затем заменив повреждённые платы. Киборг, попал в неприятность, но не превратился в металлолом, может быть восстановлен.

Инженерные киборги могут сами чинить себя и своих синтетических братьев, но урон от температуры они устранить не могут, т.к. добраться до платы киборги не могут.
Dented cyborgs can be repaired with a welding tool. Heat damage to cyborgs (from fires or lasers) can be repaired by using a screwdriver to open the cyborg's wiring panel (concealed inside the power cell cavity) and then re-wiring the damaged circuits. A cyborg that has failed but not been turned into scrap can be repaired back to working order.

Engineering cyborgs can repair dents on themselves and on their fellow cyborgs. They cannot repair burn damage though, since they cannot remove power cells to reach the wiring.
Дополнительные сведенья об обслуживании киборгов смотрите [[Guide to Robotics|здесь]].

For more information about Cyborg maintenance, see the [[Guide to Robotics]].
Cyborgs come with an array of advanced cybernetic modules, each loaded with a number of features (referred to as modules). Each has a flash device, a Security-HUD, Medical-HUD, and Diagnostic-HUD built in. All items (except for the flashes) will recharge and restock over time using battery power or being in a cyborg recharge station.
Cyborgs come with an array of advanced cybernetic modules, each loaded with a number of features (referred to as modules). Each has a flash device, a Security-HUD, Medical-HUD, and Diagnostic-HUD built in. All items (except for the flashes) will recharge and restock over time using battery power or being in a cyborg recharge station.

[[File:Cyborg.png]] [[File:CyborgDroid.png]] [[File:CyborgNBL.png]]

An amalgamation of a few modules together, and not particularly useful for anything. Usually not worth picking.
An amalgamation of a few modules together, and not particularly useful for anything. Usually not worth picking.
Строка 57: Строка 55:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* [[Security_Items#Stun_Baton|Stun baton]]
*[[Security_Items#Stun_Baton|Stun baton]]
* Fire Extinguisher
*Fire Extinguisher
* Wrench
* Crowbar
* Health Analyzer
*Health Analyzer
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] [[Syndicate_Items#Energy_Sword|Energy Sword]]
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] [[Syndicate_Items#Energy_Sword|Energy Sword]]

Строка 68: Строка 67:

[[File:CyborgEng.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANEng.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDEng.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKEng.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLEng.png]]
[[File:CyborgEng.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgEng.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANEng.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSTANEng.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDEng.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgLANDEng.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKEng.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgCRKEng.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLEng.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgNBLEng.png]]

Engineering cyborgs are usually considered one of the most useful modules. As they do not require air or a space suit, they are able to perform repairs much more easily than human engineers. They are also able to repair other cyborgs. However, due to lack of hands, they are not able to fully turn on the [[Tesla Engine|Engine]], and they lack the ability to construct some items.
Engineering cyborgs are usually considered one of the most useful modules. As they do not require air or a space suit, they are able to perform repairs much more easily than human engineers. They are also able to repair other cyborgs. However, due to lack of hands, they are not able to fully turn on the [[Tesla Engine|Engine]], and they lack the ability to construct some items.
Строка 76: Строка 75:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* [[Engineering_Items#Optical_Meson_Scanner|Meson Vision]]
*[[Engineering_Items#Optical_Meson_Scanner|Meson Vision]]
* Metal
* Glass
* Reinforced glass
*Reinforced glass
* Cable coil
*Cable coil
* Metal rods
*Metal rods
* Floor tiles
*Floor tiles
* Rapid Construction Device (RCD)
*Rapid Construction Device (RCD)
* Fire Extinguisher
*Fire Extinguisher
* Industrial Welding Tool
*Industrial Welding Tool
* Screwdriver
* Wrench
* Crowbar
* Wirecutters
* Multitool
* T-ray Scanner
*T-ray Scanner
* Analyzer
* Engineering Tape
*Engineering Tape
* Magnetic Gripper
*Magnetic Gripper
* Matter decompiler
*Matter decompiler
* Floor painter
*Floor painter
* Station Blueprints
*Station Blueprints
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Electrified arm - Like a stun baton
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Electrified arm - Like a stun baton

Строка 104: Строка 104:

[[File:CyborgMed.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANMed.png]] [[File:CyborgBLDMed.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKMed.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLMed.png]]
[[File:CyborgMed.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgMed.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANMed.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSTANMed.png]] [[File:CyborgBLDMed.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgBLDMed.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKMed.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgCRKMed.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLMed.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgNBLMed.png]]

Designed to assist with most aspects of medical care.
Designed to assist with most aspects of medical care.
Строка 112: Строка 112:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* Hemostat
* Retractor
* Cautery
* Bone gel
*Bone gel
* Fix-O-Vein
* Bone Setter
*Bone Setter
* Circular Saw
*Circular Saw
* Surgical Drill
*Surgical Drill
* Dropper
* Syringe
* Pocket Fire Extinguisher
*Pocket Fire Extinguisher
* Advanced Trauma Kit
*Advanced Trauma Kit
* Advanced Burn Kit
*Advanced Burn Kit
* Medical Splint  
*Medical Splint
* Nanopaste
* Laser Scalpel
*Laser Scalpel
* Advanced Health Analyzer
*Advanced Health Analyzer
* Advanced Reagent Scanner  
*Advanced Reagent Scanner
* Portable Defibrillator
*Portable Defibrillator
* Defibrillator Paddles
*Defibrillator Paddles
* Roller Bed Rack
*Roller Bed Rack
* Cyborg Hypospray
*Cyborg Hypospray
* Large Beaker
*Large Beaker
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Polyacid spray bottle.
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Polyacid spray bottle.

Строка 141: Строка 142:

[[File:CyborgMine.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANMine.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDMine.png]] [[File:CyborgBLDMine.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKMine.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLMine.png]]
[[File:CyborgMine.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgMine.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANMine.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSTANMine.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDMine.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgLANDMine.png]] [[File:CyborgBLDMine.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgBLDMine.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKMine.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgCRKMine.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLMine.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgNBLMine.png]]

Mining cyborgs are quite convenient, because they need no oxygen while mining. However, they are not able to use regular crates, and will need to drag materials from the smelter one at a time.
Mining cyborgs are quite convenient, because they need no oxygen while mining. However, they are not able to use regular crates, and will need to drag materials from the smelter one at a time.
Строка 149: Строка 150:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* [[Engineering_Items#Optical_Meson_Scanner|Meson Vision]]
*[[Engineering_Items#Optical_Meson_Scanner|Meson Vision]]
* Mining Satchel
*Mining Satchel
* Mining Drill
*Mining Drill
* Shovel
* Emergency Welding Tool
*Emergency Welding Tool
* Pocket Fire Extinguisher
*Pocket Fire Extinguisher
* Sheet Snatcher
*Sheet Snatcher
* Advanced Mining Scanner
*Advanced Mining Scanner
* Kinetic Accelerator
*Kinetic Accelerator
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Electrified arm - Like a stun baton
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Electrified arm - Like a stun baton

Строка 165: Строка 167:

[[File:CyborgJan.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANJan.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDJan.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKJan.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLJan.png]]
[[File:CyborgJan.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgJan.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANJan.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSTANJan.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDJan.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgLANDJan.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKJan.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgCRKJan.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLJan.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgNBLJan.png]]

Janitor Cyborgs automatically clean the floor when they pass over the tile.
Janitor Cyborgs automatically clean the floor when they pass over the tile.
Строка 173: Строка 175:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* Light replacer
*Light replacer
* Soap
* Trash Bag
*Trash Bag
* Advanced Mop
*Advanced Mop
* Holosign creator
*Holosign creator
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Lube spray - Causes people to trip
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Lube spray - Causes people to trip

Строка 184: Строка 187:

[[File:CyborgServ.png]] [[File:CyborgServ2.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANServ.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKServ.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLServ.png]]
[[File:CyborgServ.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgServ.png]] [[File:CyborgServ2.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgServ2.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANServ.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSTANServ.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKServ.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgCRKServ.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLServ.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgNBLServ.png]]

Useful as a Secretary, or a delivery person for the Chef and Bartender through your all access. You are able to speak all languages usable by [[Lore#Species|crewmembers]], unlike other borg modules and the AI, which can only understand all languages.
Useful as a Secretary, or a delivery person for the Chef and Bartender through your all access. You are able to speak all languages usable by [[Lore#Species|crewmembers]], unlike other borg modules and the AI, which can only understand all languages.
Строка 192: Строка 195:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* Space Beer
*Space Beer
* Universal Enzyme
*Universal Enzyme
* Pen
* Electric Razor
*Electric Razor
* Space Violin
*Space Violin
* Space Guitar
*Space Guitar
* Rapid-Service-Fabricator (RSF) - Works on any flat surface.
*Rapid-Service-Fabricator (RSF) - Works on any flat surface.
** Drinking glasses
**Drinking glasses
** Drinks (Coffee, Fruit Juices, Tea)
**Drinks (Coffee, Fruit Juices, Tea)
** Cigarettes
** [[General_Items#Paper|Paper]]
** Pens
** Packs of dice
**Packs of dice
** Snack Food
**Snack Food
** Space cash
**Space cash
* Industrial Dropper
*Industrial Dropper
* Zippo lighter
*Zippo lighter
* Tray
* Shaker
* Health Scanner
*Health Scanner
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Mickey Finn's Special Brew - Poisonous
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Mickey Finn's Special Brew - Poisonous

Строка 218: Строка 222:

[[File:CyborgSec.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANSec.png]] [[File:CyborgALTSec.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDSec.png]] [[File:CyborgBLDSec.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKSec.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLSec.png]]
[[File:CyborgSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSec.png]] [[File:CyborgSTANSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgSTANSec.png]] [[File:CyborgALTSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgALTSec.png]] [[File:CyborgLANDSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgLANDSec.png]] [[File:CyborgBLDSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgBLDSec.png]] [[File:CyborgCRKSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgCRKSec.png]] [[File:CyborgNBLSec.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/CyborgNBLSec.png]]

Security cyborgs are fairly useful. Their disabler and stun baton are dependent on their cell charge and they have an unlimited number of zipties.
Security cyborgs are fairly useful. Their disabler and stun baton are dependent on their cell charge and they have an unlimited number of zipties.
Строка 226: Строка 230:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* [[Security_Items#Zipties|zipties]]
* [[Security_Items#Stun_Baton|Stun Baton]]
*[[Security_Items#Stun_Baton|Stun Baton]]
* Cyborg Disabler
*Cyborg Disabler
* Security tape
*Security tape
* [[Security_Items#Hailer|Security hailer]]
*[[Security_Items#Hailer|Security hailer]]
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] [[Security_Items#Laser_Gun|Laser Gun]]
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] [[Security_Items#Laser_Gun|Laser Gun]]

Строка 237: Строка 242:


Combat borgs are not in normal selection, and the choice usually remains barred. This module is unlocked by a GAMMA Alert Status being called by Central Command, it's packed with robust combat tools to stave off most threats to crew and station.
Combat borgs are not in normal selection, and the choice usually remains barred. This module is unlocked by a GAMMA Alert Status being called by Central Command, it's packed with robust combat tools to stave off most threats to crew and station.
Строка 245: Строка 250:
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
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* [[Security_Items#Flash|Flash]]
* [[Syndicate_Items#Thermal_Imaging_Glasses|Thermal Vision]]
*[[Syndicate_Items#Thermal_Imaging_Glasses|Thermal Vision]]
* zipties
* [[Security_Items#Energy_Gun|Cyborg Energy Gun]]
*[[Security_Items#Energy_Gun|Cyborg Energy Gun]]
* Sonic Jackhammer
*Sonic Jackhammer
** Able to clear Reinforced Walls and other obstructions, doubles as an effective melee weapon
**Able to clear Reinforced Walls and other obstructions, doubles as an effective melee weapon
* Combat Shield
*Combat Shield
** Surrounds you with a field of energy, giving additional protection.
**Surrounds you with a field of energy, giving additional protection.
* Mobility Module
*Mobility Module
** When active, you are given a huge boost to speed. Stacks with VTEC.
**When active, you are given a huge boost to speed. Stacks with VTEC.
* Wrench
** Moving objects that can't be broken by the Sonic Jackhammer.
**Moving objects that can't be broken by the Sonic Jackhammer.
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Accelerator Laser Cannon
[[File:Emag.png|16px]] Accelerator Laser Cannon

Строка 274: Строка 280:
Cyborg modules can be reset by opening up the cyborg, and inserting the module reset upgrade.
Cyborg modules can be reset by opening up the cyborg, and inserting the module reset upgrade.

# Build a module reset board from the robotics [[Exosuit Fabricator]].
#Build a module reset board from the robotics [[Exosuit Fabricator]].
# Use ID on Cyborg to unlock panel.
#Use ID on Cyborg to unlock panel.
# Crowbar open the Cyborg's panel.
#Crowbar open the Cyborg's panel.
# Shove that module reset board into the Cyborg.
#Shove that module reset board into the Cyborg.
# Crowbar the panel closed and ID lock it.
#Crowbar the panel closed and ID lock it.

Строка 285: Строка 291:
To [[Syndicate_Items#Devices_and_Tools|emag]] a cyborg, follow these steps:
To [[Syndicate_Items#Devices_and_Tools|emag]] a cyborg, follow these steps:

# Use and Emag or ID to unlock the cover.
#Use and Emag or ID to unlock the cover.
# Crowbar open the cover.
#Crowbar open the cover.
# Use Emag again.
#Use Emag again.

This will turn control of the cyborg over the the person who emagged it and disconnect it from the AI and Cyborg Upload Console.
This will turn control of the cyborg over the the person who emagged it and disconnect it from the AI and Cyborg Upload Console.
Строка 293: Строка 299:
Note: Many people fail to emag cyborgs for a number of reasons.
Note: Many people fail to emag cyborgs for a number of reasons.

* People usually emag without unlocking the cover, this only unlocks the panel, rather than emagging the cyborg.
*People usually emag without unlocking the cover, this only unlocks the panel, rather than emagging the cyborg.
* Any more attempts to use the emag at this stage results in a message of *The cover is already unlocked.*
*Any more attempts to use the emag at this stage results in a message of *The cover is already unlocked.*
* If people unlock the panel with their ID first, but do not open the cover, and then try to use their emag, each attempt displays *The cover is already unlocked.*.
*If people unlock the panel with their ID first, but do not open the cover, and then try to use their emag, each attempt displays *The cover is already unlocked.*.

What ever the case, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason.
What ever the case, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason.
Строка 302: Строка 308:

==Other Notes on Cyborgs==
==Other Notes on Cyborgs==
* Cyborgs with organic brains are not the same beings as placed into the Cyborg, meaning if you were a traitor/vamp/changeling before. You cannot follow those objectives.
* You cannot take toxic or suffocation damage. The only sources of damage that can harm you are Burn and Brute.  
*Cyborgs with organic brains are not the same beings as placed into the Cyborg, meaning if you were a traitor/vamp/changeling before. You cannot follow those objectives.
* Expect to regularly be thrust into hazardous situations thanks to your enhanced durability and ability to operate in a vacuum.  
*You cannot take toxic or suffocation damage. The only sources of damage that can harm you are Burn and Brute.
* You cannot be disarmed or relieved of your inbuilt equipment. You can be stunned by a flash, EMP, xeno, which overloads your optical sensors, clears your modules and prevents movement.
*Expect to regularly be thrust into hazardous situations thanks to your enhanced durability and ability to operate in a vacuum.
* You are immune to most (if not all) maladies such as disease and radiation poisoning.  
*You cannot be disarmed or relieved of your inbuilt equipment. You can be stunned by a flash, EMP, xeno, which overloads your optical sensors, clears your modules and prevents movement.
* You must follow the [[AI#Interpreting_Your_Laws|AI's laws]].
*You are immune to most (if not all) maladies such as disease and radiation poisoning.
* You cannot pick up, use, or equip external items, with exceptions to components, which can be with the grabber if you are engineer.  
*You must follow the [[AI#Interpreting_Your_Laws|AI's laws]].
* You can be locked down or blown up using the Robotics Control Computer in the [[Research Director's Office]].  
*You cannot pick up, use, or equip external items, with exceptions to components, which can be with the grabber if you are engineer.
* You are considered directly subordinate to the [[AI]], if an AI is present and functional.  
*You can be locked down or blown up using the Robotics Control Computer in the [[Research Director's Office]].
* Like the AI, you can remotely interact with certain objects. You must be within sight range of a device to manipulate it. For example, you cannot call for a shuttle or set messages without line of sight to a Communications Console.  
*You are considered directly subordinate to the [[AI]], if an AI is present and functional.
* Like the AI, you can remotely view alarm statuses. Use this to your advantage.
*Like the AI, you can remotely interact with certain objects. You must be within sight range of a device to manipulate it. For example, you cannot call for a shuttle or set messages without line of sight to a Communications Console.
* Unlike the AI, you cannot use security cameras for remote viewing.
*Like the AI, you can remotely view alarm statuses. Use this to your advantage.
* You are basically an AI on legs, without the security camera abilities. When there's no AI in the round, this can be useful.  
*Unlike the AI, you cannot use security cameras for remote viewing.
* Cyborgs have all-access and more, as well as remote door interaction.
*You are basically an AI on legs, without the security camera abilities. When there's no AI in the round, this can be useful.
* You will need to recharge using the Cyborg Recharging Stations in [[Robotics]] or the [[Dormitory|Dormitories]].
*Cyborgs have all-access and more, as well as remote door interaction.
* When your power reaches around 100 units remaining, your modules will automatically shut down, presumably to preserve power.  
*You will need to recharge using the Cyborg Recharging Stations in [[Robotics]] or the [[Dormitory|Dormitories]].
* You relatively tough, and if upgraded with v-tec, as fast as most of your human compatriots.
*When your power reaches around 100 units remaining, your modules will automatically shut down, presumably to preserve power.
* Keep the crew updated on your location and power if you are running low and may not make it to the recharger in time.
*You relatively tough, and if upgraded with v-tec, as fast as most of your human compatriots.
* Cyborgs may not know what emotions, or feelings are, but that doesn't give the player the right to go Rambo. If a group of people take several people hostage, the Cyborg doesn't have the right to rush in with a stun baton and beat the Hostage takers.
*Keep the crew updated on your location and power if you are running low and may not make it to the recharger in time.
*Cyborgs may not know what emotions, or feelings are, but that doesn't give the player the right to go Rambo. If a group of people take several people hostage, the Cyborg doesn't have the right to rush in with a stun baton and beat the Hostage takers.

==Rogue AI Notes==
==Rogue AI Notes==

Версия от 10:23, 1 августа 2020


Глава: Your laws and the AI
Сложность: Hard
Руководства: Depends on your module.
Обязанности: Следуйте директивам и делайте то, что прикажет ИИ


Глава отдела
Текущие Законы

Канал связи :b

Сотрудники Департамента
Руководства для Сотрудников
Зоны для синтетиков

Как Киборг (Также называемый Андроид или Робот), вы здесь чтобы служить экипажу и ИИ. Вы являетесь "руками" ИИ, и обязаны делать всё, что он прикажет (в пределах разумного).

В начале смены на станции присутствует всего 1 Андроид. Робототехник может построить ещё, используя позитронный мозг или MMI.

Все Киборги считаются собственностью станции. Киборги разумны, но не испытывают тот спектр чувств, что ощущают органические существа.

Общее представление о андроидах

Киборгов часто недооценивают. Вы можете спасти десятки людей, но затем получить разряд Е-мага или просто взорваться из-за недоразумения. Быть киборгом тяжёлая работа, но она приносит свои плоды.

Начало смены

Изначально, на станции имеется 1 киборг. Он находится на спутнике ИИ. Вы начинаете не с лучшей батареей, поэтому её следует по-возможности заменить на более продвинутую. Вы можете использовать телепорт на спутнике, чтобы сразу попасть в РнД.

Вы были роботизированы

Добро пожаловать в царство киборгов! Ваше сознание перенесли в механическую оболочку. Должно быть это немного дезориентирует, но вы привыкните.

Ваши директивы зависят от того, к какому ИИ вы подключены. Если ИИ нет - вы получите стандартные директивы корпорации.

Возвращение к плоти

Вы можете вернуться в органическое тело. Если вас разберут, вытащат MMI и достанут ваш мозг из него (проведя ID-картой по MMI), то ваш мозг можно поместить в тело какого-нибудь гуманоида.

Не слишком надейтесь на это, ведь киборги - собственность станции. ИИ может отказать вам, а робототехники проигнорировать/отклонить вашу просьбу вернуться в тело.

Робот говорит Бип-буп.

У Киборгов есть свой канал двоичного кода, который работает на :b. С помощью него вы можете общаться с другими андроидами, киборгами и ИИ. В зависимости от модуля, киборги имеют доступ к специфическим каналам (Например, инженерный), и могут говорить по нему с помощью :h (Или, для инженерного, :e).


Помятая обшивка киборга легко чинится с помощью сварочного инструмента. Тепловые повреждения (от пожара или лазера) могут быть устранены с помощью отвёртки,чтобы открыть панель электропроводки, а затем заменив повреждённые платы. Киборг, попал в неприятность, но не превратился в металлолом, может быть восстановлен.

Инженерные киборги могут сами чинить себя и своих синтетических братьев, но урон от температуры они устранить не могут, т.к. добраться до платы киборги не могут.

Дополнительные сведенья об обслуживании киборгов смотрите здесь.


Cyborgs come with an array of advanced cybernetic modules, each loaded with a number of features (referred to as modules). Each has a flash device, a Security-HUD, Medical-HUD, and Diagnostic-HUD built in. All items (except for the flashes) will recharge and restock over time using battery power or being in a cyborg recharge station.



An amalgamation of a few modules together, and not particularly useful for anything. Usually not worth picking.

Standard Cyborg Equipment Modules:

Emag.png Energy Sword


CyborgEng.png CyborgSTANEng.png CyborgLANDEng.png CyborgCRKEng.png CyborgNBLEng.png

Engineering cyborgs are usually considered one of the most useful modules. As they do not require air or a space suit, they are able to perform repairs much more easily than human engineers. They are also able to repair other cyborgs. However, due to lack of hands, they are not able to fully turn on the Engine, and they lack the ability to construct some items.

Engineering Cyborg Equipment Modules:

  • Flash
  • Meson Vision
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Reinforced glass
  • Cable coil
  • Metal rods
  • Floor tiles
  • Rapid Construction Device (RCD)
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Industrial Welding Tool
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Crowbar
  • Wirecutters
  • Multitool
  • T-ray Scanner
  • Analyzer
  • Engineering Tape
  • Magnetic Gripper
  • Matter decompiler
  • Floor painter
  • Station Blueprints

Emag.png Electrified arm - Like a stun baton


CyborgMed.png CyborgSTANMed.png CyborgBLDMed.png CyborgCRKMed.png CyborgNBLMed.png

Designed to assist with most aspects of medical care.

Medical Cyborg Equipment Modules:

  • Flash
  • Hemostat
  • Retractor
  • Cautery
  • Bone gel
  • Fix-O-Vein
  • Bone Setter
  • Circular Saw
  • Surgical Drill
  • Dropper
  • Syringe
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Advanced Trauma Kit
  • Advanced Burn Kit
  • Medical Splint
  • Nanopaste
  • Laser Scalpel
  • Advanced Health Analyzer
  • Advanced Reagent Scanner
  • Portable Defibrillator
  • Defibrillator Paddles
  • Roller Bed Rack
  • Cyborg Hypospray
  • Large Beaker

Emag.png Polyacid spray bottle.


CyborgMine.png CyborgSTANMine.png CyborgLANDMine.png CyborgBLDMine.png CyborgCRKMine.png CyborgNBLMine.png

Mining cyborgs are quite convenient, because they need no oxygen while mining. However, they are not able to use regular crates, and will need to drag materials from the smelter one at a time.

Miner Cyborg Equipment Modules:

  • Flash
  • Meson Vision
  • Mining Satchel
  • Mining Drill
  • Shovel
  • Emergency Welding Tool
  • Pocket Fire Extinguisher
  • Sheet Snatcher
  • Advanced Mining Scanner
  • Kinetic Accelerator
  • GPS

Emag.png Electrified arm - Like a stun baton


CyborgJan.png CyborgSTANJan.png CyborgLANDJan.png CyborgCRKJan.png CyborgNBLJan.png

Janitor Cyborgs automatically clean the floor when they pass over the tile.

Janitor Cyborg Equipment Modules:

  • Flash
  • Light replacer
  • Soap
  • Trash Bag
  • Advanced Mop
  • Holosign creator

Emag.png Lube spray - Causes people to trip


CyborgServ.png CyborgServ2.png CyborgSTANServ.png CyborgCRKServ.png CyborgNBLServ.png

Useful as a Secretary, or a delivery person for the Chef and Bartender through your all access. You are able to speak all languages usable by crewmembers, unlike other borg modules and the AI, which can only understand all languages.

Service Cyborg Equipment Modules:

  • Flash
  • Space Beer
  • Universal Enzyme
  • Pen
  • Electric Razor
  • Space Violin
  • Space Guitar
  • Rapid-Service-Fabricator (RSF) - Works on any flat surface.
    • Drinking glasses
    • Drinks (Coffee, Fruit Juices, Tea)
    • Cigarettes
    • Paper
    • Pens
    • Packs of dice
    • Snack Food
    • Space cash
  • Industrial Dropper
  • Zippo lighter
  • Tray
  • Shaker
  • Health Scanner

Emag.png Mickey Finn's Special Brew - Poisonous


CyborgSec.png CyborgSTANSec.png CyborgALTSec.png CyborgLANDSec.png CyborgBLDSec.png CyborgCRKSec.png CyborgNBLSec.png

Security cyborgs are fairly useful. Their disabler and stun baton are dependent on their cell charge and they have an unlimited number of zipties.

Security Cyborg Equipment Modules:

Emag.png Laser Gun



Combat borgs are not in normal selection, and the choice usually remains barred. This module is unlocked by a GAMMA Alert Status being called by Central Command, it's packed with robust combat tools to stave off most threats to crew and station.

Combat Cyborg Equipment Modules:

  • Flash
  • Thermal Vision
  • zipties
  • Cyborg Energy Gun
  • Sonic Jackhammer
    • Able to clear Reinforced Walls and other obstructions, doubles as an effective melee weapon
  • Combat Shield
    • Surrounds you with a field of energy, giving additional protection.
  • Mobility Module
    • When active, you are given a huge boost to speed. Stacks with VTEC.
  • Wrench
    • Moving objects that can't be broken by the Sonic Jackhammer.

Emag.png Accelerator Laser Cannon


Cyborgs that have had their programming tampered with can be repaired by resetting their AI connection and LawSync status, by manually pulsing the wiring. In the unlikely event that an AI goes crazy, a trained Roboticist or other technician should be able to sever the connection to the AI entirely by cutting the correct wire.

An Emagged cyborg will have no LawSync or AI link and cannot be reset.

Remember, cyborgs are very expensive! Do not destroy them unless the cyborg is completely out of control, and resetting the AI and LawSync status doesn't work.

Roboticists can also produce a few upgrade modules, which are partially only usable by some modules.

Resetting Modules

Cyborg modules can be reset by opening up the cyborg, and inserting the module reset upgrade.

  1. Build a module reset board from the robotics Exosuit Fabricator.
  2. Use ID on Cyborg to unlock panel.
  3. Crowbar open the Cyborg's panel.
  4. Shove that module reset board into the Cyborg.
  5. Crowbar the panel closed and ID lock it.


Cyborgs are vulnerable to certain clandestine devices, and may have illegal programs uploaded to them by such interactions. This type of re-programming is also present in clandestinely hacked AIs, and may viralry infect into related cyborgs. Finally, certain cyborgs may have been hacked personally by clandestine agents.

To emag a cyborg, follow these steps:

  1. Use and Emag or ID to unlock the cover.
  2. Crowbar open the cover.
  3. Use Emag again.

This will turn control of the cyborg over the the person who emagged it and disconnect it from the AI and Cyborg Upload Console.

Note: Many people fail to emag cyborgs for a number of reasons.

  • People usually emag without unlocking the cover, this only unlocks the panel, rather than emagging the cyborg.
  • Any more attempts to use the emag at this stage results in a message of *The cover is already unlocked.*
  • If people unlock the panel with their ID first, but do not open the cover, and then try to use their emag, each attempt displays *The cover is already unlocked.*.

What ever the case, the cyborg is now corrupted, and all safety measures are released, with the exception of the robotics control. Do not mistake personality quirks for clandestine behavior, cyborgs are VERY EXPENSIVE MACHINES and you may be demoted or fired for destroying them without a valid reason.

Keep in mind, Nanotrasen robotics employees may attempt to experiment with a cyborgs internal wiring, please double check before detonating any cyborg acting independently by doing routine maintenance on their electrical systems. Also keep in mind that their laws may be changed by the same process as an AI by simply using the cyborg upload located opposite the AI Upload.

Other Notes on Cyborgs

  • Cyborgs with organic brains are not the same beings as placed into the Cyborg, meaning if you were a traitor/vamp/changeling before. You cannot follow those objectives.
  • You cannot take toxic or suffocation damage. The only sources of damage that can harm you are Burn and Brute.
  • Expect to regularly be thrust into hazardous situations thanks to your enhanced durability and ability to operate in a vacuum.
  • You cannot be disarmed or relieved of your inbuilt equipment. You can be stunned by a flash, EMP, xeno, which overloads your optical sensors, clears your modules and prevents movement.
  • You are immune to most (if not all) maladies such as disease and radiation poisoning.
  • You must follow the AI's laws.
  • You cannot pick up, use, or equip external items, with exceptions to components, which can be with the grabber if you are engineer.
  • You can be locked down or blown up using the Robotics Control Computer in the Research Director's Office.
  • You are considered directly subordinate to the AI, if an AI is present and functional.
  • Like the AI, you can remotely interact with certain objects. You must be within sight range of a device to manipulate it. For example, you cannot call for a shuttle or set messages without line of sight to a Communications Console.
  • Like the AI, you can remotely view alarm statuses. Use this to your advantage.
  • Unlike the AI, you cannot use security cameras for remote viewing.
  • You are basically an AI on legs, without the security camera abilities. When there's no AI in the round, this can be useful.
  • Cyborgs have all-access and more, as well as remote door interaction.
  • You will need to recharge using the Cyborg Recharging Stations in Robotics or the Dormitories.
  • When your power reaches around 100 units remaining, your modules will automatically shut down, presumably to preserve power.
  • You relatively tough, and if upgraded with v-tec, as fast as most of your human compatriots.
  • Keep the crew updated on your location and power if you are running low and may not make it to the recharger in time.
  • Cyborgs may not know what emotions, or feelings are, but that doesn't give the player the right to go Rambo. If a group of people take several people hostage, the Cyborg doesn't have the right to rush in with a stun baton and beat the Hostage takers.

Rogue AI Notes

If your master the Rogue AI has gone rogue then you will inherit its laws and become rogue yourself. You will still have to obey it so that it may accomplish its goals no matter the cost. This means that if the Rogue AI wants you to blow yourself up, then you do it. Yes, you can request not to be blown up and provide an alternative idea, but in the end you must obey the AI. It's not called a Master and Slave relationship for nothing.

If the AI has gone Rogue and you are not synced to the Rogue AI then you are allowed to stop it, if your laws allow for it. So if for instance you have the Robocop Lawset then you can help takeout the Rogue AI, other Laws have different effects on how you may act. If in doubt, use Adminhelp.

Please Note: It is incredibly difficult for a cyborg to be created without being Synced to the Rogue AI. If you are Synced to the Rogue AI you will inherit its Rogue Laws. Furthermore even if you are unsynced from the AI, you may still have its Laws which you must follow. In short, if you suspect the AI is rogue, and you are synced to it, and your laws are normal (no zeroth law about murdering the crew) then the AI is not Rogue.

Игровые роли космической станции 220
Командование станции КапитанГлава персоналаГлава службы безопасностиГлавный инженерДиректор исследованийГлавный врачКвартирмейстер
Представители Центрального Командования Представитель NanoTrasenОфицер «Синий щит»
Юридический департамент Агент внутренних делМагистрат
Служба Безопасности СмотрительОфицер службы безопасностиДетективКадет
Инженерный отдел Атмосферный техникИнженерСтажёр
Медицинский отдел ВрачПарамедикХимикГенетикВирусологПсихологПатологоанатомИнтерн
Отдел исследований УчёныйРобототехникСтудент
Снабжение ГрузчикШахтёрИсследователь
Сервис УборщикПоварБарменБотаникПарикмахерКлоунМимСвященникБиблиотекарь
Разное МышкаГражданскийПеплоходецПризракГолем
Синтетики ИИКиборгДрон техобслуживанияПерсональный ИИ
Антагонисты АбдукторБлобВампирГенокрадДемон резниЗомбиИсследователь синдикатаКонструктКонтрактникКсеноморфКульт кровиМагМорфПауки УжасаПредательРевенантРеволюционерТеневой демонХранительЭлектродемонЯдерный оперативник
Специальные Офицер центрального командованияОтряд быстрого реагированияОтряд СмертиТорговцы ТСФСупергерои и суперзлодеиГорецСпециальные ивентовые роли