Vital Information
- You should set your favorite job to HIGH, and several others you like to MEDIUM. Not doing this reduces the chances of you getting ANY of the jobs you want.
- If you have Command/AI jobs in your preferences, you are surprisingly likely to get them.
- Your job preferences have NO impact on whether you get antag or not.
- If you don't get any of your preferred jobs, having your preferences set to "Return to lobby if preferences unavailable" lets you pick your job freely from all remaining open jobs.
Detailed Explanation of Job Selection Process
- Antag status is determined first, BEFORE any job selection happens.
- At least one head (member of command) is selected, from players with any command job set to HIGH. If none, from any with it set to MEDIUM. If none, from any with it set to LOW.
- The AI is selected, from players with AI set to HIGH. If none, from any with it set to MEDIUM. If none, from any with it set to LOW.
- Jobs are assigned to players with that job set to HIGH.
- Jobs are assigned to players with that job set to MEDIUM.
- Jobs are assigned to players with that job set to LOW.
- The remaining players get a random job, or are returned to the lobby, or spawn as assistants, depending on their preferences.
Implications Of Job Selection
- There will always be at least one department head, unless every player has all head jobs set to NEVER.
- There will always be an AI, unless every single player has AI set to NEVER.
- Jobs will always go to a player with that job set as HIGH, unless no player has it set to HIGH, in which case players with it set to MEDIUM can get it. Yes, this means if there is a job where one person has it set to HIGH, and 30 others have it set to MEDIUM, the one person with it set to HIGH will get it every, single, shift. That's the power of the HIGH job preference.
- Since antag status is determined before job selection, your job selection cannot possibly influence whether you get antag or not. You being an antag will, however, prevent you spawning as certain jobs, like Security. If you have "Get random job if preferences are unavailable" set, you may wish to ensure you have some non-security jobs on MEDIUM or LOW so it has something to spawn you as if you are an antag. If it cannot find anything you will still spawn, but you may be a random job, or civilian.