Fish can be used as an alternate form of creating food for the Chef, or just kept as pets if you're wasteful.
To grow fish you need an aquarium made of glass. There are 3 types of aquarium: Fish bowls, small, and wall. Fish bowls hold 50 water, small aquariums hold 200 and large aquariums hold 500. The small tanks can only hold 4 fish, while the large tanks can hold 10.
Fishbowls cost 1 glass sheet to make, small tanks cost 3 glass to make and wall aquariums cost 4 glass to make.
Fish cannot reproduce asexually but can interbreed (no new breeds of fish can be made this way), so you need at least 2 of any kind of fish to get new eggs. Fish eggs do not hatch on their own; they must be removed and put back in the tank to hatch.
When the fish get hungry the 2nd light to the left will change to yellow/red.
Fish must be fed regularly or they will die.
Having more fish in the tank will increase the rate at which it accumulates dirt.
The chefs guide to seafood
So you're a chef and you want to expand into seafood or make a full on sushi bar? Well it's easy!
First you want to acquire some glass, at least 4 panes. Then you want to make 2-4 wall aquariums (NOT fishtanks or bowls) and fill them with water.
While you can intermix fish it is easier to manage if you keep them separate e.g. salmon in one tank, carp in another and shrimp in a third.
Put 2 of any kind of fish egg (which you bought from the pet vendor near arrivals) and feed them immediately.
After a few minutes of waiting and feeding (don't worry fish food is infinite) you want to harvest the eggs with your fish egg collector which you got from your fish care kit which was purchased from the pet vendor.
Once collected immediately feed the eggs back into their respective fish aquarium and wait a few more minutes feeding as soon as the yellow/red light appears. Then harvest the eggs then harvest the fish themselves until there are 2-3 left.
Cut up all fish that can be cut up, boil your shrimp, and turn them to sushi/steak. See the food guide for more info.
Recommended Fish
Salmon can be used in sushi and steak, shrimp can be used for sushi and boiled with water, and carp also has several recipes. Don't worry about carp; they will never grow into full sized space carp. To acquire baby carp just hack the pet vendor.