Guide to Lavaland: различия между версиями

(Гайд по лаваленду)
(Перенаправление на Руководство по Лаваленду)
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#перенаправление [[Руководство по Лаваленду]]
[[Lavaland]], by nature, is not a safe place. In fact, it's extremely inhospitable and full of creatures that want to kill, eat, or kill and eat you. Whether it's a gruesome fate from a not-so-friendly [[#Ash Drake|Lava Dragon]] or you manage to accidentally take a bath in molten rock, one wrong step and you're toast. This page serves as a guide to traversing this hellish landscape and maybe even coming out alive on the other end.
Lavaland has a [[Lavaland Lore|Long History]] and was actually a thriving planet long ago. However, time has taken its toll and now it is an ashen expanse populated by only the most volatile and hardy creatures. It is primarily used as a source for raw materials and sending unwanted Enemies of the Corporation for [[Labor Camp|Slave Labor]]. While not an extremely fun environment to be in, it is home to a plethora of artifacts and ruins open to your exploration and exploitation.
While covered in lava and buffeted on the hourly by Ash Storms, many sentient creatures still call Lavaland home. Some of them do not wish to be on Lavaland as they were trapped there on accident and others evolved to thrive in the landscape. Many of these inhabitants are willing to trade and work with you for the betterment of each party. Sometimes they just want to kill you. Whatever interaction you have with them, it certainly will be interesting.
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| style="width:125pt" | Creature
| style="width:400pt" | Description
| style="width:200pt" | Notable Characteristics
! [[Ash Walker]] <br> [[File:Ash.png|64px]]
| Ash Walkers are the tribal natives of Lavaland. These Unathi-esque lizard people are fiercely protective of their land, and will more often than not kill any trespassers.
| Use very primitive technology and do not require internals. They cannot speak Galactic Common. They can also run at heightened speeds.
! Terrarium Diona <br> [[File:Diona.png|64pxpx]]
| A Diona that has awoken after years of slumber in a preserved terrarium planted by someone or something a long long time ago. They are tasked with spreading life wherever they go.
| Have access to a fully stocked upgraded hydroponics/botany lab.
! Lavaland Hermit <br> [[File:Lavaland_hermit.png|64px]]
| Accidentally jettisoned from their station/ship through an escape pod they crashlanded in lavaland. They're barely clinging to life day to day and it seems like their situation is absolutely hopeless.
| Can be defensive if you enter their home uninvited.
! Clowns <br> [[File:Generic_clown.png|64px]]
| Found in the Clown Biodome, these clowns are committed to their lifelong goal of spreading happiness and cheer to the far reaches of the galaxy. Even if it takes them to... unwelcoming places.
| Honk!
! Miners <br> [[File:Generic_shaft.png]]
| Perhaps one of the most volatile sentient creatures in lavaland, if you're not a friend to them they will likely kill you. They serve the interest of Nanotrasen and mine the wastes for precious metals.
| Are well-equipped and often brandish high-tech mining equipment and powerful ancient artifacts stolen from the sacred wastes.
! [[Golem#Free Golems|Free Golems]] <br> [[File:Golem.png|64px]]
| Golems are the souls of the dead encased in gemstone. They retain no memories of their previous lives, but retain the cunning, knowledge and personalities of those spirits. These golems were freed from servitude by a scientist they revere as The Liberator. In his infinite and divine wisdom, he set their clan free to travel the stars with a single declaration: "Yeah go do whatever."
| Are hard to kill and often have high-tech equipment.
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| style="width:125pt" | Mob
| style="width:400pt" | Description
| style="width:200pt" | Notable Characteristics
! Goldgrub <br> [[File:Goldgrub.png|64px]]
| A grossely oversized grub. Its skin is a bright golden color. It spends its days tunneling through the rock consume all rocky material in its path. It is believed that they once were used by the previous inhabitants of this planet as a means of automating the process of gathering precious metals.
| Eats rock and ore. Upon being killed it will drop all the ore it has eaten.
! Legion <br> [[File:Legion.png|64px]]
| A horrific being covered in ashen skulls with glowing red eyes. Will drop a corpse upon death.
| Will summon flying skulls when fighting. Turns dead bodies into legions.
! Goliath <br> [[File:Goliathsmol.png|64px]]
| A hulking canine-like creature. It sports many tendrils and crushing jaw muscles. It tastes mighty fine when grilled, however.
| Summons tendrils from the ground in a t-shape digging themselves into prey and stunning them for a period of time. Drops Goliath meat, Goliath Plates, and bones upon being butchered. Goliath Plates can be shaved with a knife, washed, and dried with a drying rack into leather.
! Ancient Goliath <br> [[File:Goliath.png|64px]]
| A hulking canine-like creature. It has been roaming lavaland for centuries. Its tentacles constantly churn the earth around it.
| Similar to regular Goliaths. It's tendrils are constantly ripping the ground around it.
! Watcher <br> [[File:Watchers.png|80px]]
| A eerie flying creature with red sinewy antlers sprouting from a large menacing eye.
| Shoots a ice beam that does cold damage and slows you down. Drops diamond ore and sinew upon being butchered. fairly neutral mob unless you come within one tile of it or attack it.
! Magmawing Watcher <br> [[File:Magmawing Watcher.png|80px]]
| A eerie flying creature with orange sinewy antlers sprouting from a large menacing eye.
| Shoots a fire beam that does fire damage. Similar to regular watchers.
! Icewing Watcher <br> [[File:Icewing Watcher.png|80px]]
| A eerie flying creature with cyan sinewy antlers sprouting from a large menacing eye.
| Shoots an ice beam that does cold damage and slows you down. Similar to regular watchers.
! Tendril <br> [[File:Tendril.png|64px]]
|A vile tendril of corruption, originating deep underground. Terrible monsters are pouring out of it.
|Necropolis tendrils spawn a random assortment of lavaland monsters including: watchers, goliaths, and legion. After killing the tendril, it will spawn a necropolis chest containing a random piece of loot, and will break into a deadly, inescapable chasm; so watch your step!
! Tunnel <br> [[File:Nest.png|64px]]
|A twisted, dark passage to the underground.
|Tunnel nests house fauna like goliaths and goldgrubs. They will be triggered if they are stepped across. May spawn glass or iron as well.
! '''Gutlunch''' <br> [[File:Gutlunch.png]]
|A small, non-aggressive creature that can be found roaming lavaland for food.
| It feeds on remains and produces milk. This milk can be harvested with a bucket and has healing powers such like Saline Glucose and Epinephrine.
! '''Gubbuck''' <br> [[File:Gutlunch.png|52px]] <!-- a smaller gutlunch -->
|A small, non-aggressive creature that can be found roaming lavaland for food.
| Similar to Gutlunch, but smaller and more colorful.
! '''Gutshank''' <br> [[File:Gutshank.png]]
|A small, non-aggressive creature that can be found near the [[Ash Walker]] tendril.
| Much like a Gutlunch, but can only be found in the [[Ash Walker]] nest. When it eats enough food, it can reproduce.
! '''Abandoned Minebot''' <br> [[File:Mining drone aggressive.png]]
|A standard issue [[Nanotrasen]] [[Guide to Mining#Mining Vendor|mining drone]]. This one does not look friendly.
| During it's presence on Lavaland, Nanotrasen has abandoned a lot of old mining machinery. Minebots specifically are known to have trouble processing threats after prolonged contact with ash, choosing to attack mining teams instead of fauna.<hr> It is equipped with a [[Guide to Mining#Mining Vendor|kinetic accelerator]] and a [[Research Items#Protolathe|drill]], making it a very deadly threat. <hr> After one is destroyed, you may be able to salvage it's components, like the aforementioned drill, as well as [[Research Items#Protolathe|kinetic accelerator upgrades]]. It will also drop some of the ore it has collected.
===Elite fauna===
Lavaland Elites are powerful mobs that can be summoned on Lavaland through a pulsating tumor. Once spawned they will relentlessly attempt to kill the player who summoned them. <br>
For more information about elite fauna, see [[Lavaland Elite|this article.]]
<tab name="Ash Drake" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:300pt" | Description
| style="width:300pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:200pt" | Drops
! Ash Drake <br> [[File:Ashdrake.png|128px]]{{Anchor|Ash Drake}}
|A hulking winged monstrosity, and revered guardian of the Necropolis. This enormous drake roams the barren wasteland spouting plumes of deadly flame.
Fire Cone: Blasts a deadly cone of fire in all cardinal directions.
Fire Meteor: Rains down balls of deadly fire, telegraphed by crosshairs on the ground. Try your best to avoid it!
Mass Fire Attack: Sends a ball of fire barreling towards you.
Lava Swoop: the drake briefly flies up into the air, before slamming down on its target leaving only a seething mass of lava.
Lava Arena: Once you've whittled this mighty beast down to 50% health, it will summon an arena of deadly lava. You will need to step on the green symbols in order to remain unscathed.
|Health: 2500
Fire breath damage: 20 burn
Melee attack damage: 40 brute
Armour Penetration: 40%
Speed: slow
GPS Name: Fiery signal
|Upon felling this mighty beast, it will drop a chest. Within the chest there is one of four items will spawn:
A rusted blade humming with vast spiritual energy known as the Spectral Blade. You will be able to summon the ghosts of to protect you and cause your blade to deal more damage.
A bottle containing the blood of the drake, which does one of three things: allow yourself to transform into a drake at will, turn you into a skeleton, or grant you the ability to walk on lava.
A dusty tome containing the secrets of casting the Eternal Flame spell, as well as a wand of fireball.
Or a staff of lava which can transform lavaland floor tiles into lava and back, as well as being a deadly melee weapon.
Should you butcher the beast, you will also be able to turn its thick hide and sturdy bones into a suit of powerful armour that is completely immune to fire damage.
<tab name="Bubblegum" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:300pt" | Description
| style="width:175pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:325pt" | Drops
! Bubblegum <br> [[File:Bubblegum.png|128px]]{{Anchor|Bubblegum}}
|This is Bubblegum, The king (or queen) of all slaughter demons. Their footsteps shake the very land they walk on, leaving a trail of blood. If you anger this fleshy monstrosity, one of two things will happen, you will kill it or it will kill you. The latter being the much more likely outcome.
| Due to the extensiveness of Bubblegum's abilities, they have been transcluded onto the table below.
|Health: 2500
Melee damage: 40
Charge damage: 60
Armour penetration: 40%
Speed: fast
GPS signal: Bloody signal
|Upon being vanquished, Bubblegum will accept defeat and flee into the blood. Leaving you behind his prize
The H.E.C.K suit and helm, which are impervious to acid, fire, and biohazards with high melee damage resistance, and can be recolored with a spray can. Perfect for use on lavaland. Warning: not spaceproof.
The spell blade, a hellish demonic blade that allows the user to fire out magical projectiles which remove limbs from range. Extraordinarily effective if aiming for the head. In melee combat, it boasts a force of 20 and a massive armour penetration value of 75% and a 50% block chance. A very powerful item, handle with care.
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| Ability
| Description
|- style="background-color:#FF7B45;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
|  colspan="2" | '''First phase''' (above 50% health)
! Triple charge
| Bubblegum's most basic move, charges at you 3 times, getting hit twice will put you into crit.
! Blood rend
| Bubblegum warps his hand through the blood, rending anyone who is stood on that tile dealing 10 brute damage.
! Enrage
| Bubblegum becomes ANGRY, while angry he is immune to all damage and is tinted red, he will sprint at you and try and melee you. Bubblegum's melee attack speed is drastically increased while he is enraged. Avoid him during this move, there is nothing you can do but not get hit and wait for him to calm down. This ability becomes more common the more damage he takes.
|- style="background-color:#FF7B45;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
|  colspan="2" | '''Second phase''' (below 50% health).
! Quad-hallucination charge
| Bubblegum will teleport around you along with 3 hallucinations and charge inward on your location. the hallucinations have low health, half charge damage, and they fade away after they charge. Bubblegum will do this attack 4 times in succession.
! Mass hallucination charge
| Bubblegum and 5 hallucinations surround you and charge in on your location after a short delay.
! Hallucinations with triple charge
| Bubblegum will spawn hallucinations that charge towards you as well as triple charging at you. Very easy to get overwhelmed, just keep running and sidestep any hallucinations that spawn in front of you.
<tab name="Legion Boss" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:300pt" | Description
| style="width:300pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:200pt" | Drops
! Legion Boss <br> [[File:Legionboss.png|128px]]{{Anchor|Legion Boss}}
|Legion is the guardian of the necropolis. He slumbers, waiting for an explorer to be foolish enough to knock on his door. Legion is unique in that, upon death it splilts into two, each with 0.6x the health of their parent skull, it will split multiple times until the skulls are only one tile in size, at this point the skulls will shatter upon death, you must shatter all of the skulls to kill legion
Charge: the skull charges towards you, trying to melee you
Spawn skull: spawns a legion skull to attack you
Health: 800
Health multiplier on split: 0.6x
Total health of all skulls: 4300
Melee damage: 25
Armour penetration: 50%
Speed: slow
GPS signal: Echoing signal
| Legion drops bones and has a 20% chance to drop necropolis chests when a skull is destroyed. When the final skull is destroyed, it leaves behind the staff of storms.
The staff of storms can be used to create or dispel ash storms in your area, and serves as a powerful melee weapon.
<tab name="Vetus Speculator" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:250pt" | Description
| style="width:300pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:200pt" | Drops
! Vetus Speculator <br> [[File:Vetus Speculator.png|128px]]{{Anchor|Vetus Speculator}}
|Vetus Speculator is an old 4-legged self-learning robot made from a long-gone civilization. Likes to scan and learn from things... Including crewmembers.
It has several attacks at it's disposal. It can melee with its body and legs, however, a person will not be hit by both at once unless poorly positioned. Legs also have a weak turret on each leg, that can be broken via damage. Every 5 seconds it creates a shield around itself, that blocks 1 hit, or multiple nondamaging hits. Crusher users will need a blast tube to break the shield OR melee the robot with the shield up to de-activate it. It can charge like bubblegum during combat as well.
The main feature that makes it unique, is that it has 5 modes, based on each anomaly core, that can augment its remaining attacks. As part of this it can spawn 3 anomalies around it for 15 seconds with a low chance. However, they do not detonate like regular anomalies once they disappear.
Upon reaching critical HP (normally death), it preps a 10-second self-destruct, before exploding. Large tell, hard to miss.
Health: 2500
Speed: Medium
GPS signal: Malfunctioning Signal
| Drops an anomaly core that matches the type that is used by the robot.
A pinpointer that can point to tendrils.
A variety of raw ores.
'''Crusher Loot:''' Adaptive intelligence core, a trophy that temporarily increases the force of a crusher against a target it has hit within the last 30 seconds by 2 per hit, up to 20 extra force.
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| Core Type
| Special Abilities
! Bluespace <br> [[File:BluespaceCore.gif]]
|  If it is bluespace, it charges with more delay between charges but instead teleports between charges. Its special ability is to half the user's attack speed for 10 seconds.
! Gravity <br> [[File:GravCore.gif]]
| Grav throws people if they bump into them during charge. For its special ability it picks up rocks from the terrain and throws them at the target.
! Pyro <br> [[File:PyroCore.gif]]
| If it has a pyro core, it makes a trail of fire and temporary lava. For its special ability it turns 3x3 areas around the target (but not too close) into lava.
! Flux <br> [[File:FluxCore.gif]]
| For its special ability, it shoots weakened tesla revolver shots at all humans nearby.
! Vortex <br> [[File:VortexCore.gif]]
| For its special ability, it causes a small earthquake, leading to rocks falling from the sky.
! Cryo <br> [[File:CryoCore.png]]
| For its special ability, it fires freezing beams at everyone in sight. The beams also purge all the chemicals from people they hit.
<tab name="Blood Drunk Miner" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:300pt" | Description
| style="width:300pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:200pt" | Drops
! Blood Drunk Miner <br> [[File:Blooddrunkminer.png|128px]]{{Anchor|Blood Drunk Miner}}
|One of your fellow miners who went blood crazed. Now all he craves is the thrill of the hunt. Step carefully and keep your head on a swivel, lest you become his next kill.
| The blood drunk miner is a very simple boss with only a few attacks
Switch saw mode: switches between rapid and cleaving saw modes changing his attack speed and damage.
KA shot: the BDM will occasionally fire off his KA at his targets dealing 20 damage.
Blink: the blood drunk miner teleports to his target.
|Health: 900
Melee damage: 6-10
Melee attack speed: fast
Armor penetration: 0%
Ranged damage: 20
Speed: fast
GPS signal: Resonant signal
|Upon death the miner drops his weapons, a standard issue kinetic accelerator and his cleaving saw;
The cleaving saw has two modes, rapid swing and cleaving arc. In cleaving arc mode, it will strike all fauna around you and deal increased damage. In rapid mode, it will strike much faster than normal weapons and makes targets bleed, but does decreased damage. Alternating the modes of the weapon between swings will increase your rate of attack.
<tab name="Colossus" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:300pt" | Description
| style="width:300pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:200pt" | Drops
! Colossus <br> [[File:Colossus.png|128px]] {{Anchor|Colossus}}
|The fallen angel roams lavaland judging those who he deems unclean. With his rending claws, blasting tubules and divine bolts, he brings death and judgement to anyone who gets too close.
Phase One (above 33% health)
Shotgun: Fires 5 death bolts in a cone, don't be close or you die.
Cardinal shots: Colossus fires 4 death bolts, alternating between all cardinal and ordinal directions. Fairly easy to dodge, just side step the projectiles. This attack becomes less frequent as it decreases in health.
Judgment: Colossus shouts "JUDGEMENT" and beings to fire death bolts in a spiral. Keep your distance and sidestep the death bolts.
Triple Shotgun: Colossus fires 3 shotgun shots off in succession. Don't go in for attacks after a shotgun attack in case it is a triple shotgun, this is the attack that will catch you out, very dangerous.
Phase Two: All attacks remain except judgement.
Die: Replaces "judgement". Colossus shouts "DIE" and begins to fire two spirals around himself.
|Health: 2500
Melee damage 40
Melee armor penetration: 40%
Death bolt damage: 25
Death bolt armor piercing: 100%
Speed: slow
GPS signal: Angelic signal
|Colossus leaves two of following things behind: an anomalous crystal with various effects, divine vocal cords or eyes of god
The eyes of god are an organ that replaces your eyes. Once implanted, they grant you thermal vision and can be used by HUD button in top left. When active, they slowly take damage while giving you effects of xray vision and letting you see invisible things. Once they reach certain damage treshholds, both eyes shatter individually. When eyes are not active, they slowly regenerate.
The divine vocal cords are an organ that can be transplanted into your mouth via surgery. Once implanted they can be used via the HUD button up in the top left or by prefixing your message with ":~". For information on voice of god, go to [[Voice of God|here]]
The anomalous crystal has many different effects and many different triggers to these effects. Triggers include, talking near it, bumping it, attacking it with a blunt object, attacking it with a fire based weapon such as a welder, clicking it with an empty hand, shooting it with: ballistics, energy weapons (tasers and disablers) and lasers. Effects include, reviving corpses as shadow people, terraforming the room around it, firing out random projectiles, turning the activator into a clown, force possessing the nearest mindless simple mob (if no such simple mobs are present you will possess a mouse), refreshing items nearby to the state they were at the start of the round.
<tab name="Hierophant" style="background-color:lightgray;">
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| style="width:125pt" | Name
| style="width:300pt" | Description
| style="width:300pt" | Special Abilities
| style="width:150pt" | Stats
| style="width:200pt" | Drops
! Hierophant <br> [[File:Hierophantnew.gif|80px]] {{Anchor|Hierophant}}
| A large, enigmatic scepter, crafted of an alien metal, and seemingly imbued with a mind of its own. Its sole purpose appears to be defending the structure it resides in.
|Blink - Teleports near its attacker after a brief delay, dealing damage to anything near the start and end points of its blink. This may occur multiple times in quick succession if the Hierophant is below 50% health.
Cross Blast - Creates diagonal and cardinal crosses of projectiles under the player. At half health, crosses fire in all directions and have increased range.
Chasers - Fires 4 chaser orbs, which will create Hierophant Blasts beneath themselves while pursuing the player. Chasers will speed up when the Hierophant reaches half health.
AoE Blast - When in melee range, fires a circle of Hierophant Blasts out from itself. This ability gains additional range when the Hierophant is at half health.
|Health: 2500
Hierophant Blast Damage: 15 burn
Armor Penetration: 50
|Upon death, the hierophant will shrink down, releasing a massive burst of energy. The resulting club is its prize.
The hierophant club has two functions - vortex recall and vortex blasts
Vortex recall - you can place the hierophant beacon after a short delay using the action button at the top of the screen. Then you can teleport you, and everyone around you in a 3x3 area to the beacon at any time after a cast time. you can pick the beacon back up by clicking on it with the hierophant staff in your hand.
Vortex blasts - click on someone and it will create a series of chasers similar to the hierophants own attacks, click on a tile adjacent to you and you will deal damage in a 3x3 area around where you clicked (this includes hitting someone with the club). clicking on a non adjacent tile, or on a mob while you have chasers active, will result in a cross blast, similar to hierophant's attack. Do note, these attacks only work on the mining z-level, and are very useful at mining and destroying rock.
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| style="width:125pt" | Plant
| style="width:400pt" | Description
! Numerous Mushrooms <br> [[File:Nmushrooms.png|64px]]
|  Can be harvested for their stems, which contain Tinea Luxor, a chemical which makes the user glow, vitamin, and space drugs.
! Leafy Mushrooms <br> [[File:Smushroom.png|64px]]
|  Can be harvested for their leaves, which contain nutriment, vitrium froth, a healing chemical similar to saline-glucose, but does not replenish blood, and nicotine.
! Tall Mushrooms <br> [[File:Rmushrooms.png|64px]]
| Can be harvested for their caps, which contain Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Entropic Polypnium, which is a potent poisonous chemical and does random damage every tick, and Psilocybin, a hallucinogen.
! Long Mushrooms <br> [[File:Lmushroom.png|64px]]
| Can be harvested for mushroom shavings.
! Cactus <br> [[File:Cactus.png|64px]]
| It's fruits contain Vitrium Froth, Vitamin and Nutrient. If you step on it without shoes you will get stunned. This is the only "edible" piece of food on Lavaland, so if you ever go hungry be sure to pick these up.
==Environmental Dangers==
Even if you avoid the various denizens and creatures of the wastes, the environment can kill you very easily. An unprepared crewmember or ash walker can easily perish in the harsh landscape.
===Ash Storms===
''An eerie moan rises on the wind. Sheets of burning ash blacken the horizon. Seek shelter.''
Due to the planets scalding hot climate and high winds, clouds of boiling ash is kicked up into the air. These clouds turn into massive storms that blanket the landscape a heavy layer of ash that can easily kill people. Only the sturdiest of equipment and exosuits can withstand an Ash Storm and it is very important to seek shelter under a roof during one.
Ash storms will subside after about a minute and after that, it is safe to go outside.
[[File:Lavaland Landscape.png|right|thumb|]]An image of the lavaland landscape with chasms and lava pools.
Lavaland's atmosphere is not safe for all beings. It is a low pressure, low oxygen environment and you require internals to traverse it, but not a space suit. Some beings, like [[Ash Walker]]s can live in this dangerous environment without the use of external equipment.
There are great big pits on the surface of Lavaland that go down for miles. You can fly or hop over them with wormhole jaunters and jump boots. If you fall into one you won't be coming back. This includes items and any mobs that are thrown into it. Chasms will open up shortly after a tendril is killed. It can also be found naturally forming canyons in some parts of lavaland..
The floor is literally lava in many places. Stepping on it will immediately ignite you and deal heavy burn damage, quickly killing if stood on for too long. Can only be traversed with mechs, lava boats, or while under the effect of items or abilities that give lava immunity. Fire resistance alone isn't enough to protect from the burn damage.
===Liquid Plasma===
Similar to lava, in a sense that it's everywhere and it's extremely hot. Will set any passers on fire, as well as dealing burn and toxin damage. [[Plasmaman|Plasmamen]] and [[Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC)|IPCs]] take greatly reduced damage. You can collect it with a beaker.
==Lavaland Loot==
The positive tradeoff to traversing the terrible environment of lavaland is the great treasures that lie within it
===Necropolis Chests===
[[File:Necropolis_Chest.png|right|thumb| A necropolis chest that can be obtained from defeating a tendril.]]
Upon killing a giant tendril, a necropolis chest will spawn which will contain one of 26 sets of interesting items. While many of the items are mediocre, there is a rare chance of spawning something truly unique and powerful. Miners should measure the tradeoffs of killing important tendrils such as the legion tendrils (which are used for farming legion cores) and obtaining the necropolis chests. Be wary! Very soon after defeating a tendril, the immediate area around it will collapse into a chasm.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible" width:"80%" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| style="width:15%" | Creature
| style="width:85%" | Description
! Paradox Bags <br> [[File:Paradox_Bag.png]][[File:Paradox_Bag.png]] {{Anchor|Paradox Bag}}
| Somehow, it's in two places at once. Both bags share the same container space, it does not matter where they are in relation to eachother.
! Cult Suit and Cult Helmet <br> [[File:Empowered_robes.png]] [[File:Cult_Helmet.png]]
| A spaceproof cult suit and helmet.
! Soulstone <br> [[File:Soulstone.png]]
| A soulstone. Can capture the souls of dead players to be later put into a [[Construct]] shell.
! Dark shard <br> [[File:Darkshard.gif|64px]]
| Can be used to grant you a [[Cursed Katana]].
! Diamond Pickaxe <br> [[File:Diamondpickaxe.png]]
| An upgraded version of the pickaxe which mines faster.
! Cult Robes and Cult Bedsheet <br> [[File:Cult_Robe_Alternate.png]][[File:Cult_Bedsheet.png]]
| A set of hooded cult robes and a cult bedsheet.
! KA Modkits <br> [[File:Mod_Disk.png]]
| One of four Kinetic Accelerator [[Guide to Mining#Kinetic Accelerator|Modkits]] have a chance to spawn
* [[File:Mod_Disk.png]] '''Rapid Repeater'''
* [[File:Mod_Disk.png]] '''Resonator Blast'''
* [[File:Mod_Disk.png]] '''Offensive Explosion'''
* [[File:Mod_Disk.png]] '''Death Syphon'''
! Rod of Asclepius <br> [[File:Rod_Of_Asclepius.gif]]
| A rod that can be used to make yourself start swearing an oath. If you finish the oath, the staff will bind to your hand, giving you a healing aura that can even fix simple deeper injuries like internal bleeding or broken bones, but will also force you to become a pacifist.
! Cursed Heart <br> [[File:Cursed_heart.gif]]
| A heart that has been empowered with magic to heal the user. The user must ensure the heart is manually beaten or their blood circulation will suffer, but every beat heals their injuries. It must beat every 6 seconds. The heart has a ten second grace period upon being inserted before it starts beating.
! Mysterious Boat <br> [[File:Dragon_Boat.png]] [[File:Ship_In_A_Bottle.png]]
| This boat can travel over lava without need for oars.
! Berserker Armor <br> [[File:Champions_Hardsuit.png]]
| An armor with retractable helmet. It offers mediocre damage protection and is ash storm proof. After taking damage, the armor charges. When fully charged, you can activate it for great damage reduction and double attack speed in melee. You cannot use firearms when it is activated, making it a perfect choice for crusher users.
! Possessed Blade <br> [[File:Possessed_Blade.gif]]
| Allows a ghost to inhabit the blade, giving you a companion.
! Dark Blessing <br> [[File:Arm_blade.png]]
| Particularly twisted deities grant gifts of dubious value. You can't drop this unless you lose your hand. Look like a changeling armblade.
! Warp Cubes <br> [[File:Cubes.gif]]
| Two magic cubes, that when they are twisted in hand, teleports the user to the location of the other cube instantly. Great for silently teleporting to a fixed location, or teleporting you to another person holding it.
! Spooky Lantern <br> [[File:Spooky_Lantern.png]] [[File:Friendly_Wisp.gif]]
| This lantern gives off no light, but is home to a friendly wisp. Using it in-hand while the wisp is inside it will allow the user to see the surrounding area perfectly regardless of darkness or lack of light.
! Immortality Talisman <br> [[File:Immortality Talisman.gif]]
| A dread talisman that can render you completely invulnerable. Has a small cooldown. Using the immortality talisman in-hand will allow the user to temporarily freeze in place and become impervious to damage for 6 seconds.
! Meat Hook <br> [[File:Meat Hook.png]]
| An enchanted hook, that can be used to hook people, hurt them, bring them right to you, and stun/knock them down. Quite bulky, works well as a belt though. Shoot it like a gun or staff, note it has a cooldown, and the stun is only for 1 second and knockdown for 6 seconds.
! Inferno <br> [[File:Clustergrenade.png]]
| A Clustergrenade that will set fire to a large area.
! Flask of Holy Water <br> [[File:Holy_flask.png]]
| It has been sitting in necropolis for a while... I woudn't drink it if I were you!
! Spellbook of Instant Summons <br> [[File:Spellbook_Of_Instant_Summons.png]]
| Binds a single item to your soul. Cast this spell while holding an item to mark it. Cast it again while holding a free item to recall it. If you have marked an item and cast this spell while holding another item, you will remove the original mark, then you must cast the spell one more time to mark something else.
! Book of Babel <br> [[File:Book_Of_Babel.png]]
| Instantly teaches you all languages. One-time use only.
! Lifesteal Crystal and Cult Bedsheet <br> [[File:Lifesteal_Crystal.png]] [[File:Cult_Bedsheet.png]]
| A mod kit that, like the name suggests, steals life from enemies you attack. Also a cult bedsheet.
<tab name="Labor Camp" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| The detention center of choice for a more pragmatic Warden, the Labor Camp is a place where prisoners can work off their crimes by mining minerals. The camp, understandably, goes without many of the comforts found on the main mining station, featuring only the bare minimum needed for survival.
* Basic medical supplies
* Tofu
* Very basic mining gear, now including pickaxes that are completely worthless as weapons
! colspan=2 |[[File:Labor camp.png|center]]
<tab name="Mining Station" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| The staging ground for Nanotransen's planetside mining operations. The base is suitable for long-term habitation, and is equipped with living quarters, gear storage, and a communications relay connected to the orbiting station.
* Basic medical supplies
* Advanced mining gear, including Kinetic Accelerators, Kinetic Crushers, Explorer Suits, and a vending machine full of powerful upgrades and equipment.
* An abandoned crate, which contains a random assortment of loot, and is protected by a passcode lock and Anti-Tamper Explosive(tm).
! colspan=2 |[[File:Mining Outpost.png|center]]
<tab name="Ash Walker Nest" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A monument to the sins of those who dare defy the all mighty Necropolis. The Ash Walker Nest contains a foul tendril of corruption surrounded by a nest of rapidly growing eggs. Occasionally, a meaty squelching can be heard as the serrated tendrils of the nest eviscerate anyone - or anything - foolish enough to provoke the yellow-skinned barbarians.
* Primitive farming tools
* A bunch of spears
* Meager medical supplies
* An RCD
* A singularity generator
* A syndie toolbox with combat gloves and tools.
* A free random anomaly core from killing the tendril(Try to avoid destroying the tendril, especially at the start of a round, as many people enjoy playing Ash Walker)
! colspan=2 |[[File:Ash Walker Nest.png|center]]
<tab name="Free Golem Shuttle" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| Lumbering humanoids, made out of precious metals, move inside this ship. They frequently leave to mine more minerals, which they somehow turn into more of them. Seem very intent on research and individual liberty, and also geology based naming?
* Statue of the Liberator
* Autolathe
* Mining Vendor
* Free Golem Creation Disk
* Fuel Tanks
* Various Food and Hydroponic Vendors
* Mining Equipment
* Ore Redemption Machine
! colspan=2 |[[File:Golem Shuttle.png|center]]
<tab name="Preserved Terrarium" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| Graceful gestalts effervescently glide across the surprisingly cold floors of this ancient seed vault. Tending to the bidding of their benevolent masters, cursed to toil away until lush, green flora has returned to the Lavaland.
* Plenty of useful plants (hopefully)
* A botany chemdispenser
* Bees! (maybe)
* A fully equipped botany setup
* A suspicious toolbox
! colspan=2 |[[File:LavalandTerrarium.png|center]]
<tab name="Hierophant Arena" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A massive arena made of a strange alloy. Mechanical whirrs fill the air, purple lights flash along every wall, and the smell of ozone permeates the structure. At the very center rests a large metal club, its lights beckoning you ever closer.
* The Hierophant
* Indestructible walls
! colspan=2 |[[File:HierophantArena.png|center]]
<tab name="Hermit" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A hastily put up miner shelter pierces the rock wall it is nested in. Next to it an escape pod, crashlanded into the hellish landscape. Inside, among the various knickknacks and belongings, is a permeating sense of hopelessness and dread.
* Orange Spacesuit
* Survival Knife
* Oxygen Tank
! colspan=2 |[[File:LavalandHermitBase.png|center]]
<tab name="Gluttony" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| <q>Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. </q> <br>
Discarded and empty wrappers are scattered on the floor haphazardly. A pulsating fleshy mass dominates the room. On the other side you can just make out a syringe fill with a green substance. There seems to be no way past the mass, as your stomach grumbles angrily...
*Matter Eater- A syringe which, upon injection, gives you the matter eater genetic power.
*Veal Render- A mysterious blade that opens a cow-spitting portal when striking an enemy.
! colspan=2 |[[File:GluttonyRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Pride" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| <q>For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. </q> <br> Everything shines with great brightness, even the floors show your reflection. As if someone had taken great lengths to keep it immaculately clean. As you stroll down the hallway you can't help but admire yourself in the mirror; strong, tough, adventuring through the wastes untouched by the filthy horrid creatures around you. You were almost too caught up in the wall mirrors to notice the mirror glowing with a blue aura just in front of you.
* Pride's Mirror- An enchanted mirror, gazing into it will allow you to change virtually every aspect of your appearance. Using it will certainly not result in unintended consequences.
! colspan=2 |[[File:PrideRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Envy" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| <q>Surely resentment destroys the fool, and jealousy kills the simple.</q> <br>
There is nothing opulent about this room. It is lined with mirrors smashed and blood streaking the cold metal plating. Directly across from the entrance sits a blade still dripping with the resentment of its previous wielder.
* Envy's Knife- An enchanted dagger that allows the wielder to take the form of whatever they've stabbed.
* Bloated Flesh Suit
! colspan=2 |[[File:EnvyRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Greed" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| <q>But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. </q> <br>
A room adorned with many coins and bills. Money bags litter the floor. However, your eyes are drawn to the dusty slot machine that sits so silently at the end of the room. The lever begs to be pulled, it tugs at your curiosity.
Surely one spin can't hurt...
* Gold Coins
* Money Bags
* Arcade Machines
* Credits of various values
* A ''normal'' slot machine.
! colspan=2 |[[File:GreedRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Winter Biodome" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A full winter wonderland, complete with glistening snow, an ATV, and a quaint log cabin, all secured under a massive dome. You swear you can spot a silhouette standing in the cabin's window.
* Journal pages
* An all-terrain vehicle
* A Ripley mech
* Basic medicine
! colspan=2 |[[File:WinterBiodome.png|center]]
<tab name="Beach" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A large biodome with soft, golden sand, gently swaying palm trees, lapping waves, and good vibes. Stop by for a brief escape from the hellish landscape of lavaland.
* Good Vibes
* Radiance Dance Machine IV
! colspan=2 |[[File:BeachBiodome.png|center]]
<tab name="Clown Dome" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| This ruin sticks out like a sore thumb in the drab, dark, ashen landscape of Lavaland. Its striking yellows and vivid reds draw your eye. As you approach you hear the sound of stray honking and your nose is filled with the smell of rot and decay. Perhaps if you are more lucky then the others, and clear the cruel machinations and twisted puzzles designed by its creator, you can claim the treasure inside. 
* Staff of Slipping
* Clown shoes
* Bananium coins
* Air horn
* Bluespace banana peel
* Rainbow slime extract
* Bananium ore.
! colspan=2 |[[File:ClownBiodome.png|center]]
<tab name="Cultist" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A macabre ruin dedicated to the summoning of a dark God. A sickly, hellacious aura of darkness permeates. Tread carefully, miner.
* Cult robes
* Cult swords
* Cult dagger
* Runed metal.
! colspan=2 |[[File:CultAltarRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Pizza Party" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
|Little Timmy's birthday pizza-bash took a turn for the worse when a bluespace anomaly passed by. As it turns out, bluespace translocation is not a terribly great gift to give someone.
* Three presents
* Pizza
* Birthday cake
! colspan=2 |[[File:PizzaRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Ratvar" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| The impact crater of an immense clockwork deity. You feel a tinge of sadness as you gaze at the once mighty figure.
* Ratvarian Spear- An ancient weapon that still retains some of its divine power. Does 5 additional brute damage as opposed to a regular spear and can be held one-handed.
* Brass Sheets- Sheets of brass, they can be turned into walls, floors, windows, windoors, and spinning chairs.
! colspan=2 |[[File:RatvarRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Xeno Hive" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A Xenomorph hive on the surface of Lavaland. It is not known how they got here but one can be quite certain that <u>they are not friendly</u>.
* Stechkin
* Orange Spacesuit
* Stun Baton
* Security Helmet
* Xenomorph Queen
! colspan=2 |[[File:LavalandXenoRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="UFO" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A crashed alien spacecraft, with no apparent survivors. There appears to be a "student driver" sticker on the back.
* Alien Surgical Tools- These tools work faster than their station counterparts, and are coveted by R&D for the research points they grant.
! colspan=2 |[[File:AlienRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Butterflies" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| A strange shrine dedicated to some sort of butterfly-loving deity. The pylons and altars inside are completely alien to you.
* Fountain of Healing- An ornate stone fountain, full of what looks to be blood. Drinking the liquid inside will fully heal you.
! colspan=2 |[[File:ButterfliesRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Ripley" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| There's rumors that when damaged, a Ripley's electronics can jam up in Ash Storms ruining the battery and preventing the occupant from ejecting from the mech- leaving the occupent to be claimed by the grips of starvation. That's just a rumor though.
* A damaged Ripley Mech
! colspan=2 |[[File:RipleyRuin.png|center]]
<tab name="Miner`s Tomb" style="background-color:lightgrey;">
{|class="wikitable" style="background-color:#F5AC8E ;margin:10pt;"
|- style="background-color:#EE6A34;font-weight:bold; color: white;text-align:center;"
| width=800pt | Description
| width=800pt | Notable Contents
| An old survival pod. Inside lies the remains of an unfortunate miner who met a grisly end in his supposed haven.
* The dead miner can be looted for a survival medipen.
! colspan=2 |[[File:TombRuin.png|center]]

Текущая версия от 22:11, 2 октября 2024

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