Руководство по взлому

Версия от 05:27, 7 сентября 2020; imported>He11Force (Частичная русификация страницы)

Взлом является жизненно важным навыком для инженерного отдела и часто полезен для многих других.

Не путайте с магией от Емага(E-Magg). Для просмотра взлома, что может взломать Eмаг - E-maggable objects.

Вещи для взлома

Yellowgloves.png Изолированные перчатки - Защищает от удара током.

Screwdriver2.gif Отвертка - Обязательный инструмент, используется чтобы открыть взламываемый интерфейс множества устройств.

Wirecutters.png Кусачки - Обязательный инструмент, используется для 'перманентного' взлома. Их легче получить чем Мультитул.

Multitool.png Мультитул - Желаемый инструмент, используется для временного, безопасного взлома. Однако его получить сложнее, чем кусачки.

Crowbar.png Монтировка - Инструмент грубой силы, для открытия обесточенных шлюзов и некоторых других задач.

Держитесь подальше от:

Yellowgloves.png Бюджетных изолированных перчаток - Бюджетные версии изолированных перчаток. Чаще встречается в Maintenance, также могут быть куплены во взломанных раздатчиках инструментов. Качество не гарантируется.

  • 1 к 7 шанс на полную защиту, иммунитет от удара током.
  • 4 к 7 шанс на 50% уменьшение урона
  • 1 к 7 шанс на 25% уменьшение урона
  • 1 к 7 шанс на 50% увеличение урона

Yellowgloves.png Фальшивых изолированных перчаток - Иногда находятся в Maintenance, иногда создается шутниками при помощи стиральных машин и мелков, эти перчатки не дают никакой изоляции. При ближайшем рассмотрении (Examine), "They don't feel like rubber".

Основы взлома

Это основа, что вы будете взламывать. У них часто есть несколько проводов, возможность шокировать вас или другие забавные побочные эффекты. Рекомендуется соблюдать осторожность и использовать изолированные перчатки.

Если вы новенький в SS13, или во взломе в общем, прочтите Beginner's Guide to Hacking внизу.

Yellow Toolbox.png Beginner's Guide to Hacking

Важно, прежде чем начать:

  • Прежде чем взламывать, вообще, сверьтесь с правилами сервера, намеренная электризация половины станции без роли Антагониста доставит вам неприятности.
  • Также взломы в особо важных зонах и воровство High-Risk Items без роли антагониста повлечет за собой проблемы для вас.
  • Взломы в местах где вас не должно быть is at least Breaking and Entering. Even public areas might be considered Damage to Station Assets. If the security are having a slow shift, expect them to come after you.
  • Если инженеры перегрузят энергосеть станции, электризация может стать летальной. Proceed with preparation, or at your own risk.

Что мне нужно?

Yellowgloves.png Изолированные перчатки - Дядя Ток бьет больно. Если возможно, вам нужны настоящие изолированные перчатки. Если их нет, вы можете уповать на шанс Бюджетных перчаток, или найти пару Латексных перчаток для некоторой защиты. Если ничего из этого у вас нет, вам пригодятся Ожоговые пластыри из Медбей при себе или включенные в третий режим сенсоры костюма на случай фатального удара в гроб.

Screwdriver2.gif Отвертка - Абсолютно важно для открытия панелей шлюзов. Обычно ее можно найти в Primary Tool Storage,Auxiliary Tool Storage,Maintenance, или попросите Cargo напечатать вам одну.

Wirecutters.png Кусачки / Multitool.png Мультитул - Мультитул если вы сможете его получить лучше, но если его нет ,то подойдут кусачки. Try asking Cargo for a multitool, but don't be surprised if they say no. Wirecutters, however, can be found in the same places as screwdrivers. Just be aware they incur a minor risk of shock when used to hack.

Crowbar.png Монтировка - Чтобы открыть дверь когда вы закончите. Again, found in the same places as Screwdrivers.

Практика, изучение проводов

First, pick an airlock nobody will mind you breaking. Little rooms in maintenance, public toilets are good choices. If you try to practice on the Captain's door, expect a smack from security.

Use your screwdriver on your door to open its wiring hatch, then click on the door with Wirecutters or Multitool in hand. This should open an interface with a list of wires. These are randomized every round, but the same for all airlocks in each game. If you have a Multitool in hand, you want to press 'Pulse' for each wire and watch for any changes. If Wirecutters, you want to be Cutting.

Each wire you Pulse / Cut might do something (see the wiring table below for detailed information), but the two you want to be finding, for now, are Main Power (aka Test) and Bolts. If all the indicator lights on the hacking interface go out (you will see "The Test light is Off!" at the bottom of the hacking window) chances are you've hit Main Power. Write this down, or memorize it, as you'll be needing it when you go against real doors.

If you hear a click and the airlock's red bolt lights turn on, this is bolts. Memorize it, another useful one. If you've been using Wirecutters, be aware that you cannot reverse this. Be careful not to trap yourself.

Finally, if the door starts continually sparking and delivers a massive shock to you, you've hit shock. Go and find a new door to continue testing, as this one will be broken for 30 seconds (multitool) or until Engineering come fix it (wirecutters). You can test if a door is still shocked by throwing a metallic object (such as a screwdriver) against it.

Реальные цели

So now you know Test and Bolts. When you come up across a door you need to bypass, Screwdriver the Panel open then Pulse / Cut the known power wire. The door is now offline for ten seconds. Use your Crowbar to force it open (then Cut / Pulse Bolts to lock it there if you'll need to make a getaway), and proceed in. Congratulations, you're now a basic door hacker.

Airlock external.png Шлюз(Airlock's)

How to:

  1. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to open the maintenance panel.
  2. (If Plasteel Secured) Use Wirecutters.png Wirecutters to cut the electrified grille. Yellowgloves.png Insulated Gloves required!
  3. (If Plasteel Secured) Use a Welder.png Welding Tool to cut the outer armor.
  4. (If Plasteel Secured) Use a Crowbar.png Crowbar to remove the outer armor.
  5. (If Plasteel or Metal Secured) Use a Welder.png Welding Tool to cut the inner armor.
  6. (If Plasteel Secured) Use a Crowbar.png Crowbar to remove the inner armor.
  7. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  8. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to close the maintenance panel when done.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Main Power Supplies Power to the airlock. When off, and unbolted, can be opened using a Crowbar. After 10 seconds, Backup Power will activate (if possible). Main Power off for 60s. Main Power off until Mended. 50% Shock Risk. Main Power restored. 50% Shock Risk. Pulse / Cut each wire in turn until the Test light indicator (on the hacking UI) turns off. Since you're cutting power, the Bolt Lights, AI Control, and most other lights will also turn off. However, the Test light is the one to be sure of.
Backup Power If Main Power is cut / pulsed, will engage after 10 seconds to restore function. Backup Power off for 60s. Backup Power off until Mended. 50% Shock Risk. Backup Power restored. 50% Shock Risk. On a 'Clean' airlock, Pulse / Cut the Main Power wire. After 10 seconds, when backup power is active, Pulse / Cut each unknown wire in turn until the Test Light turns off again.
Shock / Electrify Responsible for shocking the airlock. Shocks the airlock for 60s. Shocks the airlock until mended. Removes any shocks on the airlock. Cut-Mend to instantly fix a shocked airlock. Pulse / Cut each wire in turn until the airlock begins sparking. Yellowgloves.png Insulated Gloves recommended!
AI Control Controls the AI's ability to remotely interface with the door. Momentarily turns off the AI Control Indicator. Turns off the AI Control Indicator. AI and Borgs can no longer instantly use the airlock, and instead must run a 30s delayed bypass. Restores normal function. Pulse / Cut each wire in turn until the AI Control indicator turns Off.
Bolts Controls the airlock's sealing bolts, the airlock cannot be opened if lowered. Toggles the Bolts. Lowers (Locks) the bolts, and prevents them being raised until repaired. Allows the bolts to be raised again but does not raise them itself. Pulse / Cut each wire in turn until you hear a click, and the red bolt lights on the airlock turn on.
Bolt Lights Controls the bolt lights on the Door. Toggles the bolt lights on / off. Locks the bolt lights off. Allows the bolt lights to be toggled again and turns them on. Pulse / Cut each wire in turn until the Bolt Lights indicator turns off, but with the Test Light indicator still on.
Safety Control Controls the safety locks on the airlock, allowing it to crush those unfortunate enough to be inside it when it closes. Toggles Safety On / Off Unable to toggle Able to toggle Pulse each wire in turn until the "Check Wiring" indicator turns On, indicating Crush Hazard.
Timing Control Controls the timing system on the airlock, causing it to close much more rapidly. Toggles Fast mode On / Off The timer is broken, the door will stay open until manually closed. Repairs timer function. Pulse each wire in turn until the "Check Timing Mechanism" indicator turns On, indicating Fast Mode.
ID Scan Controls access to the Airlock's ID Sensors. On a Public/unrestricted door, no effect. On a locked door, stops the airlock opening even if you have access. Flashes the Red lights on the airlock, as if you tried to enter a door you do not have access to. Cuts access to the ID controls, denying access to all if it has any restrictions. Restores access controls to normal. Pulse each wire in turn until the Airlock flashes at you, as if attempting to access a restricted area.
Open / Door Control Opens the door if it has no access restrictions. Toggles the airlock open/closed. Opens and locks open the airlock, similar to bolting. Restores normal function. On a Public door (e.g. Toilets), pulse each wire in turn until the door opens by itself.
Dud Wires Two of these, they have no effect. Easy to confuse with Open and Backup power, with both also have no visible effect unless their criteria are met! None. None. None. Should be two left-over wires when all others have been found.

APC.png Система распределения энергии(APC's)

How to:

  1. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  2. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  3. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Power (x2) The control wires responsible for managing the main power. Shorts out the APC, turning off power to the room, for 2 minutes. If either power wire is cut, the APC will be shorted until repaired. 50% Shock Risk. If both wires are mended, repair Short. 50% Shock Risk. Pulse or Cut a wire. If it turns the APC off, you've found one of them.
AI Control Much like Airlocks, controls AI ability to interface. Will turn the AI control light off, briefly. Will block AI / Borg ability to use the device. Will repair AI / Borg ability to use the device. Pulse / Cut the wires until the AI control light turns off.
ID Lock Controls the lock on the APC. Will unlock the APC interface for anyone, for 30 seconds. No Effect. No Effect. Pulse a wire until the ID lock changes, or cut a wire and have nothing happen.

AirAlarm.png Воздушная сигнализация(Air Alarm's)

How to:

  1. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  2. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  3. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
ID Lock Controls ability to access the alarm. Unlocks for all for thirty seconds. Restricts access, nobody can use it. Restores normal function. Pulse wires until the air alarm is unlocked.
Alarm Controls the Atospherics Alarms on this device. Resets any outstanding alarms on this device. Causes an atmospheric alarm to show at this location. May draw the AI's gaze! Restores normal function. If an alarm is active, pulse wires until it shuts off. If no alarms active, cut wires until one occurs!
Siphon Controls Siphoning in the area. Expect atmospherics to be extremely displeased if you go around cutting this wire on several alarms. Begins Panic Siphon mode. Begins (and locks) Panic Siphon mode. Allows siphon to be turned off at the alarm but does not turn it off itself. Pulse or Cut wires until all the scrubbers in the room light up and start draining your atmosphere.
AI Control Much like Airlocks, controls AI ability to interface. Will turn the AI control light off, briefly. Will block AI / Borg ability to use the device. Will repair AI / Borg ability to use the device. Pulse / Cut the wires until the AI control light turns off.
Power Controls power to the Air Alarm itself. Turns off the alarm for 20 Minutes - Cut and Mend to repair function. Will Deactivate the alarm, and all functions. 50% Shock Risk. Will resume normal function. 50% Shock Risk. Pulse or Cut wires until all the lights on the device turn off, and the air alarm itself looks blank.

Autolathe.png Автолат(Autolathe's)

How to:

  1. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  2. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  3. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Hacked Production (Blue Light) Enables more items to be built at the autolathe. Toggles hacked production for up to 5 seconds. Toggles the Blue Light. Enables hacked production. Disables hacked production. Pulse / Cut wires until the Blue light changes.
Shock / Electrify (Green Light) Delivers an electrical shock to anyone trying to build. Toggles shock mode for up to 5 seconds. Toggles the Green Light. Will shock anyone using the lathe until repaired. Returns normal operation. Pulse / Cut wires until the Green light changes.
Disable (Red Light) Disables the Autolathe, preventing anyone from building anything. Toggles Disabled mode for up to 5 seconds. Toggles the Red Light. Disables the autolathe until repaired. Returns the autolathe to normal function. Pulse / Cut wires until the Red light changes.
Dud Wires The remaining wires on the board are duds and have no effect. None None None Any wire that does not change the status lights

Mulebot.png Автоматическая система доставки(MULE's)

How to:

  1. Unlock the controls using a Id regular.png QM or Cargo Tech ID.
  2. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  3. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  4. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to hide the wires again.
  5. Use the Mule's interface to re-enable Power.
  6. Id regular.png lock the controls again.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Power (x2) Controls Power to the device. Displays a message, "The Charge Light Flickers." Cutting one or both will disable the MULE. Mending both will return the MULE to function. Pulse each wire until you hear, "The Charge Light Flickers."
Motor (x2) Controls the speed of the MULE's drive motor. Displays a message, "The drive motor whines briefly." Cutting one will increase the MULE's speed significantly. Both will immobilize the MULE. Mending Both will return the MULE to normal speed. Pulse each wire until you hear, "The drive motor whines briefly."
Avoidance The 'safety' wire, disabling this will cause the MULE to run over anyone in its path. Don't cut this without good reason. Displays a message, "The external warning lights flash briefly." Disables safety mode, allowing the MULE to run people over. Repairs safeties. When Pulsing, "The external warning lights flash briefly."
Load Controller Controls what can and cannot be loaded onto the Mulebot. Displays a message, "The load platform clunks." Removes limiter on the Cargo Loader, allowing People, animals, and many other things to be loaded. Returns the MULE to normal cargo function. Pulse each wire until you hear, "The load platform clunks."
Remote Reciever One of the three remote control wires. You never need to cut these. Displays a message, "You hear a radio crackle." Disables remote control of the MULE, by QM or Cargo PDAs. Returns normal function. Pulse each wire until "You hear a radio crackle." Then, cut this wire, close up the bot and see what function has been disabled.
Remote Transmitter One of the three remote control wires. You never need to cut these. Displays a message, "You hear a radio crackle." Disables remote notification and updating of delivery systems. Returns normal function. Pulse each wire until "You hear a radio crackle." Then, cut this wire, close up the bot and see what function has been disabled.
Beacon One of the three remote control wires. You never need to cut these. Displays a message, "You hear a radio crackle." Disables the GPS beacon used by Cargo to find their missing MULEs. Restores normal function. Pulse each wire until "You hear a radio crackle." Then, cut this wire, close up the bot and see what function has been disabled.

Camera Bug.png Камеры охраны(Security Camera's)

How to:

  1. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  2. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  3. (Optional) Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to close the maintenance panel.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Power Controls Active status of the camera. Toggles the Camera on/off. Turns the Camera Off. Turns the Camera On. Also heals any damage to the camera. There are only two wires. Cut / Pulse one, and see what happens.
Focus Controls the Focus Lenth of the lens, essentially limiting the camera's range. Good for restricting vision without sounding any alarms. Will toggle the camera between normal and short-range. Will lock the camera at short range. Will return the camera to long-range. There are only two wires. Cut / Pulse one, and see what happens.

Particle Accelerator Emitter Middle.png Ускоритель частиц(Particle Accelerator)

How to:

  1. First, setup the PA as normal.
  2. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  3. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  4. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
  5. Use the console to scan for parts again.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Power Toggle Main Power to the Particle Accelerator. Toggles the PA On/Off. Disables the PA. Re-enables the PA. Pulse / Cut each wire until the PA turns off.
Strength Controls the Strength Level of the PA. Increases the strength of the PA by 1. Sets strength to 0 and disallows attempts to increase it. Good for Singularity safety! Returns normal function. Cut wires until strength drops to 0, or Pulse wires on level 0 or 1 until strength increases.
Interface Lock Controls the interface. If locked, the PA cannot be powered down until repaired. Toggles the interface control. Disables interface control, rendering the console inoperable. Re-enables interface control. Pulse wires and attempt to use the PA controls until it becomes impossible.
Power Limit Allows the Particle Accelerator to be overcharged. Displays a message, "makes a large whirring noise." Raises the maximum strength limit to Level 3. Returns maximum strength setting to Level 2. Pulse wires until you hear the message, "makes a large whirring noise."

Vendgeneric.png Торговый автомат(Vending Machine's)

How to:

  1. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  2. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  3. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to hide the wires again when done.
Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Contraband (Green Light) Controls access to the Vendor's restricted stocks. Toggles Contraband access. Green Light On = Contraband Enabled. Will turn Contraband off if on. No Effect. Pulse wires until green light switches.
Access (Purple/Yellow Light) Controls ID lock on the vendors. Purple means ID locked, Yellow means ID open. (Remember, Yellow is YellOpen!) Toggles ID scan On/Off. Disables ID scan, unlocking the vendor. Re-enables ID Scan, locking the vendor. Pulse / Cut wires until the Purple/Yellow light changes states.
Electrify (Orange Light) Electrifies the device, shocking anyone who uses it. Shocks the Vendor for 30 seconds. Shocks the Vendor until repaired. Removes all shocks on the device. Pulse / Cut wires until the Vendor begins sparking.
Throw (Red Light) Causes the Vendor to launch random items at passersby for minor damage. Red Light Blinking means Safe, Red Light Off means throwing. Toggles safeties on/off. Disables safeties, begins throwing. Repairs safeties, ends throwing. Pulse / Cut wires until the Red Light changes states.

Secbomb.png Бомба синдиката(Syndicate Bomb)

How to:

  1. Check the Timer - If it's high, you can ask for a bomb suit. If its very low, reach minimum safe distance (or try not to be gibbed).
  2. Use a Screwdriver2.gif Screwdriver to expose the wiring.
  3. Hack using a Multitool.png Multitool or Wirecutters.png Wirecutters.
  4. Good luck

Cutting the bomb wires carries a 2 in 5 chance of detonation. Pulsing only 1 in 5 - although you will need to cut the Activate wire when you've found it. Either way, be careful and listen for messages after each wire you tamper with.

Wire Effects Multitool.png Pulsing Wirecutters.png Cutting Wirecutters.png Mending Finding the Wire
Boom The Big-Bad. You do not want to hit this wire. Detonate. Detonate. An Inactive bomb will be defused. N/A If you're pulsing an active bomb, and suddenly you're dead, you found this wire!
Activate The wire you need to cut to Disarm the Bomb!
  • An Inactive bomb will begin the countdown.
  • An Active bomb "seems to hesitate for a moment" on the first pulse (+10s timer)
  • On further pulses, "Nothing Happens."
DISARM. You win! N/A Pulse each wire in turn. Provided you don't get unlucky and hit Boom, your bomb will eventually seem to hesitate for a moment - this is your cue. Cut this wire, hero.
Unbolt Controls the bolts locking the Bomb in place. Displays message, "The bolts spin in place for a moment". Will remove the anchoring bolts if deployed. N/A Pulse each wire in turn until you get the message about the bolts.
Proceed Will hasten the end.

Displays message, "The bomb buzzes ominously!"

  • If the timer is over 60s, timer reduces by 60.
  • If the timer is over 20, timer reduces by 10.
  • If the timer is between 10 and 20, the timer is set to 10 seconds.
  • No effect if the timer is under 10 seconds.
Detonate. N/A Pulse wires. If your timer suddenly accelerates, you've found Proceed. Do NOT cut it!
Delay Will hold off the end.

Displays message, "The Bomb chirps.".

  • The first pulse increases timer by 30 seconds.
  • Further pulses have no effect.
No Effect N/A Pulse wires. If the timer increases, you've hit Delay.

Nuke.gif Ядерная бомба(Nuclear Bomb)

The Redsuits have done it. The Nuclear bomb is armed and ticking. But is this the end?

Decoupling the Nuke.

  1. Firstly, check how long the timer is left on the nuke. You may need to get out of there.
  2. With welder in hand, weld the nuke.
  3. Now, use your crowbar to pry it out.
  4. Use your welder to weld it some more!
  5. Wrench it to loosen some bolts.
  6. Lastly crowbar, the nuke should move after this! Pull it into space, push it out of the station sector, and maybe save the day.

Disarming the nuke.

  1. Insert the Nuclear Authentication Device and unlock the Nuke.
  2. Apply a crowbar and remove the panel.
  3. Use your wirecutters on the device and pick a random wire. Be aware you have a one in seven chance of disarming the nuke. You also, however, have a one in seven chance of setting the nuke off instantly.

Good luck.

Второстепенные предметы для взлома

Есть много второстепенных вещей, которые также можно взломать, хотя для вас, в этом нет необходимости. Для полноты картины мы включили Сейф в этот раздел.

FireAlarm.png Пожарная сигнализация(Fire alarm)

Fire alarms on getting cut will not detect or activate the fire doors in the case of a fire or a breach.

SecHailer.png Противогаз охраны(Security Gasmask)

Using a screwdriver on a Security Gasmask will change the lines it uses. A wirecutter will break the gasmasks hailer, causing it to switch to a set of lines permanently. An emag will cause the hailer to spout a long string of curse words.

Walkie Talkie.png Радио и Signaler.png Устройство подачи сигналов(Radio & Signaler)

  1. Screwdriver in hand, click on the offending radio so it can be modified or attached
  2. The usual radio use panel will pop up, but now with access to the wiring. If you've closed it by accident, just click on the radio as if you were going to change the settings on it.
  3. There are three wires. Two have apparent uses; the third is pretty much useless.
    • Output wire will disengage the speakers (or signal-receiving on a signaler)
    • Input wire will permanently disengage the microphone (or signal-sending on a signaler)

Interestingly, tracking beacons and station intercoms also count as radios.

Securebriefcase.pngПортфель и Secure safe.png Сейф с системами безопасности (Secure Briefcase & Secure Safe)

  1. Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver in hand, click on the (briefcase/safe) to open the panel and expose the wiring
  2. Multitool.png Multi-tool-spam the (briefcase/safe) until you get a confirmation that the memory is reset.
  3. The memory is now reset. Punch in your favorite code and hit E to set it.
  4. Screwdriver tool.pngScrewdriver the panel shut.

Smartfridge.png Холодильник(Smartfridge)

Much like Vending Machines:

  • Pulsing the orange light will electrify the fridge for half a minute.
  • Setting the red light to blink will make the fridge shoot items at people.
  • Changing the purple light to yellow will remove the permission lock on the fridge.

Файл:Safe.jpg Сейф(Safe's)

Although not technically Hacking, we're still breaking into something. You are here because you need something locked up in that stupid indestructible metal box. Either for something very dangerous, or just because you have a good reason. If you don't feel like doing it the subtle way, there's always the option to make some noise.

  1. Examine the safe to determine its number of tumblers.
  2. Hold a stethoscope in one hand, then interact with the safe using an empty hand.
  3. Spin the dial to the right until you hear a "Klink", "Tink", or "Plink" (not to be confused with "Clink").
  4. Spin the dial to the left until you hear a "Tonk", "Krunk", or "Plunk". If you spin past this to the left, you have misaligned the tumblers and you'll need to start over from step 3.
  5. Repeat this process, alternating between right and left. Do so until you have unlocked all of the tumblers on the safe.
  6. When you reach the final tumbler, the safe will also make a "Spring", "Sprang", "Sproing", "Clunk", or "Krunk" sound. It will show up as a big bolded word, which is hard to miss.
  7. Open the safe.

Supplyconsole.png Консоль грузчиков(Cargo Computer)

Want access to a few illegal items, but don't have an emag?

  1. Deconstruct the Cargo Computer console
  2. Use a Multitool on the control board
  3. Rebuild the computer

Simple as that! You should now have the option to buy a couple of naughty crates. Be aware, however, that much of this is class C or even class S contraband, so security is within rights to put you all in jail for the rest of the round!

Подсказки и стратегия

Наконец, краткий список забавных вещей, которые вы можете сделать.

Воздушный шлюз - Нерабочий шлюз

  • Отрежьте провод, отвечающий за болты на шлюзе. Теперь перережьте провода питания. До ремонта дверь будет невозможно открыть. Теперь разрежьте все остальные провода, используйте лист пластали или металла, чтобы укрепить отсек для проводов (чтобы скрыть провода), затем приварите весь воздушный шлюз для надежности.

Удаленные сигнальные устройства

  • Вы можете прикрепить удаленные сигнализаторы к проводам, которые, получив свою частоту, будут действовать как мультитул. Поместите сигнализатор(signaller) на провод болтов и дистанционно заблокируйте кого-нибудь перед шлюзом или после шлюза. Сигнализатор на проводе, отвечающий за заземление, установит шокирование на дверь с безопасного расстояния.


  • Разрежьте провод, отвечающий за безопасность двери. Вручную закройте на ком-нибудь дверь. Неоднократно открывайте и закрывайте воздушный шлюз, сжимая их до смерти, пока они будут оглушены. Если вы можете сбить кого-то с ног и направить его в "дробилку", вы можете убить его, даже не имея смертоносного оружия