Все Антагонисты: различия между версиями

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(не показано 6 промежуточных версий 2 участников)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Все Антагонисты }}
#перенаправление [[Все антагонисты]]<br />
The following can all be assumed IC knowledge. Nanotrasen briefs crew members on all major antagonists. All personnel employed by NT can be assumed to know at least this much about them.
=Правила метагейма все еще применимы - попросить вампира ударить кого-то по голове и посмотреть произойдет укус или нет - явно метагейминг.=
='''Синдикат''' [[File:Syndiflag.png]]=
Синдикат - конгломерат космических пиратов и иных преступных структур, которые противостоят NanoTrasen, стремясь остановить работу и развитие НТ любыми способами.
В Синдикате состоят различные оперативные группы. Каждая группа уникальна по способам, оборудованию и путям противостояния НТ.
==[[Генокрад|Генокрад]] [[File:Changeling32.gif|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Changeling32.gif]]==
Генокрады - это адаптивные организмы, которые могут принять форму любого человека, у которого украли ДНК. Они нанимаются синдикатом и имеют способность общаться с другими генокрадами с помощью коллективного разума.
Генокрадов можно узнать по их способности превращать части своего тела в инструменты, такие как лезвия или щиты, а также способности жалить и впрыскивать членам экипажа опасные или галлюциногенные химические вещества. Генокрады могут возрождаться. Труп, внезапно возвращающийся к жизни - это ключевой показатель того, что вы имеете дело с подменышем.
У каждого генокрада есть хоботок, через который они высасывает питательную жидкость из своих жертв. Хотя хоботок генокрада является неоспоримым доказательством, но если вы его видели то, скорее всего, скоро умрете.
==[[Syndicate Infiltration Team|Оперативник синдиката]]/[[Предатель|Предатель]]/[[Contractor]] [[File:Emag.png|32px]]==
Оперативники синдиката или предатели - это сотрудники НТ, которые перешли на сторону синдиката путём подкупа или запугивания.
Предатели используют различные стратегии - от безобидных до самых разрушительных. Обычно, распознать предателя можно по таким предметам, как бомба в ПДА (картридж detomatix), криптографические секвенсоры (Emag), энергетические мечи и пистолеты.
Обычно, нельзя сразу сказать что данный индивид - представитель синдиката, пока он не начнёт творить хаос и убийства, хотя они могут вести себя подозрительно или проявлять садистские наклонности. 
==Ядерная ударная группа/Nuclear Operatives [[File:Syndicate.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Syndicate.png]]==
Ядерные ударные группы или ядерные оперативники-это наемники и пираты синдиката, нанятые и оснащенные с единственной целью взорвать ядерную боеголовку на борту объекта NanoTrasen. Их опыт варьируется от высококвалифицированных профессиональных операторов до космических бродяг,которым просто нужна работа на выходные.
Их можно сразу же опознать по их кроваво-красным или чёрным костюмам, а также их склонности убивать ВСЁ ЖИВОЕ на своём пути. Поскольку эти оперативники безжалостны и обычно оснащены взрывными имплантатами, членам экипажа не рекомендуется пытаться противостоять членам ядерной ударной группы.
Несмотря на то, что они формально обвешаны разнообразным тяжелым оборудованием, от дробовиков до снайперов и легких пулеметов, они также могут проводить скрытные операции на объектах НТ.
=[[Маг|Федерация магов]] [[File:Wizard.png|32px]]=
Федерация волшебников-это таинственная группа, известная тем, что использует эклектичную группу людей, которые практикуют форму "магии", официально признанную манипуляцией блюспейс пространством.
Они хорошо известны тем, что своими способностями вызывают повсеместный хаос на борту станций NanoTrasen, часто нападая на экипаж без какой-либо ясной цели, кроме как вызвать полный беспредел.
==The Lone Wizard [[File:Scroll5.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Scroll5.png]]==
Wizards are immediately recognizable via their long flowing robes, their penchant for silly hats, and their enjoyment of violently murdering anyone unfortunate enough to be in the general proximity of them.
Some wizards are also capable of transmuting their consciousness into the body of another to effectively disguising themselves among the crew. In these instances you should be on the alert for any suspicious behaviour. A disguised wizard can still generally be identified by the trail of bodies they leave behind them.
==An Overabundance of Magical Phenomenon [[File:Godstaff blue.png]]==
Occasionally members of the Wizards Federation have been known to assault the station relentlessly or even enmasse, sending multiple wizards to a single Nanotrasen facility.
In this instance wizards are generally recognizable by being the only people aboard the station not screaming, begging for their lives, or burning to death on the floor.
='''Practitioners of the Occult''' [[File:Cultist.png|32px]]=
While the Chaplain leads the charge in providing Nanotrasen staff with acceptable belief systems and practices, there are those who serve a darker calling.
Whether driven mad by their lust for power or via the corruption of a eldritch bluespace entity, practitioners of the occult - or "cultists" - will do anything in their power to forcibly convert non-believers; corrupting their minds with the ultimate goal of either bringing their "god" into this world, or spreading their influence further.
==Культ Nar'Sie [[File:Narsai.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Narsai.png]]==
Perhaps the most dangerous of any cult aboard the station, cultists of Nar'Sie are generally secretive. They can most often be recognized via their love of blood runes, sacrifice, book-club sessions, as well as the abduction of their fellow crew members. Like members of any cult, followers of Nar'Sie will shout archaic praises to their deity when they ingest holy water.
==Культ Pyr'kus [[File:Pyrkus.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Pyrkus.png]]==
Followers of an ancient being of fire, cultists of Pyr'kus want little more than to see the world set ablaze in honour of their god. Unlike members of the cult of Nar'Sie, Pyr'kus cultists draw their runes in ash and fire and make heavy use of flame motifs. Chanting about their appreciation for fire and a devout love for arson may be signifiers that someone is a cultist of Pyr'kus.
==Культ Reaper [[File:Scythe.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Scythe.png]]==
Chiefly concerned with the slaughter of all living things aboard the station, members of The Cult of The Reaper are known for their violent and often homicidal tendencies. Whilst not particularly different in their function and organization from the Cult of Nar'Sie, cultists of The Reaper can often be recognized via their love for slathering the station walls and floors with blood.
==Культ Lag'Sie [[File:Timestop.gif|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Timestop.gif]]==
Perhaps the least understood of any of the cults, no living member of this organization has never been successfully captured or recorded. However, cultists of Lag'Sie can be recognized for their ability to cause bluespace time dilations, affecting one's perception of reality and the speed at which many actions can be performed.
==Другой Культ [[File:Arcanetome.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Arcanetome.png]]==
The following groups are also officially recognized as cults, and should be approached with extreme caution.
*Messa Rises
*Galactic Gate
*The Church of the Holy Steve Jobs
='''[[Шэдоулинг|Shadowlings]]''' [[File:Shadowbeing.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Shadowbeing.png]]=
Shadowlings are entities of dubious origin that seek to expand their ever-growing following in order to reach a state known as "Ascendancy".
Known for their ability to actively subvert and brainwash crewmembers via the introduction of malignant brain tumours, they often operate via proxy. Forcing their thralls to do all the work for them, they are averse to all forms light and steadily burn in the presence of even the most meager candle.
==Shadowling Thralls [[File:Mask_civ.png|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Mask_civ.png]]==
Shadowling thralls are crewmembers which have been forcibly brainwashed by a shadowling, often serving as scouts and minions in the ever-growing folds of a shadowling's following. They can be recognized by their tight and drawn features, their refusal to remove gas masks or other face coverings, and their constant assault on every light source in the vicinity. Shadowling thralls usually don't speak, preferring to instead wordlessly approach their victims before stunning them and dragging them off to their masters.
They are seldom found outside of maintenance or too far from a maintenance airlock.
==Shadowling Ascendants [[File:Shadowling_ascendant.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Shadowling_ascendant.png]]==
Shadowling ascendants are immediately recognizable by the glowing runes covering their body along with their love of floating and violently imploding any who dare cross their path, question their authority, or give them a funny look. As there is no known mechanism to successfully destroy an ascendant outside of nuclear detonation, it is recommended to avoid them at all costs.
='''Революционеры''' [[File:Generic cargo.png|32px]]=
Революционеры - это мятежные группы людей, которые пытаются свергнуть установившееся командование NanoTrasen посредством насильственного восстания.
==Identifying Revolutionaries==
A key sign of revolutionaries are groups of crew members from various, unrelated departments hanging out in large uncoordinated mobs demanding either higher pay or actively attempting to murder the heads of staff. Often only a few members of these groups will be truly be in charge, making use of a handheld flash to convert others to their cause.
Head revolutionaries can be recognized via their mental resilience to mindshield implants and their love of using their flash on random people in the hallway.
='''Malfunctioning AI''' [[File:Malf_AI.gif|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Malf_AI.gif]]=
While AI's are a useful tool designed to help manage and run Nanotrasen facilities, they are occasionally prone to errors.
A malfunctioning AI is an AI which has not been actively subverted, but has encountered an error which has interfered with the proper operation of its Law Manager subsystem.
==Identifying a Malfunctioning AI==
Malfunctioning AI's can be identified by the presence of multiple unhacked electrocuted doors, your coworker being crushed in an airlock, the station cyborgs beating people to death, or the air suddenly being siphoned out of the room you're presently standing in. If the doors to your department have been suddenly bolted and you're having a hard time breathing, this is a surefire identifier that the AI is malfunctioning.
='''[[Блоб]]''' [[File:Blob_core.gif]]=
A blob is a malignant entity which utilizes organic hosts in order to propagate its own existence, often infecting crew members aboard NT vessels with its spores in order to do so.
==Identifying Blobs==
Blobs can commonly be identified from afar by a sizzling popping sound, or a retching vomit-like noise. Key identifiers of blobs are long dendretic channels of blobby goo filling the corridors along with the presence of spores or even blobbernauts.
==Blob Spores [[File:Blob spore.png|32px]]==
Spores are the primary means by which a blob defends itself outside of its natural expansion. Spores can be identified via their ability to drift through the air and their relentless, unceasing attacks against any organism that approaches their master host. Spores have also been known to re-animate corpses, taking control of deceased crew members and forcing them to attack the living.
==Blobbernauts [[File:Blobbernaut.png|32px]]==
Blobbernauts can be recognized by both their shape and size, consisting of large two-armed masses capable of destroying walls and crushing bone. They are often relentless in their protection of their master host, stopping only when they've been destroyed or every organic in their sight is dead or dying.
='''[[Вампир|Вампиры]]''' [[File:Vampire.png|32px]]=
Vampires are individuals who have been possessed by a malicious bluespace entity that has taken control over their body. There is no known means to separate such an entity from its host.
==Identifying Vampires==
Vampires are recognizable largely by the ability to stun their fellow crew members by glaring at them and their eternal thirst for blood. Vampires are also capable of screeching and breaking all glass in their vicinity and even turning to mist to escape any would-be attacker. They can be recognized via their aversion to space, holy water, the chapel, and their ability to summon bats and infect their victims with life-threatening afflictions.
='''Abductors''' [[File:Abductor.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Abductor.png]]=
Abductors are agents of unknown origin who appear to be genetically superior relatives of the Grey species who commonly find work aboard Nanotrasen vessels.
Employing a variety of methods and advanced technology, abductors - as their name suggests - are responsible for a variety of abductions and unethical experiments performed on NT personnel.
==Identifying Abductors==
Abductors can be identified by their inability to communicate and silly looking helmets. While abductors are capable of disguising themselves, their digital camouflage doesn't hold up to close scrutiny which is one of the key methods of identifying them. Though their true goals are unknown, reports indicate that they are chiefly interested on the dissection of the human body and the implantation of psuedo-organs. They are known to use a wide range of highly advanced technological equipment, their presence generally only known after their first surgical victim has been sent back to station.
Suddenly being stunned, cuffed, teleported, and strapped to a surgical table are a few of the signs that there may be abductors operating aboard your station.
='''[[Ксеноморф|Ксеноморфы]]''' [[File:Alien.png|32px]]=
Ксеноморфы - высшие хищники, которые полагаются на органических носителей, заражая их, для распространения своего вида по всей галактике. Были проведены обширные исследования, но их происхождение неизвестно.
==Identifying Xenomorphs==
Xenomorphs can be identified via their purple carapaces and unusual body shape, along with their love for murdering and infesting everything in sight. Purple resin sprawling across the floor and the agonized screams of your crewmembers are good indicators of a xenomorph infestation.
==Xenomorphs Queens [[File:Xeno queen.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Xeno_queen.png]]==
Queens are chiefly responsible for infesting organic hosts with their progeny and either expanding on an existing hive or starting a new one. They are large, slow, and dangerous. Another hallmark of a xenomorph queen is her inability to crawl through vents.
==Xenomorph Hunters [[File:Xeno hunter.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Xeno_hunter.png]]==
Hunters are the most commonly encountered form of xenomorph, able to move at lightning fast speed and capable of pinning and dragging away unfortunate crew members. They can be recognized via their ability to pounce and their propensity for viciously clawing and stunning everything in sight.
==Xenomorph Sentinels [[File:Xeno sentinel.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Xeno_sentinel.png]]==
Sentinels are the least commonly encountered xenomorph. Recognizable by the bright markings on their head, they are usually found in the vicinity of hives. They are notable for their ability to spit neurotoxin and melt airlocks and walls with powerful acid.
==Xenomorph Drones [[File:Xeno drone.png|32px|ссылка=Special:FilePath/Xeno_drone.png]]==
Drones are the precursor stage to Queens. Whilst they share many similarities with Queens, they are notably faster than them and are capable of crawling through vents.
='''[[Swarmer|Swarmers]]''' [[File:Swarmer.png|32px]]=
Swarmers are small, mechanical entities of unknown origin which consume all non-organic matter they happen across; often driving NT personnel out of their workplace by making it uninhabitable.
They have been characterized as "station termites" and are responsible for 27% of Nanotrasen's station maintenance costs.
==Identifying Swarmers==
Swarmers can be identified by their bright blue colouration, their heavy use of disablers and energy-based traps, as well as the ability to teleport disabled crew members away from them. Signs that swarmers may be on your station include but are not limited to; your coworker is trapped inside a window, you just fell over under a hail of disabler fire, or half your workstation is suddenly missing.
='''Cortical Borers''' [[File:Cortical Borer.png|32px]]=
Borers are amorphous slug-like creatures which burrow into the ears of their hosts and inhabit the brain, with the ultimate goal of taking over their host.
While they have often been reported as "helpful", Cortical Borers are recognized as a hostile entity aboard Nanotrasen facilities and are to be handled with extreme caution.
==Identifying Borers==
Borers can be easily visually identified when they are on the ground, however they may be harder to detect when actively infesting a crew member. Signs that your coworker may be under the influence of a borer include abrupt bursts of energy, unusual behaviour, an aversion to sugar, binging on sugar, consistent muttering, or fits of screaming at no one in particular.
='''Пауки Ужаса''' [[File:Terror_white.png|32px]]=
Пауки Ужаса - результат эксперимента Синдиката, который объединил ДНК паука и ксеноморфа. Считается, что они сбежали из-под содержания или были намеренно освобождены, а иногда попадали на станцию НТ и, впоследствии, заражали его.
==Identifying Terror Spiders==
Terror spiders can be immediately recognized by their size along with their unusual colouration. Key identifiers of terror spiders are that a spider is presently drinking your blood, eggs have been laid in your chest cavity, your workplace is suddenly covered in webs, or your arachnophobic coworker is now crying in the corner.
='''Soul Merchant''' [[File:Devil.gif|32px]]=
A Devil has been sent from hell! An infernal soul merchant is an agent from hell, sent to infiltrate humanity and tempt them into damnation. Although devils cannot knowingly directly harm one another, they are typically at odds with one another, as they are all competing over the same limited resources.
Please note there are two versions of the devil game mode, standard, where there's a handful of devils with two standard objectives, and devil agents, where each devil has one objective to have more souls than another specific devil.
Game Ending Conditions:
A devil gaining 12 souls and ascending will automatically call the shuttle with a 3 minute arrival time.
When the Emergency Shuttle docks at Central Command.
If a devil has completed all objectives, they get greentext.
Reason for exclusion Too reliant upon roleplay for this server. Rounds tend to devolve into too much chaos, even for SS13. Still, it can be an entertaining addition to the round from time to time.

Текущая версия от 13:39, 10 марта 2021

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