Руководство по еде: различия между версиями

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Полноценный индикатор еды - приятный насыщенный синий. Полное питание имеет много положительных эффектов, таких как восстановление здоровья, здоровые реагенты, которые дольше остаются в вашем организме, восстанавливают кровь и токсины выводятся из организма быстрее. Ваша скорость движения также максимальна при полном голоде, в то время как голодание приведет к гораздо меньшей скорости.
Полноценный индикатор еды - приятный насыщенный синий. Полное питание имеет много положительных эффектов, таких как восстановление здоровья, здоровые реагенты, которые дольше остаются в вашем организме, восстанавливают кровь и токсины выводятся из организма быстрее. Ваша скорость движения также максимальна при полном голоде, в то время как голодание приведет к гораздо меньшей скорости.


The Booze-O-Mat is a vending machine that dispenses alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in cans, bottles, or jugs. The [[Bar]] comes with one, while the old bar in maintenance comes with an unpowered one that you will need to fix to dispense. These machines can be built with the correct board printed from Research and the restocking part ordered from Cargo.
The Booze-O-Mat is a vending machine that dispenses alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in cans, bottles, or jugs. The [[Bar]] comes with one, while the old bar in maintenance comes with an unpowered one that you will need to fix to dispense. These machines can be built with the correct board printed from Research and the restocking part ordered from Cargo.

Версия от 13:00, 26 июня 2020


Индикатор голода

По мере того, как вы будете ходить и передвигаться по станции, ваш стартовый индикатор питания начнет истощаться, начиная с зеленого, до темно-красного. Следует отметить, что пища содержит пищевую ценность, которая отличается от сытости и влияет на то, сколько ваш индикатор еды получает от пищи, которую вы потребляете. Нездоровая пища, закуски в торговых автоматах наполнят вас и не позволят вам есть больше, но не заполнят ваш желудок так же быстро, как еда от шеф-повара, и быстрее истощатся. Чтобы правильно питаться, здоровая еда от шеф-повара ускорит ваше питание и не переполнит желудок.

Полноценный индикатор еды - приятный насыщенный синий. Полное питание имеет много положительных эффектов, таких как восстановление здоровья, здоровые реагенты, которые дольше остаются в вашем организме, восстанавливают кровь и токсины выводятся из организма быстрее. Ваша скорость движения также максимальна при полном голоде, в то время как голодание приведет к гораздо меньшей скорости.


The Booze-O-Mat is a vending machine that dispenses alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in cans, bottles, or jugs. The Bar comes with one, while the old bar in maintenance comes with an unpowered one that you will need to fix to dispense. These machines can be built with the correct board printed from Research and the restocking part ordered from Cargo.

The contents of the Booze-O-Mat are as follows:

Image Item Reagent Description
Ginbottle.png Griffeater Gin Gin A bottle of high-quality gin, produced in the New London Space Station.
Whiskeybottle.png Uncle Git's Special Reserve Whiskey A premium single-malt whiskey, gently matured inside the tunnels of a nuclear shelter. TUNNEL WHISKEY RULES.
Tequilabottle.png Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequila Tequila Made from premium petroleum distillates, pure thalidomide and other fine quality ingredients!
Vodkabottle.png Tunguska Triple Distilled Vodka Aah, vodka. Prime choice of drink AND fuel by Russians worldwide.
Vermouthbottle.png Goldeneye Vermouth Vermouth Sweet, sweet dryness~
Rumbottle.png Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum Rum This isn't just rum, oh no. It's practically GRIFF in a bottle.
Winebottle.png Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine Wine A faint aura of unease and asspainery surrounds the bottle.
Cognacbottle.png Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac Cognac A sweet and strongly alcoholic drink, made after numerous distillations and years of maturing. You might as well not scream 'SHITCURITY' this time.
Kahluabottle.png Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur Kahlua A widely known, Mexican coffee-flavoured liqueur. In production since 1936, HONK.
Beer.png Space Beer Beer Contains only water, malt and hops.
Alebottle.png Magm-Ale Ale A true Dorf's drink of choice.
Synthanolcan.png Beep's Classic Synthanol Synthanol A can of IPC booze, however that works. (Note: This is the alcoholic equivalent for IPCs. It is toxic to organic species.)
Orangejuice.png Orange Juice Orange Juice Full of vitamins and deliciousness!
Tomatojuice.png Tomato Juice Tomato Juice Well, at least it LOOKS like tomato juice. You can't tell with all that redness.
Limejuice.png Lime Juice Lime Juice Sweet-sour goodness.
Cream.png Milk Cream Cream It's cream. Made from milk. What else did you think you'd find in there?
Tonic.png T-Borg's Tonic Water Tonic Water Quinine tastes funny, but at least it'll keep that Space Malaria away.
Cola.png Space Cola Cola Cola. In space.
Sodawater.png Soda Water Soda Water A can of soda water. Still water's more refreshing cousin.
Glass2.png Glass N/A A glass to use to pour drinks in. It holds up to 50 units. It will change sprites if you make a drink recipe until the drink has been finished. It will then revert to this state.
Shotglass.png Shot Glass N/A A shot glass that can hold up to 15 units. All the contents in the glass will be taken as a shot in one go. This sprite won't change when you make a drink recipe.
Icecup.png Ice Cup Ice Careful, cold ice, do not chew.

Note: There are two other dispensers available in the bar, the booze dispenser and the soda fountain. They contain the above reagents, and more, to be used in the drink recipes. They can be toggled to reveal more reagents for use by using a multitool on them.

Booze Portal 9001

This is also known as the booze dispenser. At shift start it is found inside the bar, behind the bartender's counter as it is manned by the Bartender. These are the following things that the machine dispensers: Normal Drinks

Ale Beer Cider Cognac Cream Gin Ice Kahlua Mead Rum Synthanol Tequila Vermouth Vodka Whiskey Wine

Hacked Drinks

Absinthe Ethanol Goldschlager Nothing Patron Sake
  • You can obtain the hacked drinks by applying a screwdriver and then a multitool to the drink dispenser. A screwdriver can be applied again to close the machine back up.

The Bottler

A bottler is a machine you can order from cargo via the Brewing Buddy Bottler Unit crate for 35 cargo points. This machine allows you to put in three ingredients into the machine in the listed order, and create a drink that gets stored in either a bottle, glass, or can. You will require the assistance of botany, mining, and other departments to make these drinks. These drinks have additional effects that normal drinks don't have, but you will have to experiment with them yourself to find out what each one does.

The order of the ingredients is important.

Bottler Recipes

Name Recipe Description
Apple-pocalypse Apple, Apple, Apple If doomsday came in fruit form, it'd probably be apples.
Berry Banned Berries, Berries, Berries Reason for ban: excessive flavour.
Berry Banned Poison Berries, Poison Berries, Poison Berries Reason for ban: excessive flavour.
Blackeye Brew Cola, Sugar Cane, Ice Cream Creamy, smooth flavour, just like the bald heads of the masses. Supposedly aged for 30 years.
Grape Granade Grape Juice, Grapes, Flash Exploding with grape flavour and a favourite among ERT members system-wide.
Meteor Malt Wheat, Unrefined Ore, Unrefined Ore Soft drinks have been detected on a collision course with your tastebuds.
Paradise Punch Grapes, Banana, Cherries Tastes just how you'd think Paradise would if you could bottle it.

Alcoholic Beverages

Image Ingredients
Файл:AcidSpit.png Acid Spit
5 part Wine, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
AlliesCocktail.png Allies Cocktail
1 part Classic Martini, 1 part Vodka
Aloe.png Aloe
1 part Watermelon Juice, 1 part Milk Cream, 1 part Whiskey
Amasec.png Amasec
1 part Iron, 1 part Wine, 1 part Vodka
Andalusia.png Andalusia
1 part Rum, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Lemon Juice
Файл:Antifreezeglass.png Anti-Freeze
2 part Vodka, 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice
Cognac.png Applejack
2 part cider cooled to 270 K
Atomicbombglass.gif Atomic Bomb
10 part B-52, 1 part Uranium
B-52.png B-52
1 part Irish cream, 1 part Kahlua, 1 part cognac
Bahamamamaglass.png Bahama Mama
2 part Rum, 2 part Orange Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part ice
Barefoot.png Barefoot
1 part Cream, 1 part Vermouth, 1 part Berry Juice
BeepskySmash.gif Beepsky Smash
2 part Lime Juice, 2 part Whiskey, 1 part Iron
Bilk.png Bilk
1 part Beer, 1 part Milk
BlackRussian.png Black Russian
3 part Vodka, 2 part Kahlua
BloodyMary.png Bloody Mary
1 part Vodka, 2 part Tomato Juice, 1 part Lime Juice
Boogerglass.png Booger
1 part Cream, 1 part Banana Juice, 1 part Rum, 1 part Watermelon Juice
BraveBull.png Brave Bull
2 part Tequila, 1 part Kahlua
Файл:ChangelingSting.png Changeling Sting
1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Screwdriver
ClassicMartini.png Classic Martini
2 part Gin, 1 part Vermouth
CubaLibre.png Cuba Libre
2 part Rum, 2 part Cola, 1 part Lime Juice
Demonsbloodglass.gif Demons Blood
1 part Space Mountain Wind, 1 part Rum, 1 part Blood, 1 part Dr. Gibb
DevilsKiss.png Devil's Kiss
1 part Blood, 1 part Rum, 1 part Kahlua
Driest Martini.png Driest Martini
1 part Nothing, 1 part Gin
Drunkenblumpkin.png Drunken Blumpkin
1 part Blumpkin Juice, 1 part Ice, 1 part Irish Cream
Eggnog.png Eggnog
5 part Cream, 5 part Egg, 5 part Rum
ErikaSurprise.png Erika Surprise
1 part Ale, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Ice, 1 part Banana Juice
Flamingmoe.gif Flaming Moe
1 part Cognac, 1 part Gin, 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution, 1 part Tequila, 1 part Vodka, Temperature 374k
GinFizz.png Gin Fizz
2 part Gin, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Lime Juice
Файл:GinSonic.png Gin and Sonic
1 part Gin and Tonic, 1 part Methamphetamine
GinTonic.png Gin and Tonic
2 part Gin, 1 part Tonic
Goldschlagerglass.png Goldschlager
10 part Vodka, 1 part Gold
Grog.png Grog
1 part Water, 1 part Rum
Image Ingredients
HippiesDelight.png Hippie's Delight
1 part Psilocybin, 1 part Gargle Blaster
IcedBeer.png Iced Beer
10 part Beer + 1 part Frost Oil OR 5 part Beer + 1 part Ice
Файл:Irish Car Bomb.png Irish Car Bomb
1 part Irish Cream, 1 part Ale
IrishCoffee.png Irish Coffee
2 part Irish cream, 2 part Coffee
IrishCream.png Irish Cream
2 part Whiskey, 1 part Cream
Patronglass.png Jackrose
4 part applejack, 1 part lemon juice
LongIslandIcedTea.png Long Island Iced Tea
1 part Vodka, 1 part Gin, 1 part Cuba Libre, 1 part Tequila
Manhattan.png Manhattan
2 part Whiskey, 1 part Vermouth
Manhattanprojglass.gif Manhattan Project
10 part Manhattan, 1 part Uranium
Margarita.png Margarita
2 part Tequila, 1 part Lime Juice
Файл:Mead.png Mead
1 part Sugar, 1 part Water, 1 part Universal Enzymes
Mojito.png Mojito
1 part Rum, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Soda Water
Файл:Neurotoxin.png Neuro-toxin
1 part Ether, 1 part Gargle Blaster
GargleBlaster.gif Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
1 part Gin, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Cognac, 1 part Lime Juice
Patronglass.png Patron
10 part Tequila, 1 part Silver
RedMead.png Red Mead
1 part Mead, 1 part Blood
Sbiten.png Sbiten
1 part Vodka, 1 part Capsaicin
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver
2 part Vodka, 1 part Orange Juice
Файл:Singuloglass.gif Singulo
5 part Vodka, 1 part Radium, 5 part Wine.
SnowWhite.png Snow White
1 part Beer, 1 part Lemon Lime
Suicider.png Suicider
1 part Cider, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Welding Fuel, 1 part Epinephrine
SyndicateBomb.png Syndicate Bomb
1 part Whiskey Cola, 1 part Beer
Файл:TequillaSunrise.png Tequilla Sunrise
2 part Tequila, 1 part Orange Juice
ManlyDorf.png The Manly Dorf
2 part Beer, 4 part Ale
Файл:Threemileislandglass.png Three Mile Island Iced Tea
10 part "Long Island Iced Tea", 1 part Uranium
ToxinsSpecial.gif Toxins Special
2 part Rum, 1 part Vermouth, 2 part Plasma
Файл:VodkaMartini.png Vodka Martini
2 part Vodka, 1 part Vermouth
VodkaTonic.png Vodka and Tonic
2 part Vodka, 1 part Tonic
Файл:WhiskeyCola.png Whiskey Cola
2 part Whiskey, 1 part Cola
WhiskeySoda.png Whiskey Soda
2 part Whiskey, 1 part Soda Water
WhiteRussian.png White Russian
1 Black Russian, 1 part Cream

Synthanol-Based Beverages

Image Ingredients
Robot Tears.png Robot Tears
1 part Synthanol, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Oil
Servo drink.png Servo
2 part Synthanol, 1 part Hot Chocolate, 1 part Cream
Synthignion drink.png Synthignon
1 part Synthanol, 1 part Wine
Image Ingredients
Synth n Soda drink.png Synth 'n soda
1 part Synthanol, 1 part Cola
Trinary drink.png Trinary
1 part Synthanol, 1 part Orange Juice, 1 part Lime Juice
Uplink drink.png Uplink
1 part Synthanol, 1 part Rum, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Tequilla, 1 part Whiskey

Non-alcoholic Beverages

Image Ingredients
BananaHonk.png Banana Honk
1 part Banana Juice, 1 part Milk Cream, 1 part Sugar
Bluecherryshake.png Blue Cherry Shake
1 part Blue Cherry Jelly, 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice
Brownstar.png Brown Star
2 part Orange juice, 1 part cola
Cafelatte.png Cafe Latte
1 part Coffee, 1 part Space Milk
Cafelatte.png Cafe Mocha
1 part Cafe Latte, 1 part Chocolate
Cherryshake.png Cherry Shake
1 part Cherry Jelly, 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice
Chocolate.png Chocolate Milk
1 part Milk, 1 part Chocolate
Chocolatepudding.png Chocolate Pudding
5 part Cocoa, 5 part Egg, 5part Milk
Gibbfloats.png Gibb Floats
5 part Cream, 5 part Dr. Gibb, 5 part Ice
Grapesoda.png Grape Soda
1 part Grape Juice, 1 part Soda Water
Icetea.png Iced Tea
1 part Ice, 3 part Tea
Icecoffeeglass.png Iced Coffee
1 part Ice, 3 part Coffee
Image Ingredients
Kiraspecial.gif Kira Special
1 part orange juice, 1 part lime juice, 1 part soda water
Lemonade.png Lemonade
1 part Lemon juice, 1 part sugar, 1 part Water
Milkshake.png Milkshake
1 part Cream, 2 part Space Milk, 2 part Ice
Nukacolaglass.gif Nuka Cola
1 part Uranium, 6 part Cola
Pumpkinlatte.png Pumpkin Space Latte
5 part Coffee, 5 part Cream, 5 part Pumpkin Juice
Rewriter.png Rewriter
1 part Spacemoutainwind soda, 1 part Coffee
Silencer.png Silencer
1 part Nothing, 1 part Cream, 1 part Sugar
Файл:SoyLatte.png Soy Latte
1 part Coffee, 1 part Soy Milk
DoctorDelight.gif The Doctor's Delight
1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Tomato Juice, 1 part Orange Juice, 1 part Cream
Triplecitrus.png Triple Citrus
1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Orange Juice
Vanillapudding.png Vanilla Pudding
5 part Egg, 5 part Milk, 5 part Vanilla

Ingredient Recipes

Note: Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, and Soy Milk are all measured off of reagent units rather than containers. They can be poured directly into the microwave. Additionally, you only need at least the suggested amount of those ingredients, instead of exactly the right amount.

Non-Machine Recipes

Image Result Recipe Notes
Flatdough.png Flat Dough Use your rolling pin on one dough
Flat pastry dough.png Flat Pastry Dough Use your rolling pin on one pastry dough
Unbaked cookie large.png Unbaked Cookies Use your circular cutter on one flat pastry dough
Unbaked cookies choco large.png Chocochips Unbaked Cookies Use a pile of chocolate on one unbaked cookie
Meatwheatclump.png Meatwheat Clump Right-click on the Meatwheat in your hand Use it as a Meat replacement
Rawcutlet.png Raw Cutlet Cut 1 Meat. 3 Cutlets per 1 Meat
Rawbacon.png Raw Bacon Cut 1 Raw Cutlet
Doughslice.png Dough Slice Cut 1 Flat Dough on a table or tray 3 Dough Slices per 1 Flat Dough
Cheesewedge.png Cheese Wedge Cut 1 Cheese Wheel on a table or tray 5 Cheese Wedges per 1 Cheese Wheel
Potatosticks.png Raw Potato Sticks Cut 1 Potato
Cocoa.png Pile of Chocolate Cut 1 Chocolate Bar

Processor Recipes

Some items will go through the processor, which is next to your blender. Experiment with it!

Image Processes Condiments
Carrotfries.png Carrot Fries Process one Carrot.
Meatball.png Meatball Process one slab of Meat.
Roastparsnip.png Roast Parsnip Process one Parsnip.
Soydope.png Soy Dope Process one Soybean.
Spaghetti.png Spaghetti Process one Dough Slice.
Macaroni.png Macaroni Process 1 spaghetti
Tatortot.png Tator Tot Process one Potato.
Yakiimo.png Yaki Imo Process one Sweet Potato.

Reagent Recipes

To mix some of this stuff, grab a beaker to hold some liquid such as milk or universal enzyme and mix it in with the blender. After which, grab the item you wish to blend with into the blender. You should hear something similar to mixing chemicals and poof, out comes your stuff magically. Some things require the juicer to be used instead, don't mix these up!

Image Blends Condiments
Dough.png Dough Combine 15u Flour, 10u Water
Pastry dough large.png Pastry Dough Combine 10u Flour, 10u Milk, 5u sugar
Nutriment.png Universal Enzyme Found on the Cook's table, used in cooking various dishes, more can be ordered from Cargo Bay.
Nutriment.png Nutriment Blend any solid food.
Hotsauce.png Hot Sauce/Capsicum Oil Blend Chili Peppers
Coldsauce.png Cold Sauce/Frost Oil Blend Ice Peppers
Ketchup.png Ketchup Blend Tomatoes
Oliveoil.png Corn Oil Juice Corn
Soysauce.png Soy Sauce Mix 5u Soy Milk, 5u Salt, 40u Water
Soymilk.png Soy Milk Blend Soy Beans
Flour.png Flour Grind Wheat
Cherryjelly.png Cherry Jelly Blend Cherries
Rice.png Rice Blend Rice Stalk
Salt.png Salt Mix 5u Water, 5u Sodium, 5u Chlorine (Chem Dispenser). Extra shakers in bar & kitchen, and food crates from Cargo.
Pepper.png Pepper Extra shakers in the bar & kitchen, and food crates from Cargo.
Ginvodkaglass.png Moonshine Mix 10u Nutriment, 5u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)
Cheesewheel.png Cheese Wheel Mix 40u Space Milk, 5 Universal Enzyme
Chocolatebar.png Chocolate Bar Mix 2u Cocoa Powder, 2u Milk (or Soy Milk), 2u Sugar
Tofu.png Tofu Mix 10u Soymilk, 5u Universal Enzyme
Condiments.png Gravy Mix 5u Milk, 5u Porktonium, 5u Corn Starch, Heat up to 374K
Ginvodkaglass.png Vodka Mix 10u Potato Juice, 5u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)
Ginvodkaglass.png Sake Mix 10u Rice, 5u Water, 5u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)
Kahluaglass.png Kahlua Mix 5u Coffee, 5u Sugar, 5u Vodka or Rum, 5u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)
Beer.png Space Beer Mix 10u Corn Oil, 5u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)
Wineglass.png Wine Mix 10u Berry Juice, 5u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)
Icecoffeeglass.png Coffee Mix 1 Coffee Powder, 5u Water
Icecoffeeglass.png Tea Mix 1 Ground Tea Leaves, 5u Water
Файл:Cocoglass.png Hot Coco Mix 5u Cocoa, 5u Water
Файл:Berryglass.png Berry Juice Juice Berries
Файл:Brownglass.png Potato juice Juice Potatoes
Файл:Orangeglass.png Orange Juice Juice Oranges
Файл:Greenglass.png Lime Juice Juice Limes
Файл:Lemonglass.png Lemon Juice Juice Lemons
Файл:Brownglass.png Watermelon Juice Juice one Watermelon Slice
Sugar.png Sugar Blend White Beets or Sugar Cane
Condiments.png Sprinkles Blend Donuts

Food Recipes

Grill Recipes

Image Result Recipe Description/Notes
Cutlet.png Cutlet Grill 1 Raw Cutlet A thin piece of raw meat.
Bacon.png Bacon Grill 1 Raw Bacon It looks juicy and tastes amazing!
Bacon.png Tele Bacon Grill 1 Meat (or 1 Synthflesh - creates Synthitelebacon), 1 Remote Signaler Device It tastes a little odd but it is still delicious.
Fishfingers.png Fish Fingers Grill 10u Flour, 1 Egg, 1 Carp Meat A finger of fish. Slightly toxic.
Sausage.png Sausage Grill 1 Meatball, 1 Cutlet A piece of mixed, long meat.
Toastsand.png Grilled Cheese Grill 2 Bread Slices, 1 Cheese Wedge Goes great with Tomato soup!
Meatsteak.png Meat Steak Grill 1u Salt, 1u Black Pepper, 1 Meat A piece of hot spicy meat.
Meatsteak.png Syntisteak Grill 1u Salt, 1u Black Pepper, 1 Synthmeat A piece of hot spicy meat.
Waffles.png Waffles Grill 2 Dough, 10u Sugar Mmm, waffles.
Roffle.png Roffle Waffles Grill 2 Dough, 10u Sugar, 5u Psilocybin. Waffles from Roffle. Co.
Kebab.png Kabob Grill 2 Human Meat, Metal Rod A human meat, on a stick.
Kebab.png Monkey Kabob Grill 2 Meat, Metal Rod Delicious meat, on a stick.
Kebab.png Syntikabob Grill 2 Synthmeat, Metal Rod Delicious meat, on a stick.
Kebab.png Kabob Grill 2 Tofu, Metal Rod Vegan meat, on a stick.
Wingchu.png Wing Fang Chu Grill 5u Soy Sauce, 1 Xeno-Meat A savoury dish of alien wing wang in soy.
Friedegg.png Fried-Egg Grill 1 Egg, 1u Salt, 1u Pepper A fried egg, with a touch of salt and pepper.
Cheesepmelet.png Cheese Omelet Grill 2 Egg, 2 Cheese Wedges That's all you can say!
SalmonSteak.png Salmon Steak Grill 1 Salmon Filet, 1u Salt, 1u Pepper A piece of freshly-grilled salmon meat.
TamagoSushi.png Tamago Sushi Grill 1 Egg, 1 Boiled Rice, 5u Sake A simple sushi consisting of egg and rice.
UnagiSushi.png Unagi Sushi Grill 1 Electric Eel, 1 Boiled Rice, 5u Sake A simple sushi consisting of eel and rice.

Microwave Recipes

Image Result Recipe Description/Notes
Burger.png Burger Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Bun A bloody burger.
Cheeseburger.png Cheese Burger Microwave 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Burger The cheese adds a good flavour.
Burgerbaseball.png Homerun Burger Microwave 1 Baseball Bat, 1 Bun Batter up!
Brainburger.png Brain Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Brain A strange looking burger. It looks almost sentient. WARNING - Contains prions which cause Space Kuru!
Clownburger.png Clown Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Clown Mask This tastes funny...
Mimeburger.png Mime Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Beret Its taste defies language.
Файл:Tofubuger.png Tofu Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Tofu What.. is that meat?
Spell.png Spell Burger Microwave 1 Burger, 1 Wizard Hat This is absolutely Ei Nath.
Roburger.png Roburger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Robot Head The lettuce is the only organic component. Beep. WARNING - Contains nanomachines which turn people into cyborgs!
Xenoburger.png Xeno Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Xeno Meat Smells caustic. Tastes like heresy.
Файл:Ghostbur.PNG Ghostburger Microwave 1 Ectoplasm, 1 Bun Spooky! It doesn't look very filling.
Bigbite.png Big Bite Burger Microwave 1 Burger, 3 Meat, 1 Egg Forget the Big Mac. THIS is the future!
Superbite.png Super Bite Burger Microwave 1 Big Bite Burger, 5u Salt, 5u Pepper, 1 Dough, 1 Meat, 1 Tomato, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Boiled Egg This is a mountain of a burger. FOOD!
Burrito.png Burrito Microwave 1 Cutlet, 1 Beans, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Flat Dough, 5u Capsaicin Oil, 5u Rice Meat, beans, cheese, and rice wrapped up as an easy-to-hold meal.
Hotdog.png Hotdog Microwave 1 Sausage, 1 Bun A tube of salty goodness!
Cubancarp.png Cuban Carp Microwave 1 Carp Fillet, 1 Dough, 1 Chili Pepper A grifftastic sandwich that burns your tongue and then leaves it numb!
Carpsandwich.png Fillet -o- Carp Sandwich Microwave 1 Bun, 1 Carp Fillet Almost like a carp is yelling somewhere... Give me back that fillet -o- carp, give me that carp.
Toastsand.png Toasted Sandwich Microwave 1 Sandwich Now if you only had a pepper bar.
Jellytoast.png Slime Toast Microwave 1 Bread Slice, 5u Slime Jelly A slice of bread covered with slime!
Jellytoast.png Jellied Toast Microwave 1 Bread Slice, 5u Cherry Jelly A slice of bread covered with delicious jam.
Twobread.png Two Bread Microwave 2 Bread Slice, 5u Wine It is very bitter and winy.
Spagettiboiled.png Boiled Spaghetti Microwave 5u Water, 1 Spaghetti A plain dish of noodles, this sucks.
Pastatomato.png Tomato Pasta Microwave 5u Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Tomato Spaghetti and crushed tomatoes. Just like your abusive father used to make!
Meatballspag.png Spaghetti & Meatballs Microwave 5u Water, 1 Spaghetti, 2 Meatball Now thats a nic'e meatball!
Spesslaw.png Spess Law Microwave 5u Water, 1 Spaghetti, 4 Meatball A lawyers favourite.
Maccheese.png Macaroni Cheese Microwave 5u water, 5u milk, 1 cheese wedge, 1 macaroni twists The most comforting food in the world, according to Space Americans.
Meatsoup.png Meatball Soup Microwave 10u Water, 1 Meatball, 1 Carrot, 1 Potato You've got balls kid, BALLS!
Nettlesoup.png Nettle Soup Microwave 10u Water, 1 Nettle, 1 Egg, 1 Potato To think, the botanist would've beat you to death with one of these.
Wishsoup.png Wish Soup Microwave 20u Water I wish this was soup.
Beetsoup.png Beet Soup Microwave 10u Water, 1 White Beet, 1 Cabbage Wait, how do you spell it again..?
Vegesoup.png Vegetable Soup Microwave 10u Water, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Eggplant, 1 Potato A true vegan meal.
Tomatosoup.png Tomato Soup Microwave 10u Water, 2 Tomato Drinking this feels like being a vampire! A tomato vampire...
Tomatosoup.png Blood Soup Microwave 10u Blood, 2 Blood Tomato Vampires love these.
Slimesoup.png Slime Soup Microwave 10u of Water, 5u Slime Jelly If no water is available, you may substitute tears.
Milo.png Milo Soup Microwave 10u Water, 2 Soy Dope, 2 Tofu The universe's best soup! Yum!!!
Vegesoup.png Mushroom Soup Microwave 5u Water, 5u Milk, 1 Mushroom A delicious and hearty mushroom soup.
Chawanmushi.png Chawanmushi Microwave 5u Water, 5u Soy Sauce, 1 Chanterelle Mushroom, 2 Egg A legendary egg custard that makes friends out of enemies. Probably too hot for a cat to eat.
Stew.png Stew Microwave 10u Water, 1 Meat, 1 Tomato, 1 Potato, 1 Carrot, 1 Eggplant, 1 Mushroom. A nice and warm stew. Healthy and strong.
Stew.png Stewed Soy Meat Microwave 2 Soy Dope, 1 Carrot, 1 Tomato
Coldstew.png Cold Chili Stew Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Ice Pepper, 1 Tomato Even non-vegetarians will LOVE this!
Hotstew.png Hot Chili Stew Microwave 1 Meat, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Tomato A five alarm Texan Chili!
Donuts.png Donut Microwave 1 Dough, 5u Sugar Goes great with Robust Coffee.
Donut sprinkles.png Donut with Sprinkles Microwave 1 Dough, 5u Sugar, 3u Sprinkles Goes great with Robust Coffee.
Файл:Jdonut1.gifJdonut2.png Jelly Donut Microwave 1 Dough, 5u Sugar, 5u Berry Juices You jelly?
Файл:Jdonut1.gifJdonut2.png Slime Jelly Donut Microwave 1 Dough, 5u Sugar, 5u Slime Jelly You jelly?
Файл:Jdonut1.gifJdonut2.png Cherry Jelly Donut Microwave 1 Dough, 5u Sugar, 5u Cherry Jelly You jelly?
Donuts.png Chaos Donuts Microwave 1 Dough, 5u Sugar, 5u Hot Sauce (Capsaicin), 5u Cold Sauce (Frost Oil) Like life, it never quite tastes the same.
Файл:Soylenvirdians.png Soylent Green Microwave 10u Flour, 2 Human Meat Not made of people. Honest.
Файл:Soylenvirdians.png Soylen Viridians Microwave 10u Flour, 1 Soybean Not made of people. Honest.
Boiledrice.png Boiled Rice Microwave 10u Rice, 5u Water A boring dish of boring rice.
Ricepudding.png Rice Pudding Microwave 10u Rice, 5u Milk Where's the jam?
Cheesefries.png Cheese Fries Microwave 1 Fries, 1 Cheese Wedge Fries. Covered in cheese. Duh.
AmanitaJelly.gif Amanita Jelly Microwave 5u Water, 5u Vodka, 3 Amanitas Looks curiously toxic.
Eggplantparmigiana.png Eggplant Parmigiana Microwave 2 Cheese Wedges, 1 Eggplant The only good recipe for eggplant.
Popcorn.png Popcorn Microwave 1 Corn Now let's find some cinema.
Duff.gif Spacy Liberty Duff Microwave 5u Water, 5u Vodka, 3 Liberty Caps Jello gelatin, from Alfred Hubbard's cookbook.
Dionaroast.png Diona Roast Microwave 1 Diona Nymph, 1 Apple, 5u FluoroSulphuric Acid It's like an enormous, leathery carrot. With an eye.
Egg.png Boiled Egg Microwave 1 Egg, 5u Water A hard boiled egg.
Chocegg.png Chocolate Egg Microwave 1 Egg, 1 Chocolate Bar Such sweet, fattening food.
Mysterysoup.png Mystery Soup Microwave 10u Water, 1 Burned Mess, 1 Tofu, 1 Egg, 1 Cheese Wedge The mystery is, why aren't you eating it?
Slimegrey.png Boiled Slime Extract Microwave 5u Water, 1 Slime Extract A boiled red thing.
Onionrings.png Onion Rings Microwave 1 Onion Slice Onion slices coated in batter.
Donkpocket.png Donk Pocket Microwave 1 Dough, 1 Meatball The food of choice for the seasoned traitor.
Donkpocket.png Warm Donk Pocket Microwave 1 Donk Pocket The food of choice for the seasoned traitor.
Taco.png Taco Microwave 1 Dough Slice, 1 Cutlet, 1 Cheese Wedge Take a bite!
Enchi.png Enchiladas Microwave 1 Cutlet, 2 Chili, 1 Corn Viva La Mexico!
Monkeydel.png Monkey's Delight Microwave 1 Monkey Cube, 1 Banana, 10u Flour, 1u Salt, 1u Pepper Eeee Eee!
Clownstears.png Clown's Tears Microwave 10u Water, 1 Banana, 1 Bananium Ore Not very funny.
Fishandchips.png Fish & Chips Microwave 1 Fries, 1 Carp Meat I do say so myself chap.
Stuffing.png Stuffing Microwave 1 Bread, 1u Salt, 1u Pepper, 5u Water Moist, peppery breadcrumbs for filling the body cavities of dead birds. Dig in!
Tofurkey.png Tofurkey Microwave 2 Tofu, 1 Stuffing A fake turkey made from tofu.
Pretzel.png Poppy Pretzel. Microwave 1 Poppy Seed, 1 Dough It's all twisted up!
Candiedapple.png Candied Apple Microwave 5u Water, 5u Sugar, 1 Apple An apple coated in sugary sweetness.
Mint.png Mint Microwave 5u Sugar, 5u Frost Oil (or 5u Toxin) Minty fresh! It is only wafer thin.
Beans.png Beans Microwave 2 Soybean, 5u Ketchup Musical fruit in a slightly less musical container.
Benedict.png Benedict Microwave 1 Fried Egg, 1 Meat Steak, 1 Bread Slice There is only one egg on this, how rude.
Meatbun.png Meat Bun Microwave 1 Meatball, 1 Cabbage, 1 Dough, 5u Soy Sauce Has the potential to not be dog.
Icecreamsandwich.png Ice Cream Sandwich Microwave 1 Ice Cream, 5u Ice, 5u Cream Portable Ice-cream in it's own packaging.
Friedbanana.png Fried Banana Microwave 1 Banana, 10u Sugar, 5u Corn Oil, 1 Dough. Goreng Pisang, also known as fried bananas.
Spiderlegcooked.png Boiled Spider Leg Microwave 1 Spider Leg, 10u Water A giant spider's leg that's still twitching after being cooked. Gross!
Spidereggsandham.png Spider Eggs 'n' Ham Microwave 1 Spider Egg, 1 Spider Meat, 1u Salt Would you eat them on a train? Would you eat them on a plane? Would you eat them on a state of the art corporate deathtrap floating through space?
Sashimi.png Sashimi Microwave 1 Spider Egg, 1 Carp Meat, 5u Soy Sauce Celebrate surviving attack from hostile alien lifeforms by hospitalising yourself.
Boiledshrimp.png Boiled Shrimp Microwave 1 Shrimp, 5u Water Just one of the many things you can do with shrimp!
Wrap.png Wrap Microwave 1 Fried Egg, 1 Cabbage, 10u Soy Sauce The precursor to Pigs in a Blanket.
Herbsalad.png Herb Salad Microwave 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris Branch, 1 Apple A tasty salad with apples on top. Poisonous.
Aesirsalad.png Aesir Salad Microwave 3 Ambrosia Deus Branch, 1 Golden Apple Probably too incredible for mortal men to fully enjoy.
Validsalad.png Valid Salad Microwave 3 Ambrosia Vulgaris Branch, 1 Potato, 1 Meatball It's just an herb salad with meatballs and fried potato slices. Nothing suspicious about it. Poisonous.

Oven Recipes

Image Result Recipe Description/Notes
Bun.png Bun Bake 1 Dough The base for any self-respecting burger.
Bread.png Bread Bake 1 Dough, 1 Egg Sliceable. Some plain old Earthen bread.
Meatbread.png Meatbread Bake 3 Meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedges Sliceable. The culinary base of every self-respecting eloquent gentleman.
Meatbread.png Synthibread Bake 3 Synthetic Meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedges Sliceable. The culinary base of every self-respecting eloquent gentleman.
Tofubread.png Tofu-Bread Bake 3 Tofu, 3 Cheese Wedges, 3 Dough Sliceable. Like meatbread but for vegetarians. Not guaranteed to give superpowers.
Xbread.png Xeno-bread Bake 3 Xeno-meat, 3 Dough, 3 Cheese Wedges Sliceable. The culinary base of every self-respecting eloquent gentleman. Extra Heretical.
Bananabread.png Banana-nut Bread Bake 3 Dough, 5u Milk, 15u Sugar 1 Banana Sliceable. A heavenly and filling treat.
Creambread.png Cream Cheese Bread Bake 2 Dough, 2 Cheese Wedges. Sliceable. Yum yum yum!
Margheritapizza.png Margherita Pizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 4 Cheese Wedges, 1 Tomato Sliceable. The golden standard of pizzas.
Macaronipizza.png Macaroni Cheese Pizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 2 Cheese Wedges, 1 Macaroni Cheese Sliceable. Has yet to be classified as 'pizza'.
Файл:Hawiianpizza.png Hawaiian Pizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato, 1 Meat, 2 Pineapple slices Sliceable. The pizza to divide us.
Mushroompizza.png Mushroom Pizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 5 any Mushrooms, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato Sliceable. Very special pizza.
Meatpizza.png Meat Pizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 3 Meat, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato Sliceable. A pizza with meat topping.
Meatpizza.png Syntipizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 3 Synthmeat, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Tomato Sliceable. A pizza with meat topping.
Vegepizza.png Vegetable Pizza Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Cheese Wedge, 1 Eggplant, 1 Carrot, 1 Corn, 1 Tomato Sliceable. No one of Tomato Sapiens were harmed during making this pizza.
Bakedpotato.png Loaded Baked Potato Bake 1 Potato, 1 Cheese Wedge Totally baked.
Muffins.png Muffins Bake 1 Dough, 5u Milk, 5u Sugar A delicious and spongy little cake.
Baguette.png Baguette Bake 2 Dough, 1u Salt, 1u Pepper Bon appetit!
Flatbread.png Flatbread Bake 1 Flat Dough Bland but filling.
Cracker.png Cracker Bake 1 Dough Slice, 1u Salt It's a salted cracker.
Pie.png Banana Cream Pie Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Banana, 5u Sugar Just like back home, on clown planet! HONK!
Berryclafoutis.png Berry Clafoutis Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Berry No black birds, this is a good sign.
Meatpies.png Meatpies Bake 1 Meat, 1 Flat Dough Made of people, or not?
Meatpies.png Tofu Pie Bake 1 Tofu, 1 Flat Dough An old barber recipe, very delicious!
Xpie.png Xeno-pie Bake 1 Xeno-meat, 1 Flat Dough A delicious meatpie. Probably heretical.
Applepie.png Apple Pie Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Apple A pie containing sweet sweet love... or apple.
Gappletart.png Apple Tart Bake 10u Flour, 1 Egg, 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 1 Golden Apple A tasty dessert that won't make it through a metal detector.
Cherrypie.png Cherry Pie Bake 1 Flat Dough, 10u Sugar, 1 Cherries Taste so good, make a grown man cry.
Pumpkinpie.png Pumpkin Pie Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Pumpkin, 5u Milk, 5u Sugar A delicious treat for the autumn months.
Turkey.png Turkey Bake 4 Meat, 2 Stuffing A traditional turkey served with stuffing.
Amapie.png Amanita Pie Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Amanita Sweet and tasty poison pie.
Plumppie.png Plump Pie Bake 1 Flat Dough, 1 Plump Helmet I bet you love stuff made out of plump helmets!
Regularcake.png Regular Cake Bake 3 Dough, 15u Sugar, 5u Milk. Sliceable. A plain cake, not a lie.
Carrotcake.png Carrot Cake Bake 3 Dough, 15u Sugar, 5u Milk, 3 Carrot Sliceable. A favorite desert of a certain wascally wabbit. Not a lie.
Cheesecake.png Cheese Cake Bake 3 Dough, 15u Sugar, 5u Milk, 2 Cheese Wedges Sliceable. DANGEROUSLY cheesy.
Orangecake.png Orange Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Milk, 2 Oranges Sliceable. A cake with added orange.
Limecake.png Lime Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Milk, 2 Limes Sliceable. A cake with added lime.
Lemoncake.png Lemon Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Milk, 2 Lemons Sliceable. A cake with added lemon.
Choccake.png Chocolate Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Milk , 2 Chocolate Bar Sliceable. A cake with added chocolate
Birthday.png Birthday Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Sugar, 1 Cake Hat, 5u Milk Sliceable. Happy Birthday...
Applecake.png Apple Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 2 Apple Sliceable. A cake centred with apple.
Braincake.png Brain Cake Bake 3 Dough, 5u Milk, 1 Brain Sliceable. A squishy cake-thing. WARNING - Contains prions which cause Space Kuru! Brain cake has mannitol
Cookie.png Cookies Bake 1 Chocochips Unbaked Cookies COOKIES!!!
Fortunecookie.png Fortune Cookie Bake 1 Dough Slice, 5u Sugar, 1 Piece of Paper with Prophecy A true prophecy in each cookie!
Sugarcookie.png Sugar Cookie Bake 1 Unbaked Cookies Just like your little sister used to make.
Phelmbiscuit.png Plump Helmet Biscuit Bake 1 Plump Helmet, 5u Water, 5u Flour This is a finely-prepared plump helmet biscuit. The ingredients are exceptionally minced plump helmet, and well-minced dwarven wheat flour.
Lasagna.png Lasagna Bake 1 Dough, 2 Tomatoes, 2 Meat, 3 Cheese Wedges Tajara love to eat this, for some reason.

Candy Maker Recipes

Image Result Recipe Description/Notes
Chocolatebar.png Chocolate Bar Mix 2u Milk (or Soy Milk), 2u Coco Powder, 2u Sugar Such sweet, fattening food.
Fudge.png Fudge Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 1 Chocolate Bar Chocolate fudge, a timeless classic treat.
Fudgepeanut.png Peanut Fudge Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 1 Chocolate Bar, 3 Peanuts Chocolate fudge, with bits of peanuts mixed in. People with nut allergies shouldn't eat this.
Fudgecherry.png Cherry Fudge Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 1 Chocolate Bar, 3 Cherries Chocolate fudge surrounding sweet cherries. Good for tricking kids into eating some fruit.
Fudgecream.png Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 5u Cream, 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Cookie An extra creamy fudge with bits of real chocolate cookie mixed in. Crunchy!
Fudgeturtle.png Turtle Fudge Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Milk, 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Caramel, 1 Peanut Chocolate fudge with caramel and nuts. It doesn't contain real turtles, thankfully.
Caramel.png Caramel Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Cream Chewy and dense, yet it practically melts in your mouth!
Nougat.png Nougat Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Corn Oil, 1 Egg A soft, chewy candy commonly found in candy bars.
Toffee.png Toffee Mix 5u Sugar, 10u Flour A hard, brittle candy with a distinctive taste.
Taffy.png Taffy Mix 15u Saline-Glucose Solution Old fashioned salt water taffy. Chewy!
Candy.png Candy Bar Mix 5u Sugar, 1 Chocolate Bar A chocolate candy bar, wrapped in a bit of foil.
CottonCandy.png Cotton Candy Mix 15u Sugar, 1 Cardboard Tube Light and fluffy, it's like eating a cloud made from sugar!
Файл:CottonCandyFlavor.png Flavored Cotton Candy Mix 1 Cotton Candy, 5u Any Juice or 5u Cherry Jelly Light and fluffy, it's like eating a cloud made from sugar!
CottonCandyRainbow.png Rainbow Cotton Candy Mix 1 Red Cotton Candy, 1 Blue Cotton Candy, 1 Green Cotton Candy, 1 Yellow Cotton Candy, 1 Orange Cotton Candy, 1 Purple, 1 Pink Cotton Candy Light and fluffy, it's like eating a cloud made from sugar!
CottonCandyRainbow.png Bad Rainbow Cotton Candy Mix 1 Red Cotton Candy, 1 Poison Cotton Candy, 1 Green Cotton Candy, 1 Yellow Cotton Candy, 1 Orange Cotton Candy, 1 Purple, 1 Pink Cotton Candy Light and fluffy, it's like eating a cloud made from sugar!
GummyBear.png Gummy Bear Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Water, 5u Corn Oil, 1 Gummy Bear Mould A small edible bear. It's squishy and chewy!
GummyBearflavored.png Flavored Gummy Bear Mix 1 Gummy Bear, 5u Any Juice or 5u Cherry Jelly Description varies.
GummyWorm.png Gummy Worm Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Water, 5u Corn Oil, 1 Gummy Worm Mould An edible worm, made from gelatin.
GummyWormflavored.png Flavored Gummy Worm Mix 1 Gummy Worm, 5u Any Juice or 5u Cherry Jelly Description varies.
Jellybean.png Jelly Bean Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Water, 5u Corn Oil, 1 Gummy Bean Mould A candy bean, guaranteed to not give you gas.
Jellybeanflavored.png Flavored Jelly Bean Mix 1 Jelly Bean, 5u Any Juice or 5u Cherry Jelly Description varies.
Jawbreaker.png Jaw Breaker Mix 10 Sugar, 5 Corn Oil, 1 Ball Mould An unbelievably hard candy. The name is fitting.
Candycane.png Candy Cane Mix 5u Sugar, 1 Mint, 1 Cane Mould A festive mint candy cane.
Gum.png Gum Mix 5u Sugar, 5u Water, 5u Corn Oil Chewy!
Cashchocolate.png Chocolate Cash Mix 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Cash Mould Not legal tender. Tasty though.
Coinchocolate.png Chocolate Coin Mix 1 Chocolate Bar, 1 Coin Mould Probably won't work in the vending machines.
Sucker.png Lolipop/Sucker Mix 10u Sugar, 5u Corn Oil, 1 Lolipop Mould For being such a good sport!
Malper.png Malper Bar Mix 1 Candy Bar, 1 Caramel A chocolate syringe filled with a caramel injection. Just what the doctor ordered!
Toolerone.png Tool-erone Bar Mix 1 Candy Bar, 1 Nougat Chocolate-covered nougat, shaped like a wrench. Great for an engineer on the go!
Tumbaton.png Yum-baton Bar Mix 1 Candy Bar, 1 Toffee Chocolate and toffee in the shape of a baton. Security sure knows how to pound these down!
Crunch.png Asteroid Crunch Bar Mix 1 Candy Bar, 5u Rice Crunchy rice deposits in delicious chocolate! A favourite of miners galaxy-wide.
Toxinstest.png Toxins Test Bar Mix 1 Candy Bar, 1 Caramel, 1 Nougat An explosive combination of chocolate, caramel, and nougat. Research has never been so tasty!

Crafting Recipes

To properly prepare the following recipes, you will need to use the crafting system. Simply collect all the ingredients needed on a table or closeby, then click the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen to open the crafting window. Assuming you have the necessary ingredients, the recipe should be an option in this window. Any reagents required by the recipes will need to be in a reagent container such as a beaker, bucket, or glass, and do not need to be in separate containers.

Note: These are all alternate recipes; you can still find these same recipes in machine form, above.

Image Result Ingredients Description/Notes
Jellyburger.png Slime Burger 5u Slime Jelly, 1 Bun Culinary delight..? Slimy!
Jellyburger.png Jelly Burger 5u Cherry Jelly, 1 Bun Culinary delight..?
Sandwich.png Sandwich 2 Bread Slice, 1 Meat Steak, 1 Cheese Wedge A grand creation of meat, cheese, bread, and several leaves of lettuce! Arthur Dent would be proud.
Jellysandwich.png Slime Sandwich 2 Bread Slice, 5u Slime Jelly You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this... Slimy!
Jellysandwich.png Jelly Sandwich 2 Bread Slice, 5u Cherry Jelly You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this...
Notasandwich.png Not a Sandwich 2 Bread Slice, 1 Fake Mustache Something seems to be wrong with this, you can't quite figure what. Maybe it's his moustache.
EbiSushi.png Ebi Sushi 1 Cooked Shrimp, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of cooked shrimp and rice.
IkuraSushi.png Ikura Sushi 1 Salmon Eggs, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of salmon roe.
InariSushi.png Inari Sushi 1 Fried Tofu, 1 Boiled Rice A piece of fried tofu stuffed with rice.
SakeSushi.png Sake Sushi 1 Salmon Filet, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of raw salmon and rice.
SmokedSalmonSushi.png Smoked Salmon Sushi 1 Salmon Steak, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of cooked salmon and rice.
MasagoSushi.png Masago Sushi 1 Goldfish Eggs, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of goldfish roe.
MasagoSushi.png Tobiko Sushi 1 Shark Eggs, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of shark roe.
TobikoEggSushi.png Tobiko and Egg Sushi 1 Tobiko Sushi, 1 Egg A sushi consisting of shark roe and an egg.
TaiSushi.png Tai Sushi 1 Catfish Meat, 1 Boiled Rice A simple sushi consisting of catfish and rice.

Deep Fryer Recipes

A deep fryer is a magical machine capable of making even the healthiest snack irreversibly more fattening. The deep fryer can accept ANY food item and will create a deep-fried version of most foods. Attempting to deep-fry a food that has already been deep-fried, however, will ruin the food beyond recognition and might even start a fire!

Some foods, however, have special interactions with the deep-fryer, using it to transform into an entirely new food instead of a deep-fried version of itself. The resulting food is not considered as having been deep-fried, so you can safely deep-fry it a second time (though beyond that will burn it as normal).

Image Result Ingredients Description/Notes
Chimichanga.png Chimichanga Deep-fry Burrito Time to eat a chimi-f***ing-changa.
Chips.png Corn Chips Deep-fry Corn Goes great with salsa! OLE!
Friedbanana.png Fried Banana Deep-fry Banana Goreng Pisang, also known as fried bananas.
FriedShrimp.png Fried Shrimp Deep-fry Shrimp Just one of the many things you can do with shrimp!
Tofu.png Fried Tofu Deep-fry Tofu Proof that even vegetarians crave unhealthy foods.
Chips.png Potato Chips Deep-fry Raw Potato Sticks Commander Riker's What-The-Crisps.
Fries.png Fries Deep-fry potato wedge. AKA: French Fries, Freedom Fries, etc.


  • Vitamins restore blood should it be below the normal threshold, and heals brute and burn damage.
  • Sugar can reduce paralysis, stun, and weakness and can produce epinephrine. If overdosed, it causes jitteriness.
  • Capsaicin oil removes frost oil and warms up the body. It works the other way around as well.
  • Condensed Capsaicin can be used for pepper sprays.
  • Overdosing salt can result in brain damage.
  • Hot chocolate and hot ramen warm up the body should it be cold.
  • Sprinkles heal brute and burnt damage on security jobs.
  • Eggs and beans can make you fart.
  • Honey heals brute and burnt damages.
  • Concentrated Onion Juice can blind people.
  • Mugwort heals all four damage types on wizards.
  • Porktonium, if overdosed, produces cholesterol, radium, and cyanide.