Космический Закон: различия между версиями
imported>BOT Purple Нет описания правки |
imported>BOT Purple Нет описания правки |
Строка 454: | Строка 454: | ||
|- | |- | ||
!400 | !400 | ||
|[[File:Compromising_Station_Integrity. | |[[File:Compromising_Station_Integrity.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Compromising_Station_Integrity.png]]{{anchor|Grand Sabotage}} | ||
|'''Grand Sabotage''' | |'''Grand Sabotage''' | ||
|To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station. | |To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station. | ||
Строка 466: | Строка 466: | ||
|- | |- | ||
!402 | !402 | ||
|[[File:Attempted_Murder. | |[[File:Attempted_Murder.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Attempted_Murder.png]]{{anchor|Attempted Murder}} | ||
|'''Attempted Murder''' | |'''Attempted Murder''' | ||
|To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death. | |To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death. | ||
Строка 501: | Строка 501: | ||
|- | |- | ||
!502 | !502 | ||
|[[File:Murder. | |[[File:Murder.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Murder.png]]{{anchor|Murder}} | ||
|'''Murder''' | |'''Murder''' | ||
|To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means. | |To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means. |
Версия от 06:49, 26 марта 2020
Космический Закон - название, данное своду корпоративных правил, утвержденных Советом директоров Nanotrasen для использования на своих Космических Станциях.
Космическое право распространяется на всех сотрудников НТ и уполномоченных посетителей станции. Любой, находящийся на борту станции легально, юридически защищен и должен следовать космическому праву. Любые лица, которые незаконно поднимаются на борт станции, не защищены космическим правом.
Центральное командование может санкционировать помилование за преступления по своему усмотрению.
Используйте Adminhelp если вы хотите намеренно нарушить закон. Просто помните, что вас могут уволить, если вы не сможете скрыть это.
Толкование Закона
Для повышения эффективности труда работников Nanotrasen, большое значение имеет общее знание Космического Закона всеми сотрудниками станции. Более глубокие знания Космического Закона требуются на таких должностях как, Магистрат, Агент Внутренних Дел, Смотритель и Глава Охраны.
Для некоторых преступлений важен умысел обвиняемого. Различие между убийством и непредумышленным убийством может быть трудно установить. Если вы сомневаетесь, вы должны выбрать меньшее обвинение, а лучше попросить мнения Главы Охраны или Смотрителя.
Несколько пунктов обвинения - обвинение кого-то по нескольким пунктам преступления не допускается. Даже если кто-то украдет все инструменты на станции, это будет считаться одной мелкой кражей.
Сознательное пособничество преступнику - это пособничество и подстрекательство . Правонарушители должны быть приговорены к тому же сроку, что и лицо, которому они помогли, с минимальным сроком заключения пяти минут.
Вынесение Приговора
Правила вынесения приговора (а именно, обвинение кого-то в нескольких преступлениях одновременно):
- Преступления с одинаковыми последними двумя цифрами в их номере преступления (например: 102/202/302) никогда не могут быть сложены вместе.
- Преступления с заметками, которые говорят, что они не складываются с другим преступлением, очевидно, не могут быть сложены с этим преступлением.
- Преступления, которые очень похожи (например, контрабанда и хранение наркотиков, для одного и того же предмета), не могут быть сложены вместе. Обвиняют только в самом тяжком преступлении.
- Все остальные могут быть сложены вместе. То есть: вы можете обвинить кого-то как по 208 Взлом и проникновение, так и по 107 Мелкая кража. Время заключения должно быть сложено вместе.
Процедура Заключения
Посмотрите Legal Standard Operating Procedure.
Помимо стандартных процедур заключения необходимо принимать особые меры предосторожности:
- Спросите заключенных Вокса или Плазмамена, где находится их балон. Не снимайте его, так как это их бьёт! В случаях, если их одежда должна быть сменена, целесообразность является обязательным условием.
- Вся контрабанда должна быть конфискована и помещена в Хранилище Вещдоков, в том числе инструменты, используемые в преступлении. Они не подлежат возврату.
- Проводите регулярные проверки Пермабрига, Карцеров и Трудового Аванпоста на астероиде, в случаях если в них содержаться заключённые.
Legal Representation and Trials
See Legal Standard Operating Procedure.
While prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation, Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it unless otherwise specified by the Magistrate.
Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the sentencing process. However, Internal Affairs Agents have zero authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing. Internal Affairs Agents attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, ignored.
- Disruptive IAA - If the IAA is asked to leave the brig by the Magistrate, HoS, Warden or Captain, they must do so, and cannot return until one of those four people allows it. If they return without permission, or are otherwise disruptive, Security may ask the Magistrate for permission to demote them. If no Magistrate is present, the Captain may approve their demotion instead.
- Sentencing Conflicts - In instances where a conflict of opinion arises over the sentence of a prisoner, the following chain should be followed, in order of authority: Magistrate > Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Officer / Detective.
Применение Летальной Силы
Как сотрудник Службы Безопасности, вы вооружены и защищены лучше людей на станции, а также оснащены современным нелетальным оружием.
Ситуации, которые оправдывают применение смертоносной силы, немногочисленны и далеки друг от друга. В подавляющем большинстве случаев, вы должны будете использовать своё нелетальное оборудование, которые во много раз более эффективно для разрядки ситуации, чем летальные варианты.
Однако существуют определенные обстоятельства, при которых допускается применение смертоносной силы:
- Нелетальное оружие неэффективно - цели, непроницаемые для нелетального оружия, такие как экзоскелеты, Голопаразиты и их владельцы, Ксеноморфы, Киборги и Халки. Смертоносная сила может быть применена против этих целей, если они окажутся враждебными.
- Серьезный личный риск - сценарии, в которых присутствует значительный личный риск, если будет предпринята попытка ареста. Генокрады, Волшебники, ситуации с несколькими врагами, преступники во враждебных средах (космос, огонь, утечки плазмы и т. д.), преступники, владеющие опасными взрывчатыми веществами, все попадают в эту категорию.
- Вооруженные и опасные - подозреваемые в хранении оружия, в том числе тазеров, с обоснованным подозрением, что они будут его использовать. В большинстве случаев все же предпочтительнее попытаться задержать их не смертельно. Несанкционированный персонал в оружейной комнате по умолчанию считается вооруженным и опасным. Максимальная сила позволена для того чтобы подавить такие цели.
- Последующее возрождение - Если летальная сила была применена против кого-либо, не являющегося врагом корпорации(EoC), например культиста, то этот человек должен быть как можно быстрее возрожден и заключён под стражу/деконвертирован. Не особо опасным преступникам должна быть сразу оказана медицинская помощь после задержания
В общем, если есть возможность захватить персонал не смертельно то вам стоит так поступить. Если вы этого не сделаете, ожидайте, что вам придется оправдываться перед Агентом Внутренних Дел, чтобы не быть уволенным и перед администраторами, чтобы не получить JobBan.
Враги Корпорации
Иногда вы будете сталкиваться с персоналом, который работает на врага Nanotrasen (например, Синдикат) и/или работает над подрывом операций Nanotrasen.
Нынешние враги Nanotrasen включают, но не ограничиваются ими: Синдикат (через секретных агентов, абордажные группы и специалистов по промыванию мозгов), космическую Федерацию волшебников, генокрадов, теней, вампиров и других разумных враждебных форм жизни, которые стремятся нанести серьезный ущерб станции и/или экипажу.
- Казнь / тюремное заключение - Если враг корпорации не совершил каких-либо серьезных преступлений, он должен быть помещен на постоянное тюремное заключение без исключения. В противном случае исполнение приговора разрешается по усмотрению Магистрата. Если никакой Магистрат не был назначен или иным образом не может санкционировать приведение приговора в исполнение, капитан может санкционировать приведение приговора в исполнение в соответствии с установленными законом стандартными рабочими процедурами.
- Неконтролируемые Враги Корпорации - пойманные Shadowlings должны быть убиты на месте. Могущественные вампиры или любые другие враги корпорации, которых нельзя безопасно содержать в бриге, должны быть казнены или изгнаны независимо от их преступлений. Главные революционеры должны быть казнены или сосланы, как только они будут положительно идентифицированы. Если раса защищена от воздействия космоса - это не означает невозможность её содержания..
- Генокрады/Свидетельства - Все генокрады должны рассматриваться как враждебные инопланетные формы жизни и прямая угроза всему персоналу. Все генокрады должны быть убиты на месте и немедленно кремированы. Для установления доказательств необходимы судебно-медицинские доказательства и/или прямые показания персонала, находящегося под защитой сознания (mindshield). Персонал, который дает ложные показания, должен быть обвинен в убийстве, если предполагаемый Генокрад убит, и покушении на убийство, если это не так.
- Surrendering EoCs - Enemies of the Corporation that willingly turn themselves into Security of their own accord are to be kept in Permanent Imprisonment so long as they aren't impossible to contain. Defectors and captives are to be transported to Central Command via the Crew Transfer Shuttle; they are to be treated as dangerous enemies, but also protected from retribution and provided for.
- Parole for EoCs - Parole can be offered to Enemies of the Corporation at the discretion of the Captain or Magistrate. This should only happen in emergencies where extra hands are desperately needed. Paroled Enemies of the Corporation are to be stripped of all their belongings and given basic Civilian access.
Additional Clarifications
Executions can be done only by electric chair, lethal injection, firing squad, gas inhalation or asphyxiation. Other means of Execution are illegal unless a prisoner requests them. Cyborgification, either as a means of execution or posthumously, is also a valid option. See Legal Standard Operating Procedure for more information regarding executions.
- In cases where the final sentence is equal to or greater than 60 minutes, it is to be changed to a Permanent Imprisonment sentence.
- The greater good of the station should be considered when sentencing. If someone breaks into the AI Core to destroy a malfunctioning AI there is no need to charge them. Likewise, if the station is under attack by Nuclear Operatives you probably shouldn't be brigging people for trespassing. The intent of Space Law is to protect the station and the crew, not to hinder them.
Space Law
Crime Codes Quick Reference
Use this to quickly find Crime Code Numbers. You can click on the name of a crime to immediately navigate to it.
Crime codes are organized by a Category Code (_xx) which is a collection of non-stackable crimes on a row, prefixed by the Severity Number (X__).
Code | 1XX - Minor (0-5 minutes) |
2XX - Medium (5-10 minutes) |
3XX - Major (10-15 minutes) |
4XX - Exceptional (Permabrig) |
5XX - Capital (Permabrig/Execution) |
00 | Damage to Station Assets | Workplace Hazard | Sabotage | Grand Sabotage | |
01 | Kidnapping | Kidnapping of an Officer | Manslaughter | ||
02 | Battery | Assault | Aggravated Assault | Attempted Murder | Murder |
03 | Drug Possession | Narcotics Distribution | |||
04 | Possession of a Weapon | Possession of a Restricted Weapon | |||
05 | Indecent Exposure | Rioting | Inciting a Riot | Mutiny | |
06 | Abuse of Equipment | Abuse of Confiscated Equipment | Possession of Contraband | ||
07 | Petty Theft | Robbery | Theft | Grand Theft | |
08 | Trespass | Breaking and Entering | Major Trespass | ||
09 | Resisting Arrest | Assault of an Officer |
Modifiers Quick Reference
Use this to quickly find Modifiers and their values. You can click on the name of a modifier to immediately navigate to it.
Some modifiers, such as Repeat Offender, Aiding and Abetting, and Parole have special clauses and conditions.
Situation | Modifier | Situation | Modifier |
Aiding and Abetting | Partner's sentence; minimum 5 | Medical Attention | Running Timer |
Central Command Directive | Sentence Overridden | Parole | Parole Until Release |
Cooperation with Security | 50% reduction | Refusal to Cooperate | 50% addition |
Escape from Brig | Reset Timer or +5 mins | Repeat Offender | +5 mins on 3rd same offense |
Hostile Brainwashing | Deconversion & Release | Self Defense | Immediate Release |
Immediate Threat to Prisoner | Immediate Release/Relocation | Surrender | 50% reduction |
Minor Crimes
All of these crimes are punishable by a warning or sentence up to 5 minutes at the discretion of Security.
Code | Image | Crime | Description | Notes |
100 | Damage to Station Assets | To deliberately damage the station or station property to a minor degree with malicious intent. | Departmental Pets, Cyborgs, Xenobio golems, and personal pets are station property. Graffiti is not considered Damage to Station Assets, but destruction of personal belongings or property is. For serious damage to station property, see Sabotage. | |
102 | Battery | To use minor physical force against someone without intent to seriously injure them. | Repeated attempts at disarming (more than 3), tabling, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (less than four), smashing bottles on heads, and stunning are all considered battery. For serious harm, see Assault. | |
103 | Drug Possession | To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, aranesp, bath salts, THC, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel. | Botanists and MedSci staff are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation. For distribution, see Narcotics Distribution. | |
105 | Indecent Exposure | To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. | Running around the station naked or otherwise unclothed. | |
106 | Abuse of Equipment | To utilize security/non-lethal equipment in an illegitimate fashion. | The use of disabling devices, such as Flashes, Batons, Tasers/Disablers, and non-lethal rounds, outside the range of one's assigned duties. | |
107 | Petty Theft | To take items from areas one lacks access to, or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. | Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them is guilty of Petty Theft. Resisting demotion is considered Petty Theft. For more serious cases, see Theft or Robbery. | |
108 | Trespass | To be in an area which a person lacks authorized ID access for. This counts for general areas of the station. | Remember that people can break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in, or was otherwise given access. Trespass and Theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied. For restricted areas, see Major Trespass. | |
109 | Resisting Arrest | To resist an officer who attempts a proper arrest or search. | Personnel that have been illegitimately arrested cannot be charged with this law. Screaming over comms is not Resisting Arrest. The person must be actively attempting to either run away, or attack the arresting officer. |
Medium Crimes
All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 5 to 10 minutes at the discretion of Security.
Самооборона |
Снятие обвинений |
Вражеская конвертация |
Деконвертация и снятие обвинений |
Непосредственная угроза заключенному |
Выпуск из под стражи/Релокация |
Необходимость медицинской помощи |
Оказание помощи без сброса таймера и без начисления дополнительных БКП |
Явка с повинной |
Применение коэффициента 0.5 (-50%) к БКП |
Сотрудничество со следствием |
Применение коэффициента 0.5 (-50%) к БКП |
Условно-досрочное освобождение |
Условно-досрочное освобождение до первого нарушения |
Пособничество и подстрекательство |
Наказание за статьи, в нарушении которых оказывалась помощь |
Отказ от сотрудничества |
Применение коэффициента 1.5 (+50%) к БКП |
Рецидив правонарушения |
Начисление 500 БКП за второе и последующие однотипные нарушения |
Директива ЦК |
Исполнение директивы ЦК |
Code | Image | Crime | Description | Notes |
200 | Creating a Workplace Hazard | To endanger the crew or station through negligent but not deliberately malicious actions. | Examples of this crime involve accidental plasma leaks, slipping hazards, accidentally shocking doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is. For Workplace Hazards that lead to death, see Manslaughter. Failure to follow legal security orders during Code Red may constitute Creating a Workplace Hazard, see Code Red SOP. | |
201 | Kidnapping | To hold a crewmember under duress or against their will. | Physical harm is not required for this law to apply: the crewmember must kept in, or forcefully relocated to, a location against their will and be prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping. For kidnapping of Command/Security see Kidnapping of an Officer. | |
202 | Assault | To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. | To cause serious but non-critical harm to another crewmember including, but not limited to, forcible/deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances. For life-threatening harm, see Aggravated Assault. | |
203 | Narcotics Distribution | To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown. | Forcing or tricking someone to consume illicit or harmful substances, such as space drugs, is Assault. For non-distributed drugs used for recreation, see Drug Possession. | |
204 | Possession of a Weapon | To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of one's job. | Items capable of a high level of damage such as saws, axes, spears, stunprods, and hatchets fit into this category. If the item is part of someone's assigned duties they are permitted to carry it. For restricted weapons, see Possession of a Restricted Weapon. | |
205 | Rioting | To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen. | It is required to order the crowd to disperse; failure to disperse is the crime, not the assembly itself. Crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offenses. For the ringleader of a riot, see Inciting a Riot. | |
206 | Abuse of Confiscated Equipment | To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence. | Evidence is not to be used for anything but evidence with the exception of the Syndicate Encryption Key. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes everything from tools, to guns, to emags. For general abuse of security equipment, see Abuse of Equipment. | |
207 | Robbery | To steal items from another's person. | Remember to return the stolen items to the lawful owner. Stealing an ID is the most common and serious form of robbery. If the victim was SSD, ahelp it - this isn't allowed. For robbery of more valuable items, see Theft or Grand Theft. | |
208 | Breaking and Entering | Forced entry to areas where the subject does not have access to. This counts for general areas. | Actual entry needs to occur for this law to apply. Damage to external surfaces without entry is to be considered Damage to Station Assets. Does not stack with Damage to Station Assets unless damages also occurred after entry. For secure areas, see Major Trespass. |
Major Crimes
All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 10 to 15 minutes at the discretion of Security.
Code | Image | Crime | Description | Notes |
300 | Sabotage | To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions. | Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling power for a small area of the station, destroying cyborgs, and constructing barricades are all examples of sabotage. For more violent forms, see Grand Sabotage. | |
301 | Kidnapping of an Officer | To hold a member of Command, Security, or any Central Command VIP under duress or against their will. | Physical harm is not required for this law to apply: the crewmember must kept in, or forcefully relocated to, a location against their will and be prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping of an Officer. For kidnapping of non-Command/Security, see Kidnapping. | |
302 | Aggravated Assault | To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm. | Breaking bones, disfiguring, causing internal bleeding, or otherwise putting someone into a critical state. If the victim dies as a result of their injuries, see Manslaughter or Murder. | |
304 | Possession of a Restricted Weapon | To be in possession of a restricted weapon without authorization such as: Guns, Batons, Non-Beneficial Grenades/Explosives, etc. | Any item that can cause severe bodily harm carried by an unauthorized person. The Bartender is permitted their shotgun and beanbag rounds. The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits. For non-restricted weapons, see Possession of a Weapon. For detonation of explosives, see Sabotage or Grand Sabotage. | |
305 | Inciting a Riot | To attempt to stir the crew into a riot. | The offender should also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be given a tracking implant. For second offenses or violent uprisings, see Mutiny. | |
306 | Possession of Contraband | To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of S-grade contraband, or committing a major crime with contraband, makes you an Enemy of the Corporation. | For information on what items are contraband see Contraband. Contraband items from the Gateway are covered by this law. Personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition are exempt from this law. | |
307 | Theft | To steal restricted or dangerous items from either an area or one's person. | Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as spacesuits, and jetpacks. Breaking open Cargo crates to illegally arm/armor one's self, or cracking/drilling restricted area safes, is theft. For theft of minor valuables, see Petty Theft. | |
308 | Major Trespass | Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research. | To enter an area one lacks authorized ID access for through either forcible entry or an existing opening. For non-restricted areas, see Trespass. | |
309 | Assault of an Officer | To use excessive physical force against a member of Command or Security without the apparent intent to kill them. | To cause serious but non-life threatening harm to a member of Command or Security. For disarming, grabbing, or stunning an officer during an arrest, see Resisting Arrest. Battery, Assault, and Aggravated Assault do not stack with this charge. |
Exceptional Crimes
All of these crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, Exile, or Permanent Labor Camp Time.
- Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.
- If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
- Any prisoners that escape Permanent Imprisonment or Exile may be detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of Security.
Code | Image | Crime | Description | Notes |
400 | Grand Sabotage | To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station. | Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the engine, disabling the gravity generator, disabling power for a department or equivalently large portion of the station, subverting or destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas, detonating multiple cyborgs, and activating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage. For lesser acts, see Sabotage. If death was caused, see Murder. | |
401 | Manslaughter | To cause death to a person via negligence or injury without apparent intent to kill. | Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If any evidence of intent exists, see Murder. | |
402 | Attempted Murder | To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death. | Use of lethal weaponry such as firearms and explosives are considered as intent to murder. If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be Manslaughter. | |
407 | Grand Theft | To steal items of high value or sensitive nature from either an area or one's person. | Theft of cutting-edge technology, documents, and research samples. Examples include Hand Teleporters, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, Captain/HoP level ID cards, and Mechs. For theft of less important property, see Theft or Petty Theft. |
Capital Crimes
All of these crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, Exile or Cyborgization.
- Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.
- Only the Magistrate or Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.
- If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
- Any prisoners that escape Permanent Imprisonment or Exile may be detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of Security.
- Any prisoners that escape from an Execution sentence are to be killed on sight.
Code | Image | Crime | Description | Notes |
502 | Murder | To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means. | Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder. Unauthorised executions are also considered Murder. If there is no evidence of intent, see Manslaughter. | |
505 | Mutiny | To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. | Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party. If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion. |
Modifiers & Special Situations
Situation | Description | Notes | Modifier |
Aiding and Abetting | To knowingly assist a criminal. | Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, and willingly rendering medical aid. If the aided prisoner ends up receiving no charges, apply five minutes to the offender. | The original criminal's sentence; 5 minute minimum |
Central Command Directive | To be issued a pardon/sentence modification by Central Command. | Central Command may, under certain circumstances, legally waive sections of Space Law. Irrespective of the original crime, if a pardon or modification to a sentence is issued it is to be followed immediately. | Immediate Release/Modification |
Cooperation with Security | Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning. | Note that the information must be true in order for this modifier to apply. Prisoners giving false information to officers should not be awarded time off. | 50% reduction |
Escape from Brig | To flee successfully or unsuccessfully from a lawful sentence. | Repeatedly damaging or otherwise destroying a cell enclosure is considered an escape attempt. Unless the prisoner was attempting to escape from an immediate threat, reset the timer to the original sentence or add five minutes (whichever is greater). | Reset Timer or +5 minutes. |
Hostile Brainwashing | To be under the mind control of a Cult, Shadowling, or other mind-controlling circumstances. | Any brainwashed person is to be detained non-lethally and deconverted or dethralled. Deconverted/dethralled persons are to be immediately pardoned of their crimes and released. Any contraband or dangerous items found at the time of deconversion are to be confiscated without punishment. | Deconversion & Release |
Immediate Threat to Prisoner | A severe threat to a prisoner's person. | The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location or otherwise immediately release them. | Immediate Release/Relocation |
Medical Attention | A sick or injured prisoner requires medical aid. | Prisoners are entitled to medical aid if injured or sick. In cases of self-harm, aid may be rendered at the discretion of Security. The timer continues to run during this time. | Running Timer |
Parole | To be released, under parole, before the allotted sentence for a crime is up. | For non-Capital Crimes, Parole may be offered at the discretion of the Warden, Head of Security, Captain or Magistrate. For Capital Crimes, see Enemy of the Corporation. Parolees are to be kept under surveillance and, should they commit another crime, be charged with it on top of their original sentence. Breaking parole disqualifies any chance of future parole. Prisoners breaking parole from Capital Crimes are to be executed upon capture. | Parole Until Release |
Refusal to Cooperate | Non-cooperative behaviour/repeated attempts to escape. | While already detained inside the brig and awaiting a sentence, acting in a manner which makes security waste time processing you. Attempting to resist/fleeing from processing or imprisonment is refusal to cooperate. This modifier can result in Permanent Imprisonment if it brings the sentence above 60 minutes. | 50% addition |
Repeat Offender | To be brigged for the same offense more than twice. | Offenses must not be committed as part of one crime spree, and must be separate repeat offenses. Upon the third sentencing for the same crime, five minutes is to be added. An additional five minutes is to be added for every successive imprisonment. After three applications of this modifier (on their fifth same-crime offense), the perpetrator is to be permabrigged. | 5 minute cumulative addition on 3rd offense.
Permabrig on 5th offense. |
Self Defense | Acting to protect one's self, coworkers, or workplace. | Persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, not self-defense. Self-defense typically involves attempts to disarm or disengage, beating someone while they're down should be considered Assault unless the defender's life was in danger. | Immediate Release |
Surrender | Willfully surrendering to Security. | Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done, and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without a fuss is not surrender. | 50% reduction |
- It is the duty of crew to turn in C or S grade Contraband when found. Failure to turn in Contraband will result in charges.
Code | Explanation | Description |
NC | Non-Contraband items. These items are not to be charged as Contraband. | The Contraband charge does not apply to any of these items. They may not be confiscated unless directly used in the commission of a crime. |
C | Standard Contraband items. These items are chargeable as Contraband. | These items are to be confiscated and the owner is to be charged for Contraband. If used in committing a non-contraband related Major Crime, the owner is to be charged as an Enemy of the Corporation. The amount or variety of C-grade Contraband is irrelevant to the charge, it only applies once. |
S | Dangerous Contraband items. The owner is to be charged as an Enemy of the Corporation. | Any person caught with a S-Grade contraband item is to be immediately charged as an Enemy of the Corporation. These items are considered to be highly dangerous and are to be immediately confiscated. The origin of the item is irrelevant to the charge. |
Non-Contraband Items (NC) | ||||||
Briefcase Full of Cash |
Donk Pockets (Stimulants) |
No-Slip Shoes |
Sharpened Playing Cards |
Smuggler's Satchel |
Space Suit |
Surgery Duffelbag |
Suspicious Oxygen Tank |
Suspicious Toolbox |
Syndicate Balloon |
Syndicate Cigarettes |
Syndicate Mask |
Syndicate Soap |
Contraband Items (C) | ||||||
Adrenal Implant |
Adaptive Cardboard Cutout |
Advanced Pinpointer |
AI Detector |
Ambrosia Cruciatus |
Banana Grenade |
Binary Translator Key |
Boozy Shotgun Shells |
Chameleon Jumpsuit |
Camera Bug |
Chameleon Stamp |
Contortionist's Jumpsuit |
Dart Pistol |
Файл:DNA Scrambler.png
DNA Scrambler |
EMP Flashlight |
Foam Force Riot Pistol |
Foam Force Riot Foam Dart |
Freedom Implant |
Military/Traitor Belt |
Pickpocket's Gloves |
Poison Bottle (Non-Lethal) |
Standard Ammunition |
Stimulants |
Storage Implants |
Syndicate Pistol |
Thermal Imaging Glasses |
Thermal Safe Drill |
Universal Supressor |
Voice Changer |
Voodoo Doll |
Dangerous Contraband Items (S) | ||||||
.357 Revolver |
Access Tuner |
Файл:Id card.png
Agent ID Card |
Artistic Toolbox |
Atmos Grenades |
Blood Red Hardsuit |
Box of Throwing Weapons |
Cane Shotgun |
Chameleon Flag |
Chameleon Projector |
Chameleon Security HUD |
Chef's Excellence Special Sauce |
Cryptographic Sequencer (Emag) |
Composition C4 |
CQC Manual |
Dehydrated Space Carp |
Detomatix Cartridge |
EMP Kit |
Mini Energy Crossbow |
Energy Dagger |
Energy Sword |
E20 |
Feral Cat Grenade |
Fibre Wire Garrote |
F.R.A.M.E Cartridge |
Gloves of the North Star |
Hacked AI Upload Module |
Holoparasites |
Meat Cleaver |
Mind Batterer |
Mindslave Implant |
Missionary Starter Kit |
Mysterious Scroll (Sleeping Carp) |
Nanocalcium Injector |
Non-Standard Ammunition |
Pizza Bomb |
Poison Bottle (Lethal) |
Power Beacon |
Powerfist |
Power Gloves |
Powersink |
Proximity Mine |
Radiation Laser |
Radio Jammer |
Raw Telecrystal |
Safety Scissors |
Sleepy Pen |
Syndicate Bomb |
Syndicate Chainsaw |
Syndicate Documents |
Syndicate Encryption Key |
Syndicate Long Arms |
Syndicate Minibomb |
Syndicate MMI |
Syndicate Uplink |
Telegun |
Uplink Implant |
Viral Injector |