Руководство по продвинутому строительству

Версия от 16:40, 10 октября 2020; imported>Egordmh (→‎DNA Vault: правка компонентов необходимых для постройки dna vault)

Это руководство рассказывает не только о том, как создать или разобрать продвинутые приборы, но также о том, какие эффекты они приобретают при их улучшении. Чтобы узнать, как строить различные конструкции и фурнитуру, обратитесь к руководству по строительству.

Улучшение приборов может быть очень выгодно для ученых, в то время, как для остального экипажа это может и не играть особой роли.

Знание о том, как стоить такие приборы, очень важно для инженеров, чтобы, например восстанавливать поврежденное или уничтоженное оборудование.

Создание приборов

  • Machine Frame.png Постройте корпус прибора через меню постройки, кликнув на листы металла в своей активной руке.
  • Вставьте в корпус 5 кусков кабеля.
  • Circuit Frame.png Вставьте в корпус печатную плату.
  • Rped.gif Вставьте в корпус компоненты, необходимые для создания конкретного прибора. Чтобы узнать, какие компоненты необходимы, осмотрите корпус через функцию Examine.
  • Screwdriver tool.pngПосле добавления всех компонентов кликните по корпусу отверткой.

Для постройки всех приборов (кроме большинства торговых автоматов) необходима специальная печатная плата. Их можно либо найти в техническом складе, либо создать на принтере микросхем.

Компоненты для приборов могут быть созданы в автолате и протолате, а материалы для них вы можете получить в машине для переработки руды в грузовом отделе.

Разборка приборов

  • Screwdriver tool.png Открутите панель прибора.
  • Crowbar.png Кликните монтировкой, чтобы вытащить все компоненты и печатную плату.
  • Wirecutters.png Кликните кусачками, чтобы вырезать провода.
  • Wrench.png Кликните разводным ключом, чтобы разобрать корпус прибора.

Улучшение приборов

Улучшение приборов производится посредством замены компонентов на улучшенные, как, например, микроманипулятор заменяется в приборе наноманипулятором, затем пикоманипулятором и т.д.

Улучшения повышают производительность приборов (за некоторыми исключениями), а также в некоторых случаях расширяют их функционал.

Например, в случае замены манипуляторов улучшенными повышается скорость работы прибора и снижается расход материалов.

Помимо тех же манипуляторов, к заводским частям для создания приборов также относятся пробирки, провода, материалы и запалы. Последние три не имеют лучших версий.

Блюспейс-артиллерия и хранилище ДНК являются целями станции и отличаются от остальных приборов тем, что для их создания требуются самые лучшие компоненты, как, например, квадратичные конденсаторы и фемтоманипуляторы.

Чтобы узнать, как конкретно улучшать приборы, обратитесь к руководству по исследованиям и разработке.



Image Name Components Upgrades
Protolathe.png Protolathe 2x Manipulators Micro Manipulator.png

2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
2x Beakers Beaker.png

Increases production speed.
Decreases production cost.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.

Increases chemical storage.

Circuit imprinter.png Circuit Imprinter 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
2x Beakers Beaker.png

Increases production speed.
Decreases production cost.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.

Increases chemical storage.

Decon.png Destructive Analyzer 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Scanning Module Scanning Module.gif

All Stock Parts:
Increases amount of materials salvaged from deconstructed items.
Exofab.png Exosuit Fabricator 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Decreases production cost.

Increases production speed.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.

Borgrecharge.png Cyborg Recharging Station 2x Capacitors Capacitor.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Power Cell Powercell.png

Synthetics and specific cyborg modules have increased recharging speed.

Enables and Increases self-reparation.

Power Cell:
Synthetics and specific cyborg modules have increased recharging speed.

PowerPort.png Mech Bay Power Port 5x Capacitors Capacitor.png

1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases recharging speed.
Portachem.png Chem Dispenser 5000 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Power Cell Powercell.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases recharging speed of energy.

Femto Manipulator:
Unlocks more chemicals.

Matter Bin:
Increases maximum energy.
Increases recharging speed of energy.

Power Cell:
Increases maximum energy.

ChemMaster.gif ChemMaster3000 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

2x Beakers Beaker.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases maximum buffer.
Chemical heater.png Chemical Heater 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

No effect.
All-In-One grinder.png All-In-One Grinder 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases amount of chemicals generated from grinded items.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of items the Grinder can hold.

Processor.png Slime Processor
(Food Processor)
1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases processing speed.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of slime extracts produced.

Grinder.png Monkey Recycler 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Decreases amount of dead monkeys required to make monkey cubes.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of monkey cubes produced.

Smartfridge empty.png Slime Extract Storage (SmartFridge) 1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
Matter Bin:
Increases storage.
Файл:Experimentor.png E.X.P.E.R.I-MENTOR 2x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Scanning Module Scanning Module.gif

Decreases the chance of a negative experiment to occur.

Decreases interval time.

Scanning Module:
Decreases the chance of a negative experiment to occur.

Freezer.gif Freezer/ Heater 2x Laser Micro-laser.png

2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

Decreases time required to reach the desired temperature.

Matter Bin:
Increases maximum/ minimum temperature.

Rndserver.png Core R&D Server/
Robotics and Mechanic R&D Server
1x Scanning Module Scanning Module.gif

2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Scanning Module:
Decreases heat generation.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Body scanner.png Body Scanner 1x Scanning modules Scanning Module.gif

2x Sheets of Glass Glass.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

No effect.
SleeperSmall.png Sleeper 1x Manipulators Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of chemicals stored.
People with lower health can be injected.
Cryogenics.png Cryo Cell 1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

4x Sheets of Glass Glass.png
1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

Matter Bin:
Increases cooling speed.
Decreases time required to wake up after ejection.
Scanner.gif DNA Modifier 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Scanning modules Scanning Module.gif
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Decreases radiation damage.

Increases accuracy.

Phasic Scanning Module:
Enables autoprocessing and the scanning of husks.

Clone.gif Cloning Pod 2x Manipulators Micro Manipulator.png

2x Scanning Modules Scanning Module.gif
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases the speed at which clones grow.

Scanning Module:
Increases the health at which clones are ejected.
Increases EMP resistance.

Portachem.png Chem Dispenser 5000 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Power Cell Powercell.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases Recharging Speed of energy.

Femto Manipulator:
Unlocks more chemicals.

Matter Bin:
Increases maximum energy.
Increases recharging speed of energy.

Power Cell:
Increases maximum energy.

ChemMaster.gif ChemMaster3000 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

2x Beakers Beaker.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases maximum buffer.
Chemical heater.png Chemical Heater 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

No effect.
All-In-One grinder.png All-In-One Grinder 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases amount of chemicals generated from grinded items.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of items the grinder can hold.

Smartfridge empty.png Refrigerated Medicine Storage/ Smart Virus Storage (SmartFridge) 1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
Matter Bin:
Increases storage.


Image Name Components Upgrades
SMES.png Power Storage Unit (SMES) 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

5x Power Cells Powercell.png
1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases maximum input and output rate.

Power Cell:
Increases maximum charge.

Emitter.png Emitter 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

Increases fire rate.

Decreases power consumption.

Grounding rod.png Grounding Rod 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png
No effect.
Tesla coil.png Tesla Coil 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png
Increases power production.
Decreases minimum time between tesla zaps.
P.A.C.M.A.N.-type/ S.U.P.E.R.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type/ M.R.S.P.A.C.M.A.N.-type
Portable Generator
1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

1x Laser Micro-laser.png
1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Capacitor and Laser:
Increases power production.
Decreases heat generation.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.

Gasturbine compressor.png Turbine Compressor 6x Manipulators Micro Manipulator.png

5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases the speed at which gas is processed.
Gasturbine turbine.png Gas Turbine Generator 6x Capacitors Capacitor.png

5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases energy production.
Exofab.png Spacepod Fabricator 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Decreases production costs.

Increases production speed.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Autolathe.png Autolathe 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

3x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases production speed.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.

ORM.gif Ore Redemption Machine 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
1x Igniter Igniter.png

Increases point generation.

Increases smelting speed/ speed at which ore is picked up.

Matter Bin:
Increases the conversion ratio of ore into materials.

Recycler.gif Recycler 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases amount of materials salvaged.

Matter Bin:
Increases material storage.

Miningequipmentvendor.png Mining Equipment Vendor 3x Matter Bins Matter bin.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

No effect.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Wallrecharger off.gif Wall Recharger 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png
Increases recharging speed.



Image Name Components Upgrades
Hydroponics tray.png Hydroponics Tray 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Decreases the depletion of water and nutrients.
Decreases weeds, pests and the chance of weed to occur.
Decreases the healthloss of plants.

Increases maximum water and nutrients level.

Seed Extractor.gif Seed Extractor 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases the amount of seeds extracted per plant.

Increases seed storage.

Biogenerator.gif Biogenerator 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases biomass generated.

Increases biomass generated.
Increases amount of items the Biogenerator can hold.

Disk compartmentalizer.png Disk Compartmentalizer 1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
Matter Bin:
Increases disk storage.
Plant DNA manipulator.gif Plant DNA Manipulator 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Scanning modules Scanning Module.gif
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Enables lower levels of Weed Growth Rate and Weed Vulnerability to be extracted.

Enables higher levels of Potency and Yield to be extracted.

Scanning Module:
Enables higher levels of Production Speed, Endurance and Lifespan to be extracted.

ChemMaster.gif ChemMaster3000 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

2x Beakers Beaker.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases maximum buffer.
All-In-One grinder.png All-In-One Grinder 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases amount of chemicals generated from grinded items.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of items the Grinder can hold.


Image Name Components Upgrades
All-In-One grinder.png All-In-One Grinder 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases amount of chemicals generated from grinded items.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of items the Grinder can hold.

Candy machine.png Candy Machine 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases amount of food produced.
Increases production speed.
Fryer.png Deep Fryer 2x Lasers Micro-laser.png

5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases production speed.
Processor.png Food Processor 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases processing speed.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of food produced.

Grill.png Grill 2x Lasers Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases amount of food produced.
Increases production speed.
Microwave.png Microwave 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases amount of food produced.
Increases production speed.
Oven.png Oven 2x Lasers Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Increases amount of food produced.
Increases production speed.
Smartfridge empty.png SmartFridge 1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
Matter Bin:
Increases storage.
ChemMaster.gif CondiMaster Neo (ChemMaster3000) 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

2x Beakers Beaker.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases maximum buffer.
Grinder.png Gibber 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

No effect.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Booze dispenser.png Booze Dispenser 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Power Cell Powercell.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases recharging speed of energy.

Femto Manipulator:
Unlocks more booze.

Matter Bin:
Increases maximum energy.
Increases recharging speed of energy.

Power Cell:
Increases maximum energy.

Soda fountain.png Soda Fountain 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
2x Matter Bins Matter bin.png
1x Power Cell Powercell.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Increases recharging speed of energy.

Femto Manipulator:
Unlocks more soda.

Matter Bin:
Increases maximum energy.
Increases recharging speed of energy.

Power Cell:
Increases maximum energy.

All-In-One grinder.png All-In-One Grinder 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

Increases amount of chemicals generated from grinded items.

Matter Bin:
Increases amount of items the Grinder can hold.

Virtual gameboard.gif Virtual Gameboard 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
3x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

No effect.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Vendcola.gif Vending Machine 1x respective Restocking Unit Restocking unit.gif No effect.
Holopad.png Holopad 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png
Increases the range of holograms.
Recharger empty.gif Recharger 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png
Increases recharging speed.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Claw Game1.gif

Claw Game2.gif
Claw Game 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
5x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

Matter Bin:
Increases bonus prize chance.
Prize Counter.png Prize Counter 1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png

1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

No effect.
Virtual gameboard.gif Virtual Gameboard 1x Laser Micro-laser.png

1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png
3x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

No effect.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Teleportstation.gif Teleporter Station 2x Capacitors Capacitor.png

2x Bluespace Crystals Crystal.png
1x Sheet of Glass Glass.png

Decreases calibration time.
Teleporthub.gif Teleporter Hub 1x Matter Bin Matter bin.png

3x Bluespace Crystals Crystal.png

Matter Bin:
Decreases calibration time.
Decreases the chance of missing the designation.
Quantumpadanimated.gif Quantum Pad 1x Capacitor Capacitor.png

1x Manipulator Micro Manipulator.png
1x Bluespace Crystals Crystal.png
1x Piece of Cable CableCoils.png

Decreases power consumption.

Decreases cooldown between teleportations
Decreases wind up time before a teleportation.


Image Name Components Upgrades
Telecommunications Core.gif Telecommunications Core 2x Manipulators Micro Manipulator.png

2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

No effect.
Relay.gif Telecommunications Relay 2x Manipulators Micro Manipulator.png

2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png

No effect.

Station Goals

Bluespace Artillery

Bluespace artillery.png

Bluespace Artillery Generator Bluespace Artillery Fusor Bluespace Artillery Bore
5x Quadratic Capacitors Файл:Quadratic capacitor.gif
20x Bluespace Crystals Crystal.png
5x Femto Manipulators Файл:Femto manipulator.gif

DNA Vault

DNA vault.gif DNA Vault 5x Super Capacitors Super capacitor.png

5x Pico manipulators Pico Manipulator.png
2x Pieces of Cable CableCoils.png