Обсуждение:Вещи Синдиката
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Возвращаемые предметы
Текущий возвращаемый предмет на данный момент это Инъектор голопаразитов Обратите внимание, что возвращается только неиспользованный предмет.
Приведенные в таблице ниже предметы выделены цветом для обозначения их контрабандного статуса
Код | Обьяснение | Стандартное наказание за владение |
НК | Неконтрабандные предметы. | Нет Конфискация при совершении преступления с этим предметом. |
C | Стандартная контрабанда. | Конфискация, 306 статья. Присвоение статуса Врага корпорации если использовано в тяжких преступлениях. |
S | Опасная контрабанда | Конфискация и присвоение статуса Врага корпорации. |
Специфические предметы
Предметы, доступные только определенным профессиям, с которыми те появились на станции. Смена профессии внутри игры не сменит ваш арсенал.
Предмет | Стоимость | Работа | Использование | Описание |
Семена Ambrosia Cruciatus Ambrosia Cruciatus Seeds |
5 TК | Ботаник | Выращивание растения с крайне удобным соотношением реагентов | Пачка семян, замаскированная под Ambrosia Vulgaris, содержит следующие гены:
Основной прикол семян - мгновенное получение сильной наркотической смеси для активного боя без игр с генами и долгого выращивания мега-конопли. |
Чемодан, полный пчёл |
50 TК | Ботаник | Призыв неадекватно огромного роя пчёл по всей станции. | Чемодан может хранить в себе до 15 пчел и появляется с 10 в загашнике. Синди-пчёлы имеют 25 здоровья, наносят 5 урона и впрыскивают вещество, которое наносит в среднем 6 урона с одного укуса. Жало пробивает МОДсьюты. Синди-пчёлы агрессивны ко ВСЕМ, но это можно исправить, введя шприцем свою кровь в чемодан.
Совет: выпускайте орды пчёл в преимущественно в техах. Это не нарушает никакие правила и значительно усложняет перемещение офицеров по "вашей" территории. Лазарь можно приготовить с помощью ботаники без чьей-либо помощи. Так же пчелы служат хорошей мясной стеной для отхода, так как переживают 1 выстрел из лазерного оружия. |
"Безопасные" ножницы Safety Scissors |
15 TК | Парикмахер | Каким-то образом уговорить вашу жертву на стрижку и укоротить его стрижку на целую голову. | Пара ножниц, заточенная до предела. Они наносят 18 урона и этот урон можно повысить, найдя точильный камень. Ими можно сымитировать стрижку жертве, в хелпе попытавшись провести стандартную процедуру. После заполненного прогресс-бара вместо изменения стрижки цель получит 18 урона в голову и потерю дыхания на 20 секунд, дав достаточно времени убить её без криков о помощи.
Опьяняющие патроны Boozey Shotgun Shells |
10 TK | Бармен | Поставить жирную точку в хорошей попойке. | Коробка, содержащая 6 спец патрон, которые помимо своих 40 стамины и 5 урона вводят жертву в состояние адского опьянения в зависимости от количества алкоголя в крови.
Его Светлость His Grace |
100 TК Доступно к покупке только при задании угона шаттла. |
Священник | Пожирание всех. |
Стартовый набор миссионера Missionary Starter Kit |
75 TК | Священник | Стать пристом прямиком из Age Of Empires! | После того как вы наденете мантию и активируете посох, вы сможете WOLOLO людей в своих рабов на 10 минут (лица с защитой разума имеют иммунитет). Обращенные - это обычные рабы разума, поэтому вы можете приказывать им, что хотите, и сообщать администраторам, если они не слушаются. После инициации вы должны оставаться неподвижными и находиться в поле зрения цели в течение восьми секунд. Объект также получит сигнал о том, что происходит обращение. После превращения вы будете кричать WOLOLO, что делает это не слишком скрытным, но если вы сделаете так, чтобы это выглядело нормально, никто и глазом не моргнет... возможно. |
Специальный соус от шеф-повара Chef Excellence's Special Sauce |
10 TК | Повар | Делать блюда до смерти вкусной. | Соус, изготовленный на заказ из очень ядовитых мухоморов. Аманитин наносит урон токсинами только после того, как закончит переработку внутри жертвы, но он будет наносить тем больший урон, чем дольше он в ней находился. В бутылку входит 50 единиц соуса для "ароматизации" пищи.
Совет: Так же можно перелить в сонную ручку. Одна бутылка соуса гарантированно убьет жертву без криков о помощи спустя примерно 4 минуты ожидания. |
Боевой набор пекаря Combat Bakery Kit |
25 TК | Повар & Мим | Съесть свои собственные улики. | Набор подпольного хрустящего оружия. Содержит багет с возможностью парирования, а также пару метательных круассанов-бумерангов на 20 урона и поваренную книгу анархиста, позволяющую изготовить еще больше круассанов по требованию. Круассаны можно изготовить в меню "Оружие" крафтового меню. |
Нож для разделки мяса |
40 TК | Повар | Быть страшным маньяком, склонным к каннибализму. | Зловещий тесак для разделки мяса, наносящий 25 единиц урона при каждом ударе и обладающий дополнительным преимуществом: в харм интенте после смерти жертву можно разрубить на куски мяса. Используйте ваш точильный камень, если вы действительно хотите, чтобы кто-то умер скорее чем позже. |
Беляши Синдиката |
10 TК | Повар | Вкусный способ залечивать раны, сопротивляться оглушению и увеличивать скорость передвижения. | Коробка узкоспециализированных донк-покетов с регенерирующими и стимулирующими химическими веществами внутри них.
Список веществ в одном донке (все по 15u): Не рекомендуется есть более одного за раз, так как вы можете получить передозировку. В отличие от обычных донк-покетов, они готовы к употреблению сразу и съедаются за 1 укус. P.S. Будьте осторожны: 3 из 6 химикатов внутри могут вызвать привыкание! Компания не несет ответственности за возможные проблемы со здоровьем. |
Перчатки карманника Pickpocket's Gloves |
30 TК | Ассистент | Воровать ценности у ничего не подозревающего экипажа и подкладывать в карманы людей пончики или активные бомбы. | Пара изящных перчаток для карманников. Надев их, вы можете заглянуть в карманы любого ничего не подозревающего человека, ограбить его документы или карманы без его ведома, а при карманной краже предмет попадет прямо к вам в руку. |
Клоунские ботинки акробата Clown Acrobatic Shoes |
15 TК | Клоун | Выскальзывать из липких ситуаций. | Высокотехнологичная пара клоунских ботинок со встроенной двигательной системой. Активировав ботинки, вы можете проскользнуть на 6 плиток вперед, прямо под всеми, кто попадется вам на пути. Требуется 8-секундная пауза между скольжениями. Отключенные клоунские амортизаторы позволяют двигаться с обычной скоростью. Чтобы включить их обратно ради маскировки, возьмите ботинки в руки и нажмите на них Ctrl + Click. |
Банановая граната Banana Grenade |
15 TК | Клоун | Отомстить службе безопасности, которая лишила вас обычной кожуры. | Граната, взрывающаяся банановой кожурой марки "HONK!", генетически модифицированной, чтобы быть очень скользкой и выделять едкую кислоту, когда на нее наступают. Кожура не складывается(БАГ) в стопку, поэтому старайтесь покрыть как можно большую площадь для эффективного использования!
"Русский" револьвер. Trick Revolver |
5 TК | Клоун | Проделывать величайший розыгрыш с этими надоедливыми валидхантерами. | Револьвер с уморительной особенностью: если кто-то попытается выстрелить из него, оружие выстрелит ему прямо в лицо, мгновенно убив его. Выглядит идентично настоящему, поэтому будьте предельно осторожны, если собираетесь использовать обычный револьвер вместе с этим!
Совет: Не перепутав револьверы, во время перестрелки "случайно" выкиньте револьвер прямо перед лицом охраны с криком "ой". Даже если перепутаете, любой из последующих вариантов развития событий будет невероятно смешным. |
Липкая граната. Trick Grenade |
5 TК | Клоун | Проделывать величайший розыгрыш с этими надоедливыми валидхантерами. Или с собой. | Минибомба Синдиката неотличимая по характеристикам, но с одной забавной особенностью: при включении гранаты она липнет к рукам, делая невозможным избавиться от неё. Только владельцы гена неуклюжести могут распознать подвох.
Совет: Это буквально минибомба синдиката, но за 5 ТК. Да, она липнет к рукам, но можно её активировать, взорвав другой гранатой. Хм.. |
Шуточный секвенсор Jestographic Sequencer |
20 TC | Клоун | Получение доступа в запретные зоны, при этом закрывая доступ тем, кто должен там находиться. | Также называемый "КМАГ", он представляет собой идентификационную карту, покрытую суспензией электромагнитно заряженного бананиума. При использовании на двери доступ к ней инвертируется: экипажу, которому в обычных условиях было бы отказано в доступе, теперь разрешается войти, и наоборот. Отличный способ пробраться в запретные зоны за чужой счет! КМАГнутые двери могут быть восстановлены до нормального состояния путем очистки двери мылом или средством для очистки помещений, поэтому не стоит надеяться на то, что капитан навсегда заблокируется в своем кабинете. КМАГ обладает дополнительными функциями при использовании на определенных предметах, с которыми можно ознакомиться на отдельной странице: Jestographic Sequencer |
Силовые перчатки Power Gloves |
50 TК | Инженер | Подключение к электросети станции для поражения или убийства людей. | Они выглядят как изоляционные перчатки, поэтому очень незаметны. СКМ с намерением вреда кому-либо на видимой плитке, находясь на плитке с проводом, выпустит из рук пользователя болт молнии, оглушив или убив цель в зависимости от силы тока, проходящей по проводу. СКМ с намерением дизарма оглушит цель на 6 секунд вне зависимости от наличия тока на проводе. Отключение СКАНов от электросети и добавление новых коллекторов в Сингулярности создаст более мощный удар, что позволит оружию убивать цели за несколько ударов. Они выполняют функцию изолированных перчаток. |
Противопехотная мина Proximity Mine |
10 TК | Уборщик | Взрывное напоминание НЕ БЕГАТЬ ПО МОКРОМУ ПОЛУ! | Противопехотная мина, скрытая под знак "Мокрый пол". Взвести мину может только антагонист или раб разума. После активации у вас 15 секунд до активации мины. После активации, любой гуманоид с режимом бега, пробегающий рядом с миной лишится обеих ног и получит небольшой взрыв с дружественным напоминанием НЕ БЕГАТЬ ПО МОКРОМУ БЛЯТЬ ПОЛУ! |
Титановая метла Titanium Push Broom |
60 TК | Уборщик | Блокировать все снаряды и сметать врагов палкой, словно кунг-фу мастер по мнению 8 летнего ребенка. | Когда держится в обеих руках, метла наделяет хозяина способностью отражать любые снаряды и парировать атаки в ближнем бою, а так же в зависимости от интента дает разные эффекты:
Вирусный инъектор Viral Injector |
15 TК | Вирусолог | Заставить своих коллег начать блевать, находясь в огне | Гипоспрей, способный передавать вирус, скрытый под видом функциональной пипетки. Вирусный инжектор работает как обычная пипетка, но при использовании против людей он незаметно впрыскивает содержимое в жертву, передавая все вирусы, содержащиеся в содержимом. |
Стимуляторы Stimulants |
40 TК | Медицинский & Научный отдел, кроме Робототехника | Иммунитет к оглушению и огромная регенерация | Запрещенное вещество, содержащееся в компактном инъекторе, при введении в организм делает его невосприимчивым к оглушению и значительно повышает способность организма к самовосстановлению. Подробнее здесь. |
Magillitis Serum Bio-chip |
25 TC | Research Director & Genetics | Become the King of the Apes. | A single-use bio-chip which contains an experimental serum that turns you or your victim into a rampaging gorilla! This implant is no joke, and can cause fatal damage and send limbs flying. Be careful however, you can't turn back nor use your hands. |
Syndicate MMI |
10 TC | Roboticist | Mindslaves any brain installed into it, to be installed into a robotic servant. | An illegal MMI which mindslaves any brain placed inside it to the user. Any cyborg made with this will be permanently loyal to you until the brain is removed from the MMI, and will appear to be linked to the AI and function normally. Can also be installed into an empty mech or IRC for a loyal servant, but not an AI core. A more stealthy option compared to emagging cyborgs, who are easy to spot as compromised by an AI or competent RD. |
E20 |
15 TC | Librarian | The ultimate last resort for blowing up that guy who forgot to order pizza at a D&D game. | Undistinguishable from regular dice, besides blowing up 3 seconds after being rolled. The explosion radius depends upon your roll, but generally it is quite powerful, a 15 being comparable to a syndicate bomb, 20 exploding larger than the bomb cap and rolling a 1 will instantly gib you. Unlike grenades, you don't automatically go into throw mode after rolling these. You have to be careful as well. If the die rolls anything higher than a 15, you will have an extremely hard time escaping the blast radius even if you throw it immediately after priming. |
Telegun |
60 TC | Research Director | Teleporting threats or targets. | An extremely high-tech energy gun that utilizes bluespace technology to teleport away living targets. Select the target beacon on the telegun itself; projectiles will send targets to the beacon locked onto. |
Contortionist Jumpsuit |
30 TC | Life Support Specialist | Squeezing through vents. | This highly flexible jumpsuit allows you to squeeze through the piping of the station to reach rooms quickly and almost silently. ALT click any vent to climb into it. You must not have any backpack or belt on however; only your pockets! |
Energized Fireaxe |
40 TC | Life Support Specialist | Fighting people rather than fires. | A special fireaxe that can store an electrical charge. It deals 30 brute damage per strike when wielded with both hands and while it holds a charge will stun and knock back anyone hit by it. It also pierces light amounts of melee armor if you need to fight someone more well-armed. The axe can only hold a single electrical charge and will slowly recharge once used. Be warned that while the energized fireaxe can't be easily singled out while held or on your back, it will give off sparks when wielded with both hands and has an obvious description to anyone that closely examines it. |
Guide to Advanced Mimery |
50 TC | Mime | Using your hands to shoot bullets and build walls | A box containing two books which each grant a new mime ability. The first ability is the Finger Gun, which lets you fire up to three bullets from your hand that deal 40 damage each while also silencing the target for a short while. The second ability is the Improved Wall, which creates a temporary, invisible, impassible 3x1 wall in front of your character. Both abilities are on a 60 second cooldown, but can be used as many times as you want. Note that if a non-mime uses these books, they will additionally get a vow of silence so that they can use their new abilities. |
Shotgun Cane & Assassination Shells |
40 TC | Mime | Sneakily and silently blasting your target with buckshot shells | A box containing a shotgun disguised as a cane, as well as 7 specialized assassination shells (one loaded in the cane plus six in the box). The cane can only hold a single shell, but is silenced and will not reveal itself as gun when examined. The shells included in the kit work similarly to buckshot and are only really useful at point-blank range but come with the added benefit of silencing your victims on impact, making them unable to scream for help. |
Feral Cat Delivery Grenade |
10 TC | Psychiatrist | Summoning cute kittens to kill everything in sight. | The feral cat delivery grenade contains 5 dehydrated feral cats in a similar manner to dehydrated monkeys, which, upon detonation, will be rehydrated by a small reservoir of water contained within the grenade. These cats will then attack anything in sight. |
Poison Pen |
5 TC | Cargo, Librarian, Head of Personnel | Turning paperwork into a deadly weapon. | A devious pen filled with various poisons. When using this pen on any piece of paper, you will lace it with a special contact version of the poison that will apply 20 units of the substance to the next person to pick it up. Comes with unlimited uses. Here is the various poisons you can select: Black Ink: Nothing; Red Ink: Amanitin; Green Ink: Polonium;; Blue Ink: Teslium; Yellow Ink: Pancuronium. |
Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod |
25 TC | Miner | Upgrading your kinetic accelerator to deal more damage indoors. | A special modkit for your kinetic accelerator that reduces or removes the damage reduction it normally receives in a pressurized environment. Using a single modkit will reduce the penalty to 20 damage and using two will allow the accelerator to deal the full 40 damage indoors. Each modkit uses 35 of the gun's mod capacity, so you will only have enough space for 2 of them ordinarily. |
Species Specific Gear
Highly Visible and Dangerous Weapons
Direct Weapons
Item | Cost | Purpose | Description |
Holoparasites |
60 TC | Summoning a holoparasite Guardian | When injected, causes a parasitic nanomachine entity known as a guardian to become attached to the user. These entities can have many different dangerous abilities, such as igniting targets or creating explosive traps. While personally immortal, damaged sustained by the holoparasite is redirected as brute damage onto the host, bypassing armor and making it clear to viewers who is the host. |
Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons
Direct Weapons
Item | Cost | Damage Type | Damage | Description |
Energy Dagger |
10 TC | Brute | 18 Brute/ +20 Armor Piercing | Essentially a more lightweight energy sword. When you hit someone's back with it, it deals additional damage and knocks them down. This device can be disguised as a pen to be stored within a PDA when off. It also functions as a pen when turned off. |
Dart Pistol Kit |
20 TC | Variable | Variable | A miniaturized version of a normal syringe gun. It is very quiet when fired and can fit into any space a small item can. It also doesn't make a chat log when firing. The dart can be seen while in the air. Comes with 3 labelled syringes in a box, containing capulettium plus, sarin and pancuronium. |
Rapid Syringe Gun |
60 TC | Variable | Variable | A weapon capable of holding up to 14 syringes, as well as up to 300 units of chemicals. Comes pre-loaded with 7 syringes. Alt-click the weapon to select how many units of chemicals should be injected per syringe - 5u, 10u, or 15u. Chemicals can be loaded from a beaker, while syringes either manually one by one, or speedloaded by hitting the gun with a container holding a number of them. Can pierce any clothing. |
Toy gun (Stun darts) |
15 TC | Stamina | 25 | Fires riot foam darts which deal temporary stamina damage. A single clip contains 7 darts and it takes about 5 successful hits to knock the target out, but it won't last for long. The foam darts can be recollected easily by ejecting the magazine out of the pistol and then clicking on a dart with it. You will automatically collect all the darts on the ground, with which you can keep pounding the poor sucker into submission all over again! Even if you fail to knock your target out, enough hits and he'll be too slow to run away from you if you act fast enough. |
Box of Throwing Weapons |
15 TC | Brute/Stun | 20/Trips | Comes with 5 throwing stars and 2 reinforced bolas. The Throwing stars do a respectable 20 damage when thrown and are guaranteed to embed in the target, hindering them and causing pain until removed by surgery, though this makes retrieving them from your enemy somewhat challenging. The bolas leg-cuffs its target, but on top of that trips them up when they are first hit, rendering them prone for 2 seconds. |
Item | Cost | Purpose | Description |
Martial Arts Scroll |
65 TC | Turning your average brawler into Bruce Lee. | The single-use scroll teaches a person the sleeping carp martial art. After you use this scroll you will be unable to use any ranged weapons, however, a wielder of this knowledge will automatically block all projectiles when throw intent is active. Your standard melee damage with your fists increases to a smashing 10-15 brute damage per hit. It also makes all grabs start as aggressive and changes the attack verbs used, as well as making you shout silly stuff making it apparent you've become a master of Carp Fu. You also get a new set of moves that can be displayed by recalling your teachings in the new sleeping carp tab. |
CQC Manual |
50 TC | Remembering the basics of CQC. | A manual that teaches a single user tactical Close-Quarters Combat before self-destructing. Does not restrict weapon usage. Your disarms will inflict some stamina damage while shoving people, your grabs will immobilize for a second making it easier to reinforce them, your harm attacks will deal moderate stamina damage, and you will get a set of combos that allow you to efficiently knockdown, disarm or stun your opponent. You can find more information on CQC and its combos Here. |
Experimental Krav Maga Gloves |
50 TC | If you want cool melee moves without giving up firearms in exchange. | Gloves with specialized nanites in them that give the user the ability to use Krav Maga while equipped, similar to the warden's gloves. Includes all the main abilities and functions of Krav Maga, but the gloves are disguised as regular black gloves and wielding them does not restrict weapon usage like that of Carp Fu. |
Dehydrated Space Carp |
5 TC | Make people sleep with the fishes. | Just add water to make your very own hostile to everything space carp. It looks just like a plushie. Double click to bind the carp to you prior to hydrating it. |
Sleepy Pen |
40 TC | Making people fall asleep and drawing glasses on them afterwards. | This devious little pen is a hypospray in disguise. It comes pre-loaded with 100 units of Ketamine, a tranquilizing reagent which will put a target to sleep after about 20 seconds. When you use it on someone, they'll be injected with 50 units of the chemical inside the pen, unless they are wearing a hardsuit which will block it. This is a silent injection so the receiver will receive no notification, although most people will be incredibly suspicious when they start suffering ill effects after you bump into them. The pen can be drained or refilled with a syringe. |
Poison Bottle |
10 TC | Getting a random bottle of poison that can debilitate, knockout or kill targets. | A bottle that contains one of many different illegal chemicals, some of which can only be found inside this item. Possibilities include Cyanide, Sarin, Sulfanol, Initropidril, Coniine, Venom, Ketamine, Amanitin, Polonium, Curare, Pancuronium, Sodium Thiopental, Gibbis, Nanomachines, Prions, Spider Eggs, Concentrated Initropidril, Heartworms and Bacon Grease. Note: Nonlethal poisons are only C class, not S class. |
Universal Suppressor |
5 TC | Covert ranged combat. | Fitted for use on any small caliber weapon with a threaded barrel, this suppressor will suppress the shots of the weapon for increased stealth and superior ambushing capability. |
Syndicate Soap |
5 TC | Hiding murder and slipping vigilantes. | It's a bar of evil looking soap that cleans things at an accelerated rate to normal soap. |
Fiber Wire Garrote |
30 TC | Strangling and re-locating victims. | The fiber wire garrote will instantly start a chokehold, making your target helpless and allowing you to upgrade the grab immediately to begin strangling them, as well as making the person unable to scream over the radio as long as you don't holster the garrote. As a two-handed weapon, the garrote has to be "wielded" by using it in your hand with the other hand free. You must be behind the person to use the garrote. |
False-Bottomed Briefcase |
10 TC | Concealing a firearm and unloading it when least expected. | A briefcase with a hidden compartment that can store anything normal-sized or smaller. If you hide a gun inside you can fire it at will while holding the briefcase, making it an excellent tool for an ambush! To use the hidden compartment, use a screwdriver on the briefcase and then place the desired item inside before closing the compartment by using the screwdriver again. Be warned that anyone can use this briefcase's hidden function or open the compartment if they have the tools! |
Camera Flash |
5 TC | Blinding people and stunning cyborgs. | An advanced flash device that behaves much the same way as the one security uses. This devious version comes disguised as a camera and will not burn out like the normal variant - instead it uses a recharging battery allowing traitors to keep using it even after they burn through all 5 charges. |
Stealth and Camouflage Items
Grenades and Explosives
Devices and Tools
Item | Cost | Purpose | Description |
Cryptographic Sequencer |
30 TC | Gaining entrance to restricted areas or lockers and hacking things. | Also called an E-Mag (electromagnetic card), it allows you to quite literally open anything. It will open any door, locker, crate, and can short out weapon locks. The issue is that once used on something, that something breaks permanently, doors stay stuck open, locker don't lock, weapons can be used by anyone. While this can have the desired effect, it also leaves a trail for people to follow (mostly doors), it also has a fairly noticeable visual when you use it (generally sparks shooting out of whatever it was used on). But besides gaining access through mundane locks, there are a number of other uses that E-mags have. A Full list of E-Maggable Objects can be found here: Cryptographic Sequencer |
Access Tuner |
30 TC | An all access door remote | An all-access door remote that takes 1.5 seconds to remotely connect with airlock circuits, allowing you to bolt, enable emergency access, or open them. Visible while in-hand. |
Radio Jammer |
20 TC | Disrupting nearby radio signals. | A radio jammer is used in order to confuse and obfuscate nearby radio signals in a short range (12 tiles). Radio messages appear scrambled and muddled which can prevent others from being able to easily interpret the communications of those nearby. This device will not nullify radio completely, but will scramble it greatly. It also stops any AI from tracking people who's radios are scrambled. |
Artificial Intelligence Detector |
5 TC | Useful to work around the AI. | A functional multitool that turns red when it detects an artificial intelligence watching it or its holder. Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover. |
Binary Translator Key |
25 TC | Monitoring AI chatter. | The key must be attached to a headset. Each headset can contain up to two encryption keys, and department headsets start with one. This tool will allow you to access to the AI and cyborg's personal channel to hear their dirty synthetic secrets. Very handy for hearing if the AI is rogue, or is out to arrest you. You can speak in the binary channel with ':+'. |
Syndicate Encryption Key |
10 TC | Communicating with other Syndicate agents. Intercepting other channels. | The key must be attached to a headset. Each headset can contain up to two encryption keys, and department headsets start with one. It will intercept almost every radio message. The syndicate channel is accessed with ':t'. |
Hacked AI Upload Module |
15 TC | Subverting the AI. | It's like an AI freefom module, except your laws take priority over all others. You'll need to get at an upload console for it to work though. Be careful though, and don't give the AI wiggle room to backstab you. |
Traitor Belt |
10 TC | Storing any small items you want on your belt. | A robust seven-slot toolbelt made for carrying a broad variety of weapons, ammunition and explosives as well as normal tools. The description gives its naughty secondary usage away, keep it away from security's prying eyes. |
Thermal Safe Drill |
5 TC | Opening that pesky safe, loudly. | A large, battery powered drill that can be attached to both floor and box safes, drilling through them in five minutes flat. It will make drilling sounds and spark however, prepare for a fight. This can also be crafted on the crafting menu, as can the diamond version. |
Prototype Bone Repair Kit |
20 TC | An autoinjector with nanocalcium within, for healing those pesky bones. | The autoinjector comes with a guide on how to use it. Do not use with any stimulants, it will damage you and prevent your bones from healing. The autoinjector will make a sound when used, and will take some time to become active in your system. It can weaken, cause confusion and will cause you to collapse when the actual bone healing commences, but after some time, will start to fix any broken bones in your body. A useful alternative to seeking medical help when security is after you. |
Experimental Syndicate Teleporter |
40 TC | An experimental syndicate teleporter, for breaking into or out of areas. | The device teleports the user 3-8 tiles forward, and has 4 charges that recharge over time. Great for getting into well secured rooms. Be carefull, if you teleport onto a wall, it will try to save you by teleporting you 3 tiles parallel to your destination, but if it fails, you will be gibbed. Teleporting onto someone will hurt and stun them, but not you. Do not let the teleporter get EMPD, and do not use it with a bag of holding. Both will have dangerous side effects on the teleporters operation. Comes with a free pair of Chameleon Meson goggles. |
Surgery Duffelbag |
10 TC | Traitorous medical operations. | A handy duffelbag which contains a full set of surgery tools, a straitjacket and a muzzle. The duffelbag itself is also much lighter than the ones you'll find on the station and won't slow you down while it's on your back. |
Advanced Pinpointer |
20 TC | Finding items and crew. | A pinpointer that tracks high-value items and crew on the station. Specifically, the PDA has 3 modes: 1) You can set X;Y co-ordinates and have it point you out in that direction. 2) You can locate the nuclear disk or other common objectives for traitors ( like hypospray, medals of captaincy, etc. ) 3) You can input a crew member's DNA strand to find them. You'll probably need to either get a medical crew's PDA or access to a medical logs computer for this. |
Power Sink |
50 TC | Sucks up all the station power, causing a black-out. | This bad boy is a station engineers and AI's worst enemy. When bought, this thing is useless, but when the power sink comes in contact with exposed wires out in space or on the station it starts to drain the power at a RAPID rate. You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up! |
Power Beacon |
10 TC | Attracting a loose singularity towards the beacon at a brisk pace. | Placed like a powersink, screwdriver to secure and open hand to turn on, the power beacon will attract the singularity towards it, if it is loose. Note that for it to be useful at all the singularity needs to be released, as the beacon will not release it. A singularity beacon starts in your hand, but you cannot pick it up after deploying it. It also blocks movement over it, so be sure to spawn it where you want to set the beacon up. Needs a powered cable underneath, and a floor tile.
Not available to nuke agents. Only available if your objective is to hijack the shuttle. |
Suspicious Toolbox |
5 TC | Obtaining tools. | Filled with ordinary tools, except the welder, which is of industrial quality. It comes with a multitool and combat gloves instead of an analyser and it's also slightly more damaging than a regular toolbox, doing around 15 brute damage. |
Space Suits and MODsuits
NOTE: The stats can be plugged into this formula to get the percentage of damage blocked. For instance, a score of 20 on lasers means 28.57% of damage blocked from lasers.
Syndicate Modules
Module | Cost | Complexity | Passive Cell Drain | Active Cell Drain | On-Use Cell Drain | Description |
Thermal Visor Module |
15 TC | 1 | 0 | 0.3 | 0 | Lets you see living beings through walls. Also provides night vision. |
Night Visor Module |
5 TC | 1 | 0 | 0.3 | 0 | Lets you see clearer in the dark. |
Plate Compression Module |
10 TC | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | A module that lets the suit compress into a smaller size. Not compatible with storage modules, you will have to take that module out first. |
Anti-Slip Module |
5 TC | 1 | 0.1 | 0 | 0 | A module preventing the user from slipping on water. Already installed in the uplink modsuits. |
Heavily Modified Springlock Module |
5 TC | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | A module that spans the entire size of the MOD unit, sitting under the outer shell. This version of the module has been modified to allow for near instant activation of the MODsuit. Useful for quickly getting your MODsuit on/off, or for taking care of a target via a tragic accident. It is hidden as a DNA lock module. It will block retraction for 10 seconds by default to allow you to follow up with smoke, but you can multitool the module to disable that. |
Hidden Holster Module |
5 TC | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | A holster module disguised to look like a tether module. Gun not included. |
Bundles and Telecrystals
Item | Cost | Purpose | Description |
Syndicate Bundle |
100 TC | This spawns a syndicate box with one of nine random item sets. |
The bundles provide an emphasis on teamwork, as they are guaranteed to contain a Syndicate Encryption Key for communicating with fellow traitors. See Syndicate Bundle Equipment for bundle details. |
Syndicate Surplus Crate |
100 TC | Being an Economic Traitor. | A crate containing 250 telecrystals worth of random syndicate items. This includes possible repeats (Be ready to get five boxed spacesuits) and job specific gear as well (Be a sithmaster with a double E-sword and lightning gloves.) Does not contain species specific tools. |
Syndicate Super Surplus Crate |
200 TC | Being a HIGHLY Economic Traitor. | A crate containing 625 telecrystals worth of random syndicate items. Because of the much higher price compared to the regular surplus crate, you'll need to team up with at least 1 other traitor to afford it. |
Raw Telecrystals |
Variable | Giving telecrystals to other agents, charging additional uplinks. | Raw telecrystals extracted from the uplink. Handy when trading with other agents or charging a separate uplink such as the implanted version. Can be bought in 5, 25 or 100 telecrystal stacks. Operatives can additionally buy them in stacks of 50. |
(Pointless) Badassery
Syndicate Bundle Equipment
Bundle Name | Bundle Contents | Purpose |
Spy |
Complete your objectives quietly with this compilation of stealthy items. | |
Thief |
Steal from friends, enemies, and interstellar megacorporations alike! | |
Bond |
Shake your Martini and stir up trouble with this bundle of lethal equipment mixed with a spritz of gadgetry to keep things interesting. | |
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Agent 13 |
Find and eliminate your targets quietly and effectively with this kit. | |
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Payday |
Alright guys, today we're performing a heist on a space station owned by a greedy corporation. Drain the vault of all its worth so we can get that pay dirt! | |
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Implant |
A few useful implants to give you some options for when you inevitably get captured by | |
Hacker |
A kit with everything you need to hack into and disrupt the Station, AI, its cyborgs and the Security team. HACK THE PLANET! |
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Darklord |
Turn your anger into hate and your hate into suffering with a mix of energy swords and magical powers. DO IT. | |
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Professional |
Suit up and handle yourself like a professional with a long-distance sniper rifle, additional .50 standard and penetrator rounds and thermal glasses to easily scope out your target. | |
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Infiltrator |
Use your teleporter, krav maga and other support tools to jump right into your desired location, quickly leaving as though you were never there. |
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Grenadier |
A variety of grenades and pyrotechnics to ensure you can blast your way through any situation. |